

单词 slide-
释义 slide-
the verbal stem or the n. in combs. (sometimes not hyphened): a. With names of apparatus, implements, parts of machines, etc., characterized by a sliding action, as slide-bar, slide-block, slide-bolt, slide-car, slide cornet, slide trombone, slide trumpet, slide whistle, etc. slide fastener chiefly U.S., a zip-fastener; slide-wire Electr., a resistance wire along which a contact slides in a Wheatstone bridge or similar device.
For technical descriptions of some of these, and of two or three others, see Knight Dict. Mech.
c1886Kipling Railway Folk 63 A *slide bar about red hot.
1869Rankine Machine & Hand-tools Pl. F 9, An inclined groove is formed in the tup, in which a *slide block is fitted.
1841Browning Pippa Passes 225 Push the lattice..; of course The *slide-bolt catches.
1763Museum Rust. I. 94 These loads are carried in baskets fixed on *slide-cars.1861–2Ulster Jrnl. Archæol. IX. 145 Some time after..what were called slide-cars were used, that is, carts without wheels.
1844H. Stephens Bk. Farm II. 291 The *slide-clutch, with a slide-rib, being now placed on the shaft.
1926Whiteman & McBride Jazz ix. 206 The jazz band has introduced some little known instruments such as..the *slide cornet and the czimbalon.1946Mezzrow & Wolfe Really Blues (1957) i. 12 He showed up in the band room with a slide cornet.
1853Ure Dict. Arts I. 228, g is the charcoal-meter, with a *slide door.1879Stevenson Ess. Trav., Amateur Emigrant (1905) 23 Through the open slide-door we had a glimpse of a grey night sea.
1875Martin Winding Mach. 84 It is of very great importance not to multiply..such things as slide-valves and *slide-faces.
1934Newsweek 21 July 29/2 The Prince of Wales uses a *slide fastener on his trousers.1944Sun (Baltimore) 16 Sept. 7/4 The B. F. Goodrich Company announced today development of a ‘zipped lip’ construction that makes a metal slide fastener watertight and airtight.1971N. Marsh Tied up in Tinsel vi. 135 ‘Let's have a look at the robe.’.. A slide fastener ran right down the back.
1844H. Stephens Bk. Farm II. 293 A *slide-frame in which two leading pulleys, mounted in a case, are fitted to slide in the vertical direction.
1874J. W. Long Amer. Wild-fowl. vi. 106 The draught is regulated commonly by *slide-gates, but various methods may be employed.
1884F. J. Britten Watch & Clockm. 241 [The] *Slide Guage..[is] a measuring instrument consisting of one fixed and one sliding jaw.
1869Rankine Machinery & Millwork 571 In this machine the tool-holder..slides vertically in a guiding groove in the *slide-head.
1881Raymond Mining Gloss., *Slide-joint, a connection acting in rod-boring, like the jars in rope-boring.
1885C. G. W. Lock Workshop Rec. Ser. iv. 239/2 There are two kinds of plough in use..termed respectively ‘bolt knife’ and ‘*slide knife’.
1833Holland Manuf. Metal II. 142 An ingenious contrivance, known as the *slide-lathe.1846Holtzapffel Turning II. 528 The slide-lathe, and..the planing-machine and many other most invaluable tools.
1791Selby Bridge Act 34 The *slide leaf or leaves of the said bridge.
1846Holtzapffel Turning II. 634 The back-stay is fixed to the *slide plate.1844*Slide-rib [see slide-clutch].
1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 446, h, the *slide rod, on which the knife f is fixed.1876Preece & Sivewright Telegraphy 172 The slide rod being removed, the iron pole is fixed in its place.
1846Holtzapffel Turning II. 633 The nut of the *slide screw..is made with two tails.
1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 324 For turning faces of wheels, hollow work, &c. where great accuracy is wanted, Mr. Maudslay has contrived a curious apparatus, which he calls a *slide-tool.
