

单词 pretest
释义 I. preˈtest, v.
[pre- A. 1.]
trans. To test beforehand; spec. in Psychol., to test in advance (the efficacy of questions or the methods of administration for use in a projected test). Hence preˈtested ppl. a., preˈtesting vbl. n.
1949C. I. Hovland et al. Exper. Mass Communication ii. 26 Qualitative pretesting consisted of face-to-face interviewing... After the first few interviews..the items were revised and pretested again.1949R. K. Merton Social Theory vi. 163 ‘Pre-testing’ in social affairs is only a rough approximation.1951in M. McLuhan Mech. Bride (1967) 41/2 Columbia Broadcasting System uses Dr. Flesch's findings to pre-test radio scripts.1969N. A. Rosen Leadership Change & Work-Group Dynamics (1970) i. 20 Pre-testing, even on a small number of workers, would have led to communication among them.1970I. L. Horowitz Masses in Lat. Amer. i. 7 It further assumes that the masses have an historical mission and a pre-tested political direction.1970D. Goldrich et al. in Ibid. v. 176 The interview schedule had been pretested in Santiago.1977Sci. Amer. Apr. 25/1 The requirement does not apply to spherical tanks because they are built under conditions where the welds can be pretested for integrity.
II. ˈpretest, n. and a.
A. n. Psychol. [pre- A. 2.] An experimental test designed to assess the efficacy of questions or methods of administration intended for use in a projected test. Also occas., a preliminary or qualifying test. Also attrib.
1949C. I. Hovland et al. Exper. Mass Communication ii. 26 The purpose of the quantitative pretest was the advance determination of the approximate distribution of answers to each question and the relationship between questions.1966J. S. Bruner Beyond Information Given (1974) xviii. 321 The experiment was carried out with six- and seven-year-olds and began with a pretest.1970Jrnl. Gen. Psychol. LXXXIII. 240 After the pretest, all rats were given Richter-type tests for 30 consecutive days.1971Ibid. LXXXIV. 99 Gross differences in motor performance..were reduced by training all Ss to asymptote during a pretest session.1972Jrnl. Social Psychol. LXXXVI. 14 The first, a pretest phase, was used to select ‘high conformers’.1973Jrnl. Genetic Psychol. CXXII. 101 Their..pretest scores dropped significantly.1976Columbus (Montana) News 10 June 1/3 You have to have passed your 15th birthday and a pretest.
B. adj. (With hyphen.) [pre- B. 2.] Existing before a test.
1960Farmer & Stockbreeder 2 Feb. 76/1 The Board explains that daily gain on test has been introduced as a measurement of growth which is not complicated either by pre-test environment or the weekly slaughtering routine.




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