

单词 side-track
释义 I. ˈside-track, n. orig. U.S.
[side n.1 23.]
a. A railway siding.
1835Maine Farmer 24 July 198/1 One of the principle [sic] dealers here has offered to lay a side track from the road to his own storehouse.1876G. A. Crofutt Trans-Continental Tourist 41 Waterloo is a small side-track station.1881Chicago Times 14 May, The side-tracks of all the roads along nearly their entire lengths were filled with cars loaded with freight.1894Times 5 May 9/4 The stolen train was eventually run on a side track at Palmer, in Washington State.
b. A side-path.
1892[see middle-of-the-road].1966‘J. Hackston’ Father clears Out 113 Trooper Caldecott riding along the soft, silent side-tracks that led to the Sunday trading.
c. transf. and fig.
1901Congress. Rec. XXXIV. iii. 2476/1, I do not propose to be side tracked by any Senator from the other side of the Chamber. I myself will decide when I will go on the side track.1935B. Malinowski Coral Gardens & their Magic II. vi. v. 239 Man never runs on the sidetrack of magical verbiage.1972J. Philips Vanishing Senator (1973) iii. ii. 136 Couldn't you try rental agencies? It wouldn't be a side track for you, Inspector.
II. ˈside-track, v. orig. U.S.
[f. prec.]
1. trans. To run or shunt (a train, etc.) into a siding. Also fig., to push or set aside; spec. to divert or lead (a person) from the main course; to turn (something) aside from prominence.
1880News & Press (Cimarron, New Mexico) 19 Feb. 4/3 Short skirts are now worn for dancing dresses, and the gentlemen are no longer obliged to wait for the ladies to side-track their trains before they can pass.1881Chicago Times 14 May, It [the corn] has been side⁓tracked and kept in the sun and rain somewhere along the road.1886Pall Mall G. 19 June 14/1, I saw several new locomotives which had been side-tracked and allowed to go to ruin.1887Scribner's Mag. in Farmer Americanisms (1889) 487/1 Mebbe them thar lieyers side-tracked him with their everlastin' quashtuns, an' ef so, he warn't so pow'ful much ter blame.1889Voice (N. York) 4 Apr., In the end, that course will side-track and defeat the reform.1891F. H. Smith Col. Carter 139 Yancey broke away again, but Fitz side-tracked him with a gesture, and asked the colonel to repeat Klutchem's exact words.1897Pop. Sci. Monthly Nov. 56 Such a project was, in fact, sidetracked in favor of the census of school children.1918W. S. Churchill Let. 12 Jan. in M. Gilbert Winston S. Churchill (1977) IV. Compan. i. 231 Munitions are everywhere being side-tracked to the claims of food, of civil imports, of Allies, and of dollars.1929C. Connolly Let. in Romantic Friendship (1975) 325 Delicious people not so young are all somehow sidetracked.1931L. A. G. Strong Garden xxxv. 324 He'd be all the worse to deal with, if he saw he'd been sidetracked.1970C. James in Rubinstein & Stoneman Education for Democracy 157 Acknowledgement of special interests is vitally important in adolescence and should not be side-tracked into extra-curricular events.1978T. Allbeury Lantern Network xi. 160 Bailey disliked the fruity voice..and..the attempt to side-track him.
2. intr. To run into a siding. Also fig., to diverge from the main road or course.
1888Harper's Mag. Mar. 650 One train had side-tracked to await the train from the opposite direction.1893Advance (Chicago) 8 June, The business of the minister is to preach the gospel, not..to side-track on great moral issues.
Hence ˈside-tracked ppl. a., ˈside-tracking vbl. n.
189246th Ann. Report Amer. Miss. 140 These side⁓tracked brothers and sisters of our own Protestant lineage.1892A. E. Lee Hist. Columbus II. 209 Sidetracking amply sufficient for the great mass of sojourning special trains was provided.1947Mind LVI. 291 The abnormal violence of the reaction against Idealism must, I think, be held primarily responsible for the side-tracking of its doctrine of judgment.1981A. Price I'll soldier no More 54 Through all the verbiage and side-tracking he held to his primary objectives.




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