

单词 simplesse
释义 ˈsimplesse Obs. exc. arch.
Also 4 simplesce, 4–6 symplesse (5 -ess), 7 simpl'esse.
[a. OF. simplesse, -esce, -ece, etc., = Prov., Sp., and Pg. simpleza: see simple a. and -ess2. In ME. usually stressed simˈplesse, but cf. Gower Conf. I. 62 and III. 213.]
1. = simpleness 1.
1340Ayenb. 140 Vor one of þe guode doȝtren þet mildenesse heþ is holy simplesse.1390Gower Conf. I. 112 Whan he..to so vil a povere wrecche Him deigneth schewe such simplesce.a1400Relig. Pieces fr. Thornton MS. 55 Ouer grete symplesse may make of þe symple a sott.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 195 b/1 There ben twelue vertues vyrgynal,..that is to wete feythe,..symplesse, Innocence, concorde.
2. = simpleness 2.
1390Gower Conf. I. 70 These Prestes..with a contrefet simplesse, Which hid was in a fals corage, Feignende an hevenely message.a1470Harding Chron. ccxxviii. iii. 2 Therle Richard of Warwike then conceyued Of the symplesse and great innocense Of Kyng Henry.1613W. Browne Brit. Past. i. iii, Had Nature unto man such simpl'esse given He would like Birds be farre more neere to heaven.
3. = simpleness 3.
c1400Rom. Rose 6381, I lede right a Ioly lyf, Thurgh simplesse of the prelacye; They know not al my tregetrye.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 182 He throu ignoraunce and sympless gafe the sauf condyt.1471Caxton Recuyell (Sommer) I. 107 Beholde than what symplesse shall hit be to the to hold me thus enfermed.1537in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. II. 93 Suplying your Lordship to admytte my symplesse for I have don in hit the moost of my power.1889Lowell in Atlantic Monthly Aug. 148 Property's dividing line No hint of dispossession drew On any map my simplesse knew.
4. = simpleness 4.
1390Gower Conf. I. 62 He clotheth richesse, as men sein, Under the simplesce of poverte.c1440Gesta Rom. xxxvi. 272 (Add. MS.), Therfore I had me in all thynges as a Religious man in symplesse.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. July 172 Their weedes bene not so nighly wore; Such simplesse mought them shend.a1637B. Jonson Underwoods, Epithalamion vi, Darting forth a dazling light On all that come her Simplesse to rebuke.
5. = simpleness 5.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. iv. pr. vi. (1868) 136 Þilke cercle þat is inrest or moost wiþynne ioineþ to þe symplesse of þe myddel.




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