

单词 colander
释义 I. colander, cullender|ˈkʌləndə(r)|
Forms: 5 colonur, colyndore, 6 colendre, collandar, 6–7 colender, 7 collander, colinder, 7–8 -endar, 6– -ander. Also 6 cullyandre, -inder, 6–8 -ander, 8 -endar, 7– -ender.
[Akin to the equivalent med.L. cōlātōrium, f. cōlā-re, colāt-us to strain (see -orium). Cf. It. colatojo (= colatorio), F. couloir, couloire; also Sp. colador (:—L. cōlātōr-em). The form of the Eng. word appears to be due to some perversion; but its exact history is obscure.]
1. A vessel, usually of metal, closely perforated at the bottom with small holes, and used as a sieve or strainer in cookery.
αc1450Cookery Bks. 113 Bray hit..drawe it thorw a colonur.14..Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 574 Colatorium, a Colyndore.1530Palsgr. 207/1 Colendre to strayne with, covleresse.1626G. Sandys Ovid's Met. xii. 248 Like curds through wickar squeasd; or iuces crusht Through draining colendars.1672Evelyn Mem. (1857) II. 81 In the late war, his own ship was pierced like a colander.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. ii. 328 First an Osier Colendar provide Of Twigs thick wrought.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) II. 369 They carry water to a vessel which is full of holes in a similarly holey colander.
β1559Wills & Inv. N.C. (1835) 181 One cullyandre 1s.1589Fleming Georg. Virg. ii. 26 The cullinders or strayners of the presses [Georg. ii. 242 cola prelorum].1615Markham Eng. House-w. (1660) 80 Put them [oysters] into a Cullander, and let all the moysture run from them.1769Mrs. Raffald Eng. Housek. (1778) 11 Strain it through a cullendar.1796H. Glasse Cookery vi. 93 Take some crumbs of bread rubbed through a fine cullender.1853A. Soyer Pantroph. 261 Gridirons, cullenders, dripping-pans.
2. transf. and fig.
1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 223 (R.) Many men do let their fortunes run (as it were through a colander or strainer, wherein the worst stick and remaine in the way behind, whiles the better do passe and run out.1713Derham Phys. Theol. iv. 201 After it hath been strained through those curious Colanders, the Lacteal Veins.1839T. Hook Gurney Married 193 Do you suppose such a story could be shaken in a family colander without running through?
3. A similar vessel used in the casting of shot.
1875Ure Dict. Arts III. 79 The cullenders are hollow hemispheres of sheet-iron, about 10 inches in diameter, perforated with holes, which should be perfectly round and free from burs.1879G. Gladstone in Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 50/1 The perforated frames, or cullenders, through which the molten metal has to pass.
4. Comb.
1874Knight Dict. Mech., Colander-shovel, one of wire open-work, for shoveling salt crystals out of the evaporating-pan.
II. ˈcolander, ˈcullender, v.
[f. the n.]
1. trans. To pass through a colander, to strain. Also fig.
1887F. Caddy Thro' Fields w. Linnaeus I. 128 Why was there no Boswell at his elbow to colander his best for us?
2. To perforate with a number of holes, to riddle.
1715tr. Pancirollus' Rerum Mem. I. iv. ii. 148 They wore Linen Stockings, cullender'd, as it were, with Holes at bottom.1862Life Sir R. Wilson I. ii. 77 Three dropped quite colandered with balls.
III. colander
var. of coliander Obs., coriander.




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