

单词 sez
释义 sez|sɛz|
Jocular spelling of says, 3rd person sing. pres. of say v.1, esp. in representations of uneducated speech, and in phrase sez you (see say v.1 3 b).
1844‘J. Slick’ High Life in N.Y. I. i. 8 Cousin John took out his watch..and, sez he,—‘Come, Mr. Slick.’1886F. H. Burnett Little Lord Fauntleroy i. 9 Sez he to me: ‘Mary,’ sez he, ‘I'm very much int'rusted in the 'lection,’ sez he.1904Wodehouse William Tell vii. 45 ‘What I sez,’ said Friesshardt, ‘is, wot's the use of us wasting our time here?’1930Outlook (N.Y.) 12 Nov. 417/3, I am so tired of hearing sap, oh boy, and how, sez you, guts and dirty bum, that I could almost leave for the Fiji Islands to escape them.1931Week-end Rev. 24 Oct. 513/1 Mr. Lowe is well known for his invention of the famous catch-phrase ‘Sez you!’1933Dylan Thomas Let. Nov. (1966) 53 May I borrow that foul expression of yours—it isn't yours, really—and whisper Sez You into his ear.1940H. G. Wells Babes in Darkling Wood ii. i. 125 They must not attempt either to monopolise or possess. (Sez we.)1960J. Stroud Shorn Lamb xi. 128 If I make a movement, he sez: ‘Oh, don't be disgusting!’ he sez.1973B. Graeme Two & Two make Five xiii. 123 ‘He's..not nearly so useful in a rough house.’ ‘Sez you!’ Sanders growled.1977[see say v.1 3 b].




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