

单词 comrade
释义 comrade|ˈkɒmrəd|
Forms: α. 6–7 camerade, (6 -erard), 7 camrade, 7–8 camarade; β. 6 commorade, 6–8 comerade; γ. 6–7 cumrade, 7– comrade.
[The 16–17th c. form camerade, camarade was a. F. camarade, camerade (Cotgr.), 16th c. ad. Sp. camarada, originally ‘chamberful’, thence ‘chamber-mate’: see comrado, the representative of the Sp. form. The series commorade, comerade, comrade, represent a mixture of the types taken from Fr. and Sp. respectively. Cameˈrade, camˈrade were originally stressed on -ade; the dissyllabic comˈrade, with same stress, occurs in Shakes. and Milton; but Shakes. has also ˈcomrade. Walker and other early 19th c. orthoepists have (ˈkʌmreɪd), corresponding to the 16–17th c. spelling cumrade; and some recent Dictionaries give it beside the current form.]
a. orig. One who shares the same room, a chamber-fellow, ‘chum’; esp. among soldiers, a tent-fellow, fellow-soldier (also comrade-in-arms); hence gen., an associate in friendship, occupation, fortunes, etc., a close companion, mate, fellow.
α1591Garrard Art Warre 13 A Souldier in Campe must make choise of two or three or more Camerades.1592Greene Upst. Courtier in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) II. 247 His camerard that bare him companie was a iollie light timberd iacke a napes.1636James Iter Lanc. (Chetham Soc.) 76 marg., With such camarades..all our auncient wars were fought.c1645Howell Lett. 19 Mar. (1621), I have now made choice to go over Camerade to a very worthy Gentleman, Baron Althams son.1656Blount Glossogr., Camerade, a tent, chamber, or cabin-fellow.1673O. Walker Educ. (1677) 37 Young men..when amongst their camerades.1682N. O. Boileau's Lutrin iii. 24 Night curst her Eyes to see the Camrades march.1708–21Kersey, Camarade or Comrade.1725Bailey Erasm. Colloq. 230 To see my old Camarades.
β1593Tell-Troth's N.Y. Gift 17 Touching their commorades.1599Harington Nugæ Ant. 33, I was comerade to the Earl of Kildare, and slept both on one pillow.1599Minsheu, Camaráda, a comerade or cabbin-mate souldier.1702W. J. Bruyn's Voy. Levant iii. 9 This daunted my Comerades.1719De Foe Crusoe (1840) I. iii. 53 Reflecting upon all my comerades that were drown'd.
γ1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, iv. i. 96 The..Mad-Cap, Prince of Wales, and his Cumrades, that daft the World aside.1601Weever Mirr. Mar. A vj, No meane Cumrades, no base associates.1605Shakes. Lear ii. iv. 213 To be a Comrade with the Wolfe, and Owle.1627Capt. Smith Seaman's Gram. ix. 38 Care would bee had that there be not two Comrades [1626 Accid. comorados] vpon one watch because they may haue the more roome in their Cabbins to rest.1671Milton Samson 1162 The slaves and asses, thy comrades.1678–96Phillips, Comrade, the same as Camerade [omitted from 1706 and Kersey].1697W. Dampier Voy. (1698) I. xii. 328 A Comrade is a familiar male-friend.1791Cowper Iliad iv. 133 His comrades bold Screening him close with shields.1814Scott Ld. of Isles v. xiv, His comrade's face each warrior saw.1848Kelly tr. L. Blanc's Hist. Ten Y. II. 293 The place of his old comrade in arms.
b. Less commonly said of women.
1863M. Howitt F. Bremer's Greece II. xiii. 72 The merry vintage-women received their foreign comrade kindly.1884M. E. Braddon Ishmael xxxix, She had clung to her comrade in misfortune.
c. transf. and fig.
c1645Howell Lett. (1650) II. 120 Extravagant desires..which are but od Comerades.1885Clodd Myths & Dr. i. iii. 48 In many myths the lightning is no comrade of the thunder, but its foe.
d. Applied to a ship: A consort.
1720De Foe Capt. Singleton xiii. (1840) 225 As for our..comrade, her complement of men was a hundred and eighty.1748Anson's Voy. ii. xii. 265 The other two squadrons..were calm spectators of the rout of their comrades.
e. attrib.
1762Falconer Shipwr. ii. 199 The yards again ascend each comrade mast.1856Kane Arct. Expl. II. xviii. 187 Engaged in preparing the Red Eric as a comrade boat.1874Knight Dict. Mech., Comrade-battery, one of a pair of joint batteries.
f. Used by socialists and communists as a prefix to the surname, to avoid such titles as ‘Mr.’ Hence, a (fellow-) socialist or communist.
1884Justice 13 Sept. 7/1 A meeting was held..on Sunday last by Comrades Kelly and Maguire... Comrade Maguire spoke at some length on the ‘Aims of Socialism’.1885Ibid. 25 July 3/2 Our comrade pointed out how the land was one of the means by which the labour of the workers was exploited by an idle class.1887Commonweal 12 Feb. 56/1 We held an outdoor meeting on Sunday morning on Mitcham Fair Green. Comrade Kitz and other Merton comrades assisted.1918C. E. Russell Unchained Russia iii. 95, I was projected from sleep by the voice of our assistant train manager, raised in vehement protest: ‘Niet, tavarisch, niet! Niet!’ That is to say, ‘Comrade’. After the Revolution everybody in Russia was ‘tavarisch’.1920Hard Raymond Robins' Own Story 58 ‘Yes’ said Trotzky, ‘I'll make the order’. He made it. It began: To Comrades Podvoisky, Krylenko and Elizarov.1928Illustr. Hist. Russian Rev. I. 189 Two comrades, Lashevitch and Kurayev, spoke to the soldiers.1939R. Campbell Flowering Rifle i. 14 And every Babbit is a foxes' hole From which a scrawny ‘comrade’ snarls for dole!1965C. D. Eby Siege of Alcázar (1966) iii. 83 Comrade Gómez was conducted to the local bar so that he could be treated to a coñac.
Hence ˈcomrade v., (a) nonce-use (see quot. 1602); (b) intr. to associate with, as a comrade.
1602Dekker Satirom. Wks. 1873 I. 230 T. I cannot my mad cumrade..Sir V. Cumrade? By Sesu, call me cumrade againe and ile cumrade ye about the sinnes and shoulders.1865M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 340 Comrading with him, Wolf..fell into bad habits.1877N.W. Lincolnsh. Gloss. s.v., She's nivver within doors, alust comrading about somewhere.

Add:g. S. Afr. Also with capital initial. A young, Black, left-wing political activist; hence, any more or less politically motivated township youth, esp. one involved in civil disorder. Usu. in pl.
1979E. Joubert in Fair Lady 9 May 120 The children who called themselves the Comrades..forced the children out to the meetings.1980C. Hermer Diary M. Tholo 101 The comrades have stopped the children entering the schools even if there are no lessons.1985Eastern Province Herald (S. Afr.) 9 Oct. 2/3 Two African women,..accused by youths who called themselves ‘comrades’ with having had relationships with black policemen, were burnt to death in an open lot.1986Listener 3 July 5/3 The vigilantes emerged..because black township residents were sick and tired of the rule of the militant young ‘Comrades’.1987Sunday Tel. 28 June 9/5 Comrades are the young blacks trying to drive ‘collaborators’ and ‘informers’ out of the townships which they wanted to turn into ‘no-go’ areas for police and soldiers.




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