

单词 short-winded
释义 short-winded, a.
[f. short a. + wind n. + -ed1.]
a. Short of breath; suffering from or liable to difficulty of breathing; that soon becomes out of breath with any exertion.
c1450Merlin xv. 245 And whan thei saugh the saisnes well chased and short wynded, thei lete renne at hem.c1593Jane in Hakluyt Voy. (1600) III. 852 Captaine Cotton and my selfe swolne and short winded.1656Ridgley Pract. Physick 81 Forestus often prescribeth to short-winded people in a Consumption.1793T. Beddoes Obesity 101 Short-winded persons are very often corpulent.1840Dickens Barn. Rudge li, The short-winded locksmith had no chance against a man of Sim's youth and spare figure.1891C. Roberts Adrift Amer. 166, I was wretchedly weak and short-winded, only being able to walk a few yards at a time.
b. fig.
1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, i. i. 3 Finde we a time for frighted Peace to pant, And breath shortwinded accents of new broils To be commenc'd in Stronds a-farre remote.1656Trapp Comm. 2 Cor. viii. 11 Their shortwinded wishes.1688Bunyan Heav. Footman (1886) 165 They went to the work at first pretty willingly, but they were very short-winded, they were quickly out of breath, and in their hearts they turned back again into Egypt.1934C. Lambert Music Ho! i. 36 His [sc. Debussy's] melodies may be a little short-winded.1976Gramophone May 1772/3 The first movements, if short-winded for Bach, have an easy fluency.
Hence short-ˈwindedness, a state or condition of being short-winded, dyspnœa. Also fig.
1614T. Adams Divells Banket vi. 303 Balme taken fasting..is very good against short-windednesse.1753Torriano Non-Naturals 52 It begets..pulmonary Humours, (especially Short-windedness,) and Death.1934C. Lambert Music Ho! ii. 102 His [sc. Stravinsky's] melodic style has always been marked by extreme shortwindedness.




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