

单词 simplicity
释义 simplicity|sɪmˈplɪsɪtɪ|
Also 4 symplicite, 5–6 symplycyte, 6–7 simplicitie, 6 -tye.
[a. OF. simplicité (12th c.), or ad. L. simplicitāt-em, f. simplic-, simplex simple: see -ity.]
1. a. The state or quality of being simple in form, structure, etc.; absence of compositeness, complexity, or intricacy.
1374Chaucer Boeth. iv. pr. vi. (1868) 136 In so mochel as it is forþest fro þe mydel symplicite of þe poynt.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. i. xvi. (Add. MS. 27944), He is alwey impartabil & turneþ & ioyneþ creation to his symplicite.Ibid. xix. cxvi. (1495) 920 One in nombre and one in symplycyte.1587Golding De Mornay iii. 32 Then is it this first simplicitie which is the King.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. ii. x. §3 (1622) 304 His vncompounded simplicitie, is the true matter of his Vnitie.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. 191 There being in them no diversitie or difference, but a simplicity of parts, and equiformity in motion.1684T. Burnet Theory Earth i. 36 We are led..to conceive this great machine of the World..to have been once in a state of greater simplicity than now it is.1743Emerson Fluxions p. xii, The Easiness and Simplicity of this Method of Demonstration.1815J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art I. 324 In contriving machines, simplicity of parts should always be studied.1861J. R. Greene Man. Anim. Kingd., Cœlent. 73 It was once an ovum, whose extreme simplicity of structure might almost be said to verge upon homogeneity.1871T. R. Jones Anim. Kingd. (ed. 4) 443 The simplicity which the organ of hearing presents in this its earliest appearance.
b. A simple or easy task or duty.
1875Bedford Sailor's Pkt. Bk. v. (ed. 2) 167 A..ready knowledge of the many important simplicities of his calling.
c. spec. in Linguistics, used attrib. with reference to the use of simplicity or economy as a criterion for evaluating a grammatical theory or description, as simplicity criterion, simplicity metric, etc.
1953F. J. Whitfield tr. Hjelmslev's Prolegom. Theory Lang. 11 If..linguistic theory ends by constructing several possible methods of procedure.., that one shall be chosen that results in the simplest possible description... This principle, which is deduced from our so-called empirical principle, we call the simplicity principle.1962M. Halle in Word XVIII. 55, I shall..exhibit the manner in which, by mechanical application of the proposed simplicity measure, certain formulations are chosen from among several alternatives. The plausibility and intrinsic appeal of the descriptions so selected will provide the primary justification not only for the proposed simplicity criterion, but also for the theory of generative grammar, of which the criterion is an integral part.1968Glossa II. 128 (title) Two proposals concerning the simplicity metric in phonology.1976J. S. Gruber Lexical Structures in Syntax & Semantics ii. ii. 330 The simplicity criterion will be useful in determining which of the two alternate forms of a definition is to be chosen for the lexical entry.1977Canad. Jrnl. Linguistics Spring 2 Such constraints..entail a fundamental reassessment of current formulations of the simplicity metric.
2. a. Want of acuteness or sagacity; lack of ordinary knowledge or judgement; ignorance; rusticity.
1514Barclay Cyt. & Uplondyshm. (Percy Soc.) 25 Seest thou not playnly how they of the cyte Dayly dysceyveth our poore symplycyte.1579J. Northbrooke Dicing (1843) 66 If he had done it of ignorance, necessitie, and simplicitie, then shoulde not he have died.1613Purchas Pilgrimage v. xvii. (1614) 537 Columbus vsed the like simplicitie of the Jamaicans to his preseruation.1665Manley Grotius' Low C. Wars 138 By these Subtilties..he deluded the simplicity of such as were not very circumspect.1719De Foe Crusoe i. 198 This was really a whimsical Thought, and I reprov'd my self often for the Simplicity of it.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. (1815) 223 By the help of Humphry Clinker, who is a surprising compound of genius and simplicity.1836Thirlwall Greece III. 1 His grandfather..had incurred a nickname expressive of extreme simplicity.1842S. Lover Handy Andy i, The postmaster, laughing at his simplicity, told him he could not tell what letter to give him unless he told him the direction.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 276 That other simplicity which is only a euphemism for folly.
b. An instance of this. rare.
1592G. Harvey Four Lett. Wks. (Grosart) I. 205 Let it be..one of our simplicities to suffer that iniury.1610A. Cooke Pope Joan 46 There are so many incongruities, simplicities, absurdities..in his verie narration of it.
c. A simple person; a simpleton. rare.
1633Ford 'Tis Pity ii. vi, How do you know that, Simplicity?1860Gen. P. Thompson Audi Alt. civ. III. 11 Undergraduate Oxford exhorts the grown simplicities to persevere, till hopeful youth can come to their relief.