1891C. R. Day Descr. Catal. Musical Instruments, R. Military Exhib. x. 180 *Slide trombone... In this instrument, as should always be the case, the taper of the bell is carried right through the tuning slides.1934Hound & Horn July–Sept. 595 The harpsichord seems a very complicated instrument to compare alongside the single-noted valve trumpet, or a slide trombone.1977‘E. Crispin’ Glimpses of Moon xiii. 269 How we could brighten our Church Fêtes up, short of breaking all the Ten Commandments simultaneously to a fanfare of slide-trombones.
1885G. B. Shaw in Mag. of Music II. 112/1 These *slide trumpets are not the instruments Bach wrote for.1888Encycl. Brit. XXIII. 594/1 The slide trumpet is mentioned by T. E. Altenburg [1795], who compares it, and with reason, to the alto trombone.Ibid., The slide trumpet is still used in England in a somewhat modified form.
1939Sears, Roebuck Catal. Fall–Winter 914/3 *Slide whistle. Professional model... Has full chromatic scale of two octaves.1976Gramophone Feb. 1355/2 The flight grows slower to reveal gentle tones of slide-whistles, zither and harp.
1885J. Dredge Electric Illumination II. i. 53 The *Slide-Wire, or Metre Bridge..is a modification of the bridge due to Kirchoff, and is especially useful for the measurement of low resistances.1922Glazebrook Dict. Appl. Physics II. 714/2 The first bridge to employ a slide wire was devised by Fleeming Jenkin in 1862 and was used to intercompare the standard coils made for the British Association Committee on Electrical Standards.1964Oceanogr. & Marine Biol. II. 359 The depth element is a Bourdon tube coupled to a slide-wire potentiometer.1969A. Brodgesell in B. G. Lipták Instrument Engineers' Handbk. I. ix. 942 Potentiometric displacement sensors consist of a slide wire and wiper. The slide wire is powered by a constant voltage representing full scale travel.
b. Denoting something along which objects may slide or be slid, as slide-ladder, slide-way.
1793Smeaton Edystone L. §226 The slide-ladder, which was very strongly lashed down to eye-bolts.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 12 The slide-ladder used by brewers in loading and unloading their carts.1856Olmsted Slave States 550 The boat came to the shore at the foot of a plank slide-way.1883Scotsman 11 July 5/2 The ways were new, and made of oak and pine, with guide-battens on the inner edges of the slideways.
c. Misc., as slide-blowing adj.; slide carrier, slide-centerer, slide changer, slide-coupler, slide-maker, slide projector; slide-movement, slide-principle, slide show, slide viewer; slide-in adj.; slide area U.S., an area in which landslips or avalanches are likely to happen; slide-back Electronics, the alteration of the grid bias of a thermionic valve which is necessary to restore the anode current to zero after the application of a signal voltage to the grid; apparatus to measure this alteration, freq. as an indirect measure of the signal voltage; also slide-back voltmeter; slide guitar, a style of guitar-playing characterized by a glissando effect produced by moving an object along the strings; a guitar used for this; slide-rock, talus rock; slide-tape attrib. phr., involving photographic slides shown in a predetermined sequence to the accompaniment of a synchronized commentary recorded on magnetic tape.
In most of these slide- represents the n. in senses 5 and 7.
1959Sunday Times 7 June 16/6 The ‘*slide area’ itself is that part of the Californian coast which is physically slipping, dropping and sliding towards the sea.1970Wall St. Jrnl. (Eastern ed.) 19 May 1/4 The Kildares live in what is euphemistically called here a ‘slide area’.
