

单词 coequal
释义 I. coequal, a. and n.|kəʊˈiːkwəl|
[f. co- 2 and 3 b + equal. Cf. L. coæquālis of equal age, companion in age, and F. coégal.]
A. adj.
1. Equal with ( to, unto) one another or others; of the same rank, power, importance, value, etc. (Usually of persons or their attributes.)
c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 1012 in Babees Bk. 186 Bishoppe Marques & erle coequalle.1549Bk. Com. Prayer, Athan. Creed, The whole three Persons be co⁓eternal together and co-equal.1557North tr. Gueuara's Diall 180 a/2 We are not coequal vnto them in vertue.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, v. i. 33 If once he come to be a Cardinall, Hee'l make his cap coequall with the Crowne.1699Pomfret Poems, On the General Conflagration (R.), Ineffable, coequal three.1875Lowell Poet. Wks. (1879) 458 Here were men (co-equal with their fate) Who did great things.1882Farrar Early Chr. I. 380 The co-eternal and co-equal Son.
2. Of the same age, coeval. Obs.
1607Schol. Disc. agst. Antichr. i. ii. 111 The highest mentioner of it is Vincentius Tibaritanus, co-equall with Cyprian.
3. Of equivalent extent, coextensive with.
1853G. Johnston Nat. Hist. E. Bord. I. 2 The district is almost coequal with the ancient bishopric of Lindisfarne.1876Freeman Norm. Conq. I. App. 544 These elements are not coequal with the original substance of the nation.
B. n.
1. One who is the equal of another.
1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 680 God calleth the shepheard that is smitten, his fellow or coequall.1657W. S. Schism Dispach't 162 A denial of Appeals to Coequals in Authority.a1864Landor Wks. (1868) II. 56/2 Conquerors of Time, heirs and coequals of Eternity.
2. One of the same age, a coeval. Obs.
1631Gouge God's Arrows v. §17. 429 Those warlike sports..were practiced by Cyrus when he was a youth, and by his coequals and play-fellowes.
II. coˈequal, v. Obs.
[f. the adj.]
1. trans. To be or become coequal with (another).
1599Nashe Lenten Stuffe (1871) 56 They cannot march cheek by jowl with her, or coequal her.1604–14S. Grahame in Farr S.P. Jas. I (1848) 26 That ill Coequals still The greatest ill in hell.
2. To make equal with (another).
1588J. Harvey Disc. Probleme i. 8 Rabbi Elias..lately coequalled in a manner with the very prophet Eliah himself.1602Warner Alb. Eng. ix. lii. (1612) 235 Gods Cou'nant with the Patriarchs and extending to their Seede, Vs Gentiles to coequall, is a Primate of our Creede.




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