3. a. Freedom from artifice, deceit, or duplicity; sincerity, straightforwardness; also, absence of affectation or artificiality; plainness, artlessness, naturalness.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 54 b, Excepte..our mynde be subdued to simplicite and mekenes, surely our vyne wyll waxe wylde.1587A. Day Daphnis & Chloe Title-p., Excellently describing the weight of affection, the Simplicitie of loue.1610Holland Camden's Brit. 742 A man of the ancient Christian simplicity.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. ii. x. 2 Nathanael was..full of holy simplicity, a true Israelite without guile.1702Eng. Theophrastus 112 Plain-dealing and simplicity are the best game a man can play.1771Wesley Wks. (1872) V. 139 Simplicity regards the intention itself, sincerity the execution of it.1833H. Martineau Brooke Farm iv. 40 Everybody..looked up to him with respect for the simplicity of his character.1856Kingsley Misc. (1859) II. 18 A charming simplicity, quietly enjoying life in poverty and ignorance.
personif.1597Morley Introd. Mus. 183 To decke a lowlie matter with loftie and swelling speech, will be to put simplicitie in plumes of feathers.1609Dekker Gull's Horn-bk. Wks. (Grosart) II. 204 That excellent country Lady, Innocent Simplicity.1773H. More Search after Happiness ii. 144 Hail, artless Simplicity, beautiful maid.
b. transf. A simple or ingenuous child.
1887Ruskin Præterita II. 228 His little blue-eyed twelve-years-old simplicity of a goat-herd sister.
c. Simple, unsophisticated ways or manners; absence of or freedom from luxury; plainness of life. Also (in pl.), an instance of this.
1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. iv. xxxvi. 159 b, These Patriarches..liue in all simplicitie & modestie.1726G. Shelvocke Voy. r. World 404 Such is the original simplicity prevailing amongst them, that the men go quite naked.1794Mrs. Radcliffe Myst. Udolpho i, He had known life in other forms than those of pastoral simplicity.1849–50Alison Hist. Europe VII. xliii. §82. 256 The simplicity of all surprised the conqueror, who was accustomed to the magnificence of St. Cloud.1874Green Short Hist. viii. §10. 583 There was a grand simplicity in the life of his [Milton's] later years.
pl.1805Wordsw. Prelude vi. 2 When to Esthwaite's banks And the simplicities of cottage life I bade farewell.1878C. Stanford Symb. Christ v. 123 He still loved the simplicities of a shepherd's life.
4. Of language or style: Absence or lack of elegance or polish; in later use, freedom from ornateness or over-elaboration; plainness or directness of an attractive kind.
1553Eden Treat. New Ind. (Arb.) 10 Goddes woorde, (whyche they contemned for the simplicitie of the same).1592G. Harvey Four Lett. iii. Wks. (Grosart) I. 178 If anie haue charged mee, or do charge mee..with simplicity, I yeeld.a1625Sir H. Finch Law (1636) 386 By his gesture, countenance, or simplicity of speech, it may be discouered; which the artificiall speech of his Councell learned would hide and colour.1697Dryden Virgil, Ess. Georg., The Precepts of Husbandry are not to be deliver'd with the Simplicity of a Plow-man, but with the Address of a Poet.1783Cowper Lett. 24 Nov., Wks. (1876) 149 Simplicity is become a very rare quality in a writer.1840H. Rogers Ess. (1874) II. v. 259 True simplicity..as it regards the expression..means, that thoughts worth hearing are expressed in language that every one can understand.1879B. Taylor Germ. Lit. 73 Tennyson has endeavored to imitate the old epic simplicity.
pl.1875Lowell Among my Bks. Ser. ii. Wordsworth, The grand simplicities of the Bible.
5. Absence of ornament or decoration; freedom from useless accessories.
1609B. Jonson Sil. Wom. i. i, Give me a look, give me a face, That makes simplicity a grace.1774Pennant Tour Scotl. 1772, 57 That [window] in the East end has a magnificient simplicity.1781Cowper Truth 27 It stands like the cerulean arch we see, Majestic in its own simplicity.1828Landor Imag. Conv., Epictetus & Seneca III. 497 What is decorated is simplicity no longer.1856Emerson Eng. Traits vi. Manners, Even Brummel their fop was marked by the severest simplicity in dress.1893Morris Gothic Archit. 31 The cant of the beauty of simplicity (i.e. bareness and ugliness) did not afflict it.
pl.1854Ruskin Lect. Archit. i. 7 Your decorations are just as monotonous as your simplicities.
6. U.S. = humility 3. Obs.
1634W. Wood New Eng. Prosp. i. viii. (1865) 34 The Humilities or Simplicities (as I may rather call them) bee of two sorts, the biggest being as big as a greene Plover, the other as big as birds we call knots in England.




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