1925Year-bk. Wireless Telegr. 847 When a control room is some distance from the transmitter it is usual to install a valve voltmeter with a *slideback which either measures the voltage across the output of the main amplifier or indicates when a certain voltage is exceeded.1931B.B.C. Year-bk. 1932 356 The ‘slide-back’..consisted of a valve or similar device so biassed that no indication occurred until there was present and superimposed upon the bias a voltage greater than, and opposing in phase, the biassing voltage.1938H. A. Brown Radio-Frequency Electr. Measurements (ed. 2) vi. 279 Peak, or slide-back, voltmeters are coming more and more into use.1948A. L. Albert Radio Fundamentals ix. 354 There is an error involved with this slide-back voltmeter, but with large signals..the error is small.1965Wireless World July 19 (Advt.), Slide-back measurement of time and amplitude by means of directly-calibrated shift controls.
1890Bauerman Metallurgy Iron 178 The so-called *slide-blowing engines, where the flap valves are replaced by a slide similar to that used in steam engines.
1953A. Pearlman Rollei Manual xxiii. 357 Sticky exudations may foul the *slide carrier of the projector.1971Sci. Amer. Sept. 224/2 An adequate beam can be formed by making a pinhole aperture in the slide carrier of a 35-millimeter projector.
1895G. E. Davis Pract. Micros. (ed. 3) 376 In mounting objects, a *slide-centerer should be employed.
1959IRE Trans. Mil. Electronics III. 97/1 Like a projection *slide changer, we can observe one slide while discarding the slide already observed and replacing it with a new one.1962Which? Mar. 69/1 We did not test fully automatic projectors, but 6 had semi-automatic slide changers built in.
1881C. A. Edwards Organs 109 In this instrument is an arrangement called the ‘*Slide Coupler’.
1968P. Oliver Screening Blues i. 35 Another..version was recorded in 1937 by Black Ace (B. K. Turner) who accompanied himself with brilliant *slide guitar playing.1969Rolling Stone 22 Apr. 16/5 W. C. Handy first heard the blues and a slide guitar in 1903 when he happened upon an itinerant black musician in..Mississippi.1976Morecambe Guardian 7 Dec. 23/2 And inevitably those ubiquitous sessioners, Klaus Voorman (bass)..and Jesse Ed Davies (slide guitar), have played a major part.1977McKnight & Tobler Bob Marley ix. 111 The Wailers version is decorated by an ethereal slide guitar solo.1987Washington Post 1 Mar. f6/4 Olney also turns in some burning, bluesy slide guitar.
1973G. Davey Fun with Hi-Fi v. 35 The BSR MacDonald playing deck which I use has *slide-in facilities for fitting the cartridge of one's choice.1977Gramophone Apr. 1629/2 The head⁓shell has a slide-in cartridge carrier.
1889Anthony's Photogr. Bulletin II. 356, I would suggest to *slide-makers a more extended use for their work.
1846Holtzapffel Turning II. 471 The employment of the two, or the three *slide movements, to which method Mr. Nasmyth has judiciously applied the term ‘Slide Principle’.
1846*Slide principle [see slide movement above].
1956E. S. Bomback Retina Manual xxi. 222 (caption) The Leitz Prado 150-watt *slide projector.1979P. Niesewand Member of Club ii. 17 Two slide projectors were being positioned... ‘Remember, when the lights go out, we'll be showing some slides.’
1901Yearbk. U.S. Dept. Agric. 1900 195 In the mountains we often find the hillside slopes covered with broken rock of various sizes. This we call *slide rock.1974Flint & Skinner Physical Geol. vii. 121/2 Weathering converts the sliderock into fine-grained regolith which, with its pores of extremely small diameter, can hold much more moisture than sliderock and thus acquire both vegetation and soil.
1956E. S. Bomback Retina Manual xxi. 222 The color *slide show has quite a lot in common with the motion picture film.1978Peace News 25 Aug. 18/3 On their last visit to Britain four years ago they did a slide show and a question and answer session.
1971Publishers' Weekly 22 Mar. 20/2 The final part of the program..consisted of a *slide-tape commentary.1977J. Hedgecoe Photographer's Handbk. 305 Sound for slide-tape presentations can be prepared from studio recordings using a microphone direct.
1960Which? Oct. 228/2 *A slide viewer should give a good optical performance.




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