

单词 seignior
释义 I. seignior|ˈseɪnɪə(r)|
Forms: 4 segnour, seynour, seignoure, 4–5 seignour, seynowre, seyngnour, seynȝowre, senyour, -owr, senioure, sene-, senei-, senȝe-, senyeour, 5, 7 seniour, 6 senȝ-, seneȝe-, seinȝeour, senȝe-, senyor, senȝeoure, senior, 7 seignor, seigniour, 7–9 seignior.
[a. AF. segnour, OF. seignor, -eur (mod.F. seigneur, a Com. Rom. word = Pr. senhor, Sp. señor, Pg. senhor, It. signore:—L. seniōrem, acc. of senior elder (see senior). Cf. seigneur, señor, signor, sir, sire, all ultimately of the same etymology.]
1. In early use, synonymous with lord; a person high in rank or authority, a ruler, a feudal superior; the lord of a manor. Now rare, and chiefly as a more vernacular substitute for seigneur in speaking of a French feudal noble.
13..K. Alis. 1455 (Laud MS.), Þe keyes hij token in his honde Of her Cites of her honoure And maden hym her liege seignoure.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xii. 269 Now beeþ þese seintes, as men seyen, and souereynes [v.r. seynours] in heuene.c1400Destr. Troy 13056 Then the Seniour [i.e. Menelaus] full sone, with seasonable windes, Cairet fro Crete with his clene nauy.1552Lyndesay Monarche 5758 Thare sall our Senȝeouris of the cessioun Off all thare faltis mak cleir confessioun.1648Gage West Ind. 39 A hundred thousand men of Warre..were sent by the Seniours of Mexico and Tezcuco to encounter Cortez.1656Blount Glossogr.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Seignior or Signior,..Lord, Master. In a Law Sense, the Lord of the Fee, or of the Manour.1809A. Henry Trav. 9 Late in the evening, I reached Les Cédres, and was carried to the house of M. Leduc, its seignior.1834K. H. Digby Mores Cath. v. vii. 218 In the year 1245, was buried..a pious seignior, de Romilly, who dwelt at Romilly-sur-Seine.1876Bancroft Hist. U.S. V. lii. 113 They denied the authority of the French nobility as magistrates, and resisted their claim of a right as seigniors to command their military services.
b. As a title of address. Obs. exc. arch.
c1330Arth. & Merl. 3607 (Kölbing) Merlin com þe king to & to hem seyd: Bieu segnours [MS. sengours], Ȝe ben yswore to king Arthours.c1440York. Myst. xxx. 73 [To Pilate] My seniour, will ye see now þe sonne in youre sight.c1460Towneley Myst. xx. 8 Seniours, seke to my sawes, ffor bryssyng of youre bonys.1528Roy Rede me (Arb.) 67 Worsshipful seniours we must theym call Requyrynge that we shulde to theym obeye.1823Scott Quentin D. xix, ‘Surely not, good seignior’, answered the burgher.
2. Used to represent It. signor or F. seigneