

单词 sharp-set
释义 sharp-set, a.
[f. sharp a. (as compl.) + set ppl. a.
See set ppl. a. 75 b. The hawking use (1 b) may be the original: cf. to set sharp, sharp a. 4 f (quot. 1575).]
1. a. Eager or keen for food, very hungry. Also said of the stomach.
1540Palsgr. Acolastus ii. iii. M ij, My mynd is al redy in the platters or dishes .i. I am sharpe set.1586Stanyhurst Descr. Irel. ii. 19/2 in Holinshed, If anie were so sharpe set..as to eat fried flies, butterd bees, stued snailes.1692R. L'Estrange Fables clxxv. 146 A Fox that was Sharp-set, Surpriz'd a Crab,..and carry'd him away.1725Lady Hervey in C'tess Suffolk's Lett. (1824) I. 192 My stomach is so much sharper set than my wit, that I fancy it will be as well for us both to conclude.1809Malkin Gil Blas vii. v, I asked..if there was any eating-house in the neighbourhood.., and went thither sharp set.1886Stevenson Kidnapped iii. 17 ‘Are ye sharp-set?’ he asked... ‘Ye can eat that drop parritch’.
b. Of a hawk, hound, etc.
1575Turberv. Faulconrie 116 If shee bee very sharpe set and do plume eagerly.1781Beckford Hunting 48 Hounds, I think, should be sharp-set before hunting: they run the better for it.1852Burton Falconry Valley Indus iii. 31 Unfortunately..for the hawk..she had not been ‘sharp set’ that morning.1883Salvin & Brodrick Falconry Brit. Isles Gloss. 152 Sharp set, very hungry.1918V. Woolf Diary 5 Feb. (1977) I. 119 She [sc. a dog]..wags her tail as hard as she can, & snatches at any scrap of talk as if she were sharp set.
2. transf. Keen, eager; having desire fixed upon, craving after.
1580Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 388 Euphues seeing such speedye retourne of an other aunswere, thought Philautus to be very sharp set.a1586Sidney Arcadia ii. xvi. (Sommer) 175 b, She being sharp-set vpon the fulfilling of a shrewde office, in ouer-looking Philoclea.1667Marvell Corr. Wks. (Grosart) II. 222 Although the House be sharpe set upon finding out..things..yet neither are other publick matters neglected.1711Cromwell Let. to Pope 7 Dec., The town is sharp-set on new plays.1860Times 5 Oct., The public comes back from glacier and moor and breezy sea-coast perfectly sharpset for more oratory.1889Rider Haggard Allan's Wife 54, I did not feel particularly sharp set on elephants at the moment.
b. Having a craving for sexual indulgence.
1597–1626Deloney Jack of Newbery Wks. (1912) 14 Sir (said shee) because you are so sharpe set, I would wish you as soon as you can to wed.1633Ford 'Tis Pity v. iv.1691Comedy, Win Her & Take Her i. iii. 8. 1695 Congreve Love for L. iii. ix.1794Har'st Rig liv, Some lown as sharp set as a knife Wi' her they fand.
c. Eager to attack. Const. on. Obs. rare—1.
a1633Austin Medit. (1635) 98 The Pharisees..who were too sharpe set on his Disciples, for not Fasting with them, at that present time.
3. Set with sharp thorns. (Cf. quick-set.) Obs.
1601Weever Mirr. Mart. A 5, Within the sharp-set thickets.
4. Of eyes: ? Having a set eager look.
1865Swinburne Chastelard i. ii. 34 Do you know that lord With sharp-set eyes?
Hence sharpˈsetness. rare.
1673S. Parker Reproof Reh. Transp. 261 Lest this race [sc. capons] be totally extinguish'd by the sharpsetness of the Presbyterians.




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