

单词 sicle
释义 sicle Obs.
Forms: α. 3–8 sicle, 5–6 sycle, 6–7 sickle. β. 4–6 cicle, 6 cycle.
[a. OF. sicle, cicle (mod.F. sicle), ad. late L. siclus, a. Gr. σίκλος, σίγλος, ad. Heb. sheqel: see shekel. Cf. MDu. sicle, cicle, cikel, Du. sikkel, G. sickel, sikel.]
1. A shekel.
αa1225Ancr. R. 398 Me solde his euesunge..uor two hundred sicles of seolure.1382Wyclif Ezek. xlv. 12 Forsothe a sicle shal haue twenti halpenns; forsothe twenti syclis, and fyue and twenti syclis maken a besaunt.c1400Love Bonavent. Mirr. xxxvi. (1908) 188 Tweyne mytes, the ferthe parte of a sicle.1535Coverdale 2 Kings vii. 16 A buszshel of fyne meell was solde for a Sycle, and two buszshels of barlye for a Sycle also.1565Jewel Reply Harding (1611) 436 With the holy Sicle, we must buy Christ, that may put away our Sinnes. The holy Sicle beareth the forme of our Faith.1602L. Lloyd Briefe Conf. 77 The Elders of that citie should..mearce him in an hundred sickles of siluer.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. iii. xiv. 45 The accustomed imposition a Sicle or didrachme, the fourth part of an ounce of silver.
β1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) IV. 135 Mina is a manere weiȝte oþer a maner money, and weieþ sixty cicles.c1400Love Bonavent. Mirr. ix. (1908) 62 The child..was bouȝt aȝen as a seruaunt for v. penyes, that weren cleped cicles.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Acts 28 b, A sepulchre whiche Abraham bought for an hundreth siluer cicles.a1591H. Smith Serm. (1866) I. 405 A cycle or a homer, or an ephah.
2. An ancient Persian coin, worth half of a silver stater. rare—1.
1725tr. Dupin's Eccl. Hist. 17th C. v. I. 184 He begs Aleander to send him the figur'd Inscription of the Sicles, of which he had spoke to him.
3. The value of two silver pennies. rare—1.
1720J. Johnson Canons Eng. Ch. dccxxxiv. viii, We will that the Adulterers pay thirty Sicles, or sixty Pieces of Silver to the Church.




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