

单词 queme
释义 I. queme, n. Obs.
Also 2–3 cweme, 5 wheme.
[App. subst. use of next.]
Pleasure, satisfaction. Chiefly in phr. to queme, so as to please or satisfy; also, to take to queme, to accept.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 23 Ne þu ne miᵹt beon wel iscrifen god almihti to cweme.a1300Cursor M. 1064 (Gött.) Godd toke to queme his sacrefis.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 2018 Of alle scheo was most til his queme.a1400Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. 624/444, I was cros to monnes quemus.c1460Towneley Myst. vii. 62 Thou shall..serue to wheme God with all thi hart.
II. queme, a. Obs. exc. north. dial.
Forms: α. 3 cweme, 3–5 queme, 4–5 quem, 5 qwem(e, 6 queeme, 7–8 Sc. quim, 9 Sc. queem. β. north. 5 wheme, 7 wheeme, 7–9 wheam, wheem, 8–9 whim, 9 weam, weme.
[ME. cweme, queme, repr. OE. *cwéme (cf. cwéman, cwémnes), or ᵹecwéme i-queme = ON. kvæm-r (MSw. qväm): cf. OHG. piquâmi (MHG. bequæme, G. bequem = MDu. bequame, Du. bekwaam). The stem kwæ̂mi- belongs to the ablaut-series of the vb. come: for the sense cf. Goth. gaqimiþ it is fitting, Eng. become v. 7 ff., and L. convenīre.]
1. Pleasing, agreeable, acceptable to a person. (In early use with dat. of person.) Obs.
c1200Ormin 466 He wass..god prest & Godd full cweme.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 63 Þat me is quemere þat unbindeð þe bendes of wiðerfulnesse.c1250Gen. & Ex. 3764 Ðan sulde we..sen Quilc gure sal god quemest ben.a1300Cursor M. 26559 To deme quic and ded als him es queme.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints l. (Katharine) 29 Quha sacrifice mad till hym quem.c1460Towneley Myst. i. 42 This warke to me is queme.
b. Of pleasing appearance; specious; beautiful, fair; neat, tidy.
a1300Cursor M. 28128, I..sayd my scryft wit wordes queme Þat my syn þe lesse suld seme.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1178 Me payed ful ille to be outfleme..Fro alle þo syȝtez so quykez & queme.c1400Destr. Troy 6203 The whelis full wheme, all of white aumber.c1450Mirour Saluacioun 2892 A newe grave fulle qweme.1883Almondb. & Huddersf. Gloss., Weam, weme,..tidy..‘A nice little weme packet’.
c. dial. Closed against or protected from the wind, snug; unruffled, smooth.
1674–91Ray N.-C. Words, Wheam, wheem, near, close, so as no wind can enter it.1820Marmaiden o' Clyde in Whitelaw Bk. Sc. Ballads (1874) 93/2 Whan the year grown auld brings winter cauld We flee til our ha's sae queem.1824Mactaggart Gallovid. Encycl. (1876) 391 Dream that the ocean's queem.
2. Fit, fitting, suitable; convenient, handy; near at hand, close. Const. to or dative.
a1300Cursor M. 8734 Sai me nu quat yow thinc queme.Ibid. 8809 Þe tre was als mete and quem, Als animan þar-to cuth deme.a1400–50Alexander 5078 [A way] þat to þe marche of Messedone was him mast qweme.1570Levins Manip. 60/15 Queeme, æquus, compar.1674–91Ray N.-C. Words, Wheam, wheem,..very handsome and convenient for one.1812T. Wilkinson Death of Roger in Gilpin Poetry Cumberl. 206 How wheem to Matty's elbow draws his chair.1882Lancash. Gloss., Wheem, handy, convenient.
3. Of persons:
a. Friendly or well-disposed (to), intimate (with). Obs.
c1325Metr. Hom. 20 That he be til us quem that day.c1400Destr. Troy 1763 To qwit claym all querels, & be qweme fryndes.c1440Bone Flor. 145 They lefte a burges feyre and wheme, All ther schyppys for to yeme.a1687McWard Contend. 262 (Jam.) They shall fall..into an intimacy with the malignant enemies to the work of God, and grow quim and cosh with them.1731Plain Reasons Presbyt. Dissent. 53 Quim and cosh with them.
b. Quiet, still, etc.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints v. (John) 324 Sa þu wil þis folk mak quem..I sal sone consent þar-to.1873Swaledale Gloss., Wheem, smooth, demure, still, slyly quiet, mock-modest.1883Almondb. & Huddersf. Gloss., Weam or Weme, quiet..‘A weme woman in a house is a jewel’.
c. Skilled, clever; smart, active. Obs. rare.
c1400Destr. Troy 4202 Who is now so qweme or qwaint of his wit, That couthe mesure our might.1611Cotgr., Adroit,..Handsome, nimble, wheeme, readie or quicke [etc.].
4. As adv. = quemely. Obs. rare.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints vi. (Thomas) 180 And ȝe þe bidding ȝeme of þe apostil wel & queme.1513Douglas æneis ix. xii. 6 He thristis to the levys of the ȝet, And closit queym the entre.
III. queme, v. Obs.
Forms: 1 cwéman, 3 cweme(n, -enn; 2–3 quemen, (4–5 -yn), 3–6, 8 queme, (4 quem, quime, kueme), 5–6 queeme, (5 qw-); 3–5 qweme, (5 qwh-, wh-). pa. tense 1 quemde, 1–3 cwemde, 3 cwemmde, quem-, quamede, 4 quemed, (5 -et, 6 Sc. -it). pa. pple. 3 cwemedd, cwemmd, 3–5 quemed, (5 -yd).
[OE. cwéman (= ᵹecwéman i-queme v.) f. (ᵹe)cwéme adj.; see prec. and cf. MSw. qvämma, qvemma, G. bequemen (f. bequem adj.).]
1. Of persons: To please, gratify (another, esp. a superior); to act so as to please (one). Orig. const. with dat. or to, later with objective case.
a750Blickl. Glosses 13 in O.E. Texts 123 Conplacebam, quemde.c897K. ælfred Gregory's Past. xix. 146 Ðæt ic monnum cweme & liciᵹe.c1175Lamb. Hom. 67 Ȝef þu þus dost..þu quemest god.c1250Gen. & Ex. 1380 Him..Wið watres drinc ghe quemede wel.1340Ayenb. 26 To..do þet kuead, uor to kueme kuead-liche to þe wordle.c1374Chaucer Troylus v. 695 My fader nyl..do me grace..for ought I kan hym queme.1496Dives & Paup. (W. de W.) viii. xiv. 342/1 We haue not gyuen hym ne wherwith to queme hym but that we take of hym. [1530Palsgr. 676/2, I queme,..This worde is nowe out of use.]
absol.c1275Moral Ode 96 in O.E. Misc., Hwat schulle we beren vs bi-voren; Mid hwan schulle we queme.a1300E.E. Psalter lii. 6 God skatered banes of þa Unto men þat qwemes swa.
2. Of things:
a. To please, to be acceptable or agreeable to (a person). Const. as prec.
a1000Sal. & Sat. (Gr.) 165 Næniᵹ man scile oft orðances ut abredan wæpnes ecᵹᵹe, ðeah ðe him se wlite cweme.a1225Ancr. R. 338 Seruises inedde ne cwemeð nout ure Louerde.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 578 Þy dom vs alle quemes.1390Gower Conf. II. 273 Every newe love quemeth To him which newefongel is.1447O. Bokenham Seyntys (Roxb.) 196 Tyl it hym queme To returnyn ageyn.a1500How the good wife etc. in Hazlitt E.P.P. I. 188 A dede wele done herte it whemyth.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. May 15 Such merimake holy Saints doth queme [gloss. please].1602Davison Rhapsody (1611) 53 Like peerlesse pleasures wont us for to queeme.
b. To be suitable or fitting for. rare—1.
c1400Destr. Troy 3404 Paris..Worshippit þat worthy in wedys full riche As qwemet for a qwene.
3. trans. To satisfy, appease, mitigate. rare.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 408 Swilc tiding ðhugte adam god, And sumdel quemeð it his seri mod.Ibid. 978 At a welle quemede hire list.1430–40Lydg. Bochas (1494) i. xxiii. 125 All the worlde outcrieth of vs tweyn Whos hatful ire by vs may nat be quemyd.
4. To join or fit closely. Sc. rare.
1501Douglas Pal. Hon. iii. lxvii, And thame [the stones] coniunctlie jonit fast and quemit.1808–80Jamieson, To Queem, to fit exactly; as, to queem the mortice, or joint in wood. Upp. Lanarks.
5. To slip in. rare—0.
1727Bailey vol. II, To Queme, as to queme a Thing into one's Hand, to put it in privately.
Hence quemed ppl. a.; ˈqueming vbl. n.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 86 Til ihesus crist fro helle nam His quemed wid eue and adam.a1300E.E. Psalter cxlvi. 10 Noght..in schines of man queming bes him tille.1340Ayenb. 26 Þe ilke ssame comþ of kueade kuemynge.c1440Promp. Parv. 420/1 Qwemynge, or peesynge, pacificacio.




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