

单词 camp-fight
释义 camp-fight Obs.
[A 17th c. rendering of AFr. chaump bataile (see champ n. 1), or of med.L. pugna campi (in a charter of 1122, in Du Cange), in which campus has the ordinary mediæval sense of the place enclosed for two champions to fight in single combat (‘in campo decertare’), or of the duel or combat itself, ‘singulare certamen quod rustice dicimus campum’, ‘pugna duorum, quod nostri campum vocant’, ‘pugna campi, id est, duelli’ (Du Cange, s.v.). Cf. acre-fight.]
‘In law writers [from 17th c.] the trial of a cause by duel, or a legal combat of two champions in the field, for decision of some controversy’. Chambers Cycl. Supp.
1605Verstegan Dec. Intell. iii, If it were a crime deserving death then was the Camp fight for lyf and death.1627Hakewill Apologie (1630) 318 For their tryall by Camp-fight, the Accuser was with the perill of his owne body, to prove the accused guilty.1644Coke Instit. iii. 221. a 1698 Temple Hist. Eng. 572 The Trials Ordeal, and of Camp-fight.




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