

单词 shavaldour
释义 shavaldour Obs.
Also shavaldwre, schaveldore, -dowr(e, schawa(l)dour, -atour, schalldour.
[Of obscure origin; the form is app. AF. In the Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland III. 127 the word is quoted as schavaldurs from a document of 1319.]
A gentleman brigand of the Scottish border; a border-rider.
The word occurs, chiefly in Latinized forms, in 14th c. chronicles as the appellation of certain marauders in the bishopric of Durham in the reign of Edw. II, some of whom were hanged for plundering two cardinals on their way to Scotland in 1317. Probably on account of the notoriety of this incident, the word seems to have obtained some currency in England in the 15th c.
[c1330Trokelowe Annales an. 1317 (Rolls) 99 Quidam fatui de Northumbria, qui dicebantur ‘Savaldores’.c1335R. de Graystanes Hist. Dunelm. xxxv. (Surtees) 94 (Bp. Rich. Kellowe, 1310–1316) Schavaldos insurgentes in episcopatu fortiter compescuit... Quidam..qui portabat robas Episcopi..occidit quendam schavaldum vel prædonem, Johannem de Wandel nomine, sed Regi familiarem.a1347Murimuth Contin. Chron. an. 1317 (Rolls) 27 Et per suos schaveldarios marchiae inter Angliam et Scociam nec voluit R. le Bruys permittere quod ipsi cardinales regnum Scociae intrarent.c1366Knighton Chron. an. 1318 (Rolls) I. 413 Cumque in partes Scotiæ [cardinales] venissent, insultavit eos dominus Gilbertus de Mydelton miles cum aliis elegantibus shavaldres, et eos..spoliaverunt.a1369Sir T. Gray Scalacronica (Maitland Club) 147 Les maufesurs estoint appellez schaualdours.]
1375Barbour Bruce v. 205 A knycht..Said it wes to gret perell, So neir the schavaldwris to ga.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 210 To ȝeue costly cloþis & manye to riche men & mynstralis or shaualdours for worldly name.Ibid. 249 Ydel schaueldowris.c1420? Lydg. Assembly of Gods 675 Shamefull shakerles, soleyn shaueldores, Oppressours of pepyll.c1425Wyntoun Cron. viii. xxvi. 4363 [He] gat til hym a company, Þat as schawadouris [v.rr. schawaldouris, schawatouris] war walkande In til þe wail of Anande.c1440Promp. Parv. 444/2 Schaveldowre, discursor, vacabundus.c1440–50Brit. Mus. Addit. MS. 6716 lf. 23 Revera generosi inter nos dicuntur tales Schalldours Ryflours. Tales enim frangunt thalamos magnorum, asportant bona,..et spoliant religiosos.
Hence shavaldry (schauadry, cheualdre), ? plundering, lawless exaction.
a1400–50Wars Alex. 3371 Þat he [sc. a king] schape to na schauadry [Dubl. MS. cheualdre] þat shend suld his fame.




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