

单词 cartouche
释义 cartouche|kɑːˈtuːʃ|
Also (7 catouche, carthouse, 8 catooch), 7–9 cartouch. See also cartouse, cartridge.
[a. F. cartouche fem. ‘the cornet of paper wherein..grocers put the parcels they retaile; also, a Cartouch, or full charge, for a pistoll put vp within a little paper to be the readier for vse, etc.’ (Cotgr.). Also =Cartoche, a cartridge, or roll (in Architecture)’ (Cotgr.): the latter is in mod.Fr. cartouche, masc. a. It. cartoccio ‘a coffin of paper’ (Florio), a ‘cornet’ of paper, augmentative f. carta:—med.L. carta, L. charta paper; see carte1, chart.]
I. = Fr. cartouche fem.
1. Mil.
a. A roll or case of paper, parchment, etc., containing the charge of powder and shot for a gun or pistol; a cartridge. ? Obs. Also, in Pyrotechnics, the case containing the inflammable materials in some fireworks.
1611Cotgr. [see above].1625J. Glanvill Voy. Cadiz 20 To fill Carthouses of powder.1662Phillips, Cartouch (Fr.), a charge of powder and shot, made ready in a paper, called also a Carthrage [ed. 1678: also sometimes mistakenly used for Carthrage].1704J. Harris Lex. Techn., Cartouche, the same with Cartridge.1718J. Chamberlayne Relig. Philos. II. xxi. §24 A little Cartouch or Case, of that kind which they use in making Squibs in common Fire-Works.1725De Foe Voy. round W. (1840) 257 A harquebuss..with cartouches, powder and ball.1850Mazzini Roy. & Repub. Italy 37 Women were rivals in the enthusiasm..they prepared cartouches.
b. A case of wood, pasteboard, etc., containing iron balls, to be fired from a cannon or howitzer.
1611Cotgr., Cartouche, also, a peece of pastboord or thick paper stuffed (in a round or pudding like forme) with bullets, etc., and to be shot out of a great peece.1693Paris Rel. Batt. Landen 19 Whose Cannon play'd upon them with Cartouches.1768T. Simes Mil. Medley, Cartouch, a case of wood..holding about four hundred musquet-balls, besides six or eight balls of iron.
c. = cartridge-box.
1808J. Barlow Columb. vii. 595 No cramm'd cartouch their belted back attires.
‘A ticket of leave or dismission given to a soldier.’ (In mod. Dicts., but app. purely Fr.)
II. = Fr. cartouche masc.
2. Arch.
a. A corbel, mutule, or modillion. The earlier form was cartouse, q.v. ? Obs.
1726R. Neve Builder's Dict. (1736), Cartooses, Cartouzes, or as some call 'em Cartouches are the same as Modilions..under the cornice at the Eaves of a House..ornaments representing scrolls of paper: But most commonly are flat Members with Wavings for a device.1762–71H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1786) II. 50 Three cartouches to support the balcony.1850[see 2 c].
b. Any ornament in the form of a scroll, as the volute of an Ionic capital.
1611Cotgr., Volute..the writhen circle, or curle tuft that..sticks out of the chapter of a piller, etc., and is tearmed by our workmen, a Rowle, Cartridge, or Carthouse.1662Phillips, Cartouch (F.)..a Roll, with which they adorn the Cornish of a Pillar.1708New View Lond. II. 489/2 A white marble monument adorn'd with Cartouches.1789P. Smyth tr. Aldrich's Archit. (1818) 105 Twisted columns, which are called cartouches.
c. A tablet for an inscription or for ornament, representing a sheet of paper with the ends rolled up; a drawing or figure of the same, for the title of a map, or the like; a drawn framing of an engraving, etc. Often attrib.
a1776J. Granger Lett. (1805) 69 The roof of this church is painted in cartouches or compartments.1824J. Johnson Typogr. I. 540 The print itself has a large cartouche oval frame, with pinks and gillyflowers issuing from the four corners.1850Parker Gloss. Archit., Cartouch, Cartouche, F., a term adopted from the French for a tablet, either for ornament or to receive an inscription, formed in the resemblance of a sheet of paper with the edges rolled up.1875Fortnum Maiolica xiii. 146 Panels edged with cartouche ornament.
3. Her. The oval escutcheon of the Pope and ‘churchmen of noble descent’.
1828Berry Dict. Heraldry (1830) Cartouche, is an oval shield in which the Popes and churchmen of noble descent in Italy place their armorial bearings.
4. Archæol. Name given to the oval or oblong figures in Egyptian hieroglyphics, inclosing characters expressing royal or divine names or titles.
1830Q. Rev. May 118 (Egypt. Antiq.) It was soon found that royal names were inclosed in a sort of oval ring, called by Champollion a cartouche.1850Layard Nineveh x. 246 Between the figures is a cartouche containing a name in hieroglyphics.
III. Comb. (from sense 1) as cartouche-box = cartridge-box.
1697W. Dampier Voy. I. 231 Some..that had not waxt up their Cartrage or Catouche Boxes, wet all their Powder.1711Lond. Gaz. No. 4850/3, 3 Chests Catooch Boxes.1753Hanway Trav. (1762) I. vii. xciii. 429. 1808 Regul. Service at Sea vii. ii. §28. 223 He..is to be very careful that there are not any cartridges left in the cartouch-boxes.




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