

单词 coal-house
释义 ˈcoal-house
A building or covered-in place for storage of coal.
Bishop Bonner used the one belonging to his palace as a place of confinement during the Marian persecution (1553–58); whence many contemporary and historical allusions.
1555Philpot in Strype Eccl. Mem. III. App. xlix. 159 Synce I came to the bishops coalhowse, I have been six tymes in examination.1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 1875/1 Then was she caried into the Colehouse, and searched for Bookes.1654Trapp Comm. Job iii. 18 Martyrs, kept fast shut up in Lollards Tower, in the Bishop of Londons cole-house.1732–8Neal Hist. Purit. (1822) I. 93 Bonner..ordered him first into the stocks in his coal-house and from thence to Smithfield.1881Chicago Times 16 Apr., The company is constructing a depot building, coal houses, and tanks at Leaf River.




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