

单词 commoderation
释义 commodeˈration Obs.
[f. as prec.: cf. moderation.]
1. The due adjustment and proportioning (of things) to each other, or to any function or use.
1541R. Copland Galyen's Terapeutyke 2 E j b, In Symmetrye, that is to say, that in competence and commoderacyon of smal conduites lyeth and consisteth the helth.1578Banister Hist. Man iv. 49 So exacte therfore is the makyng therof, and with such commoderation is it measured.Ibid. v. 64 The commoderation of aerye, and fiery substaunce.1650Bulwer Anthropomet. xvii. 172 In all parts there is..a certain commoderation of the quantity of parts to the actions of them.1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 10 That which changeth the commoderation and consistency of the matter.
2. The taking of a moderate or middle course.
1607Schol. Disc. agst. Antichr. i. ii. 67 A shewe of inclination to poperie and of commoderation with it.




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