

单词 carpel
释义 carpel Bot.|ˈkɑːpəl|
[mod. f. Gr. καρπ-ός fruit, on type of mod.L. dim. *carpellum; see -el, and cf. F. carpelle.]
One of the divisions or cells of a compound pistil or fruit; or the single cell of which a simple pistil or fruit consists.
[1817Dunal Monogr. des Anonacées 13 Il serait utile et commode d'avoir un mot particulier pour exprimer dans un fruit multiple, le fruit partiel résultant de chaque ovaire féconde et développé; je propose ici celui de carpelle, carpellum.]1835Lindley Introd. Bot. (1848) I. 372 Carpels are modified leaves.1869Gray Bot. §547 It is convenient to have a name which shall designate a single pistil-leaf, whether occurring as a distinct simple pistil, or as an element of a compound pistil. For this purpose the name of Carpel has been devised.1881G. Allen in Knowledge No. 4. 65 A little central boss or cushion, supporting several carpels or unripe fruitlets.




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