

单词 Querflöte
释义 Querflöte Mus.|ˈkveːrfløːtə|
[a. G. querflöte cross-flute, f. quer transverse + flöte flute.]
1. A transverse flute, blown through an opening at the side; = cross-flute s.v. cross B.
1876Stainer & Barrett Dict. Mus. Terms 373/1 Querflöte (Ger.),..The flute played sideways, as opposed to the flute which was blown at one end, and held straight in front of the performer.1914H. M. Fitzgibbon Story of Flute iii. 30 (caption) Prætorius' Bass Querflote, 1620.1959Westrup & Harrison Collins Mus. Encycl. 525/1 Querflöte,..‘Cross’ or ‘transverse flute’, i.e. the modern flute as distinct from the recorder or Blockflöte.1976D. Munrow Instruments Middle Ages & Renaissance 53/3 Back in medieval times the different playing positions of the two instruments had provided a means of distinction..: hence the use of..Querflöte, or Querpfeife (German, cross flute) for the transverse flute.
2. An organ stop that emits a sound resembling that of a flute.
1921G. A. Audsley Organ-Stops 217 Querflöte... The name..has been frequently used by German organ⁓builders to designate the stop which, in its voice, imitates, as closely as practicable in organ-pipes, the tone of the Flute of the orchestra.1966P. Williams European Organ 1450–1850 286 Querflöte (Ger. ‘cross flute’), properly, an open cylindrical metal or wood flue stop (usually 4′), over-blowing to the first or second overtone due to the pipe's narrow scale, large foot-holes and fairly low cut-up.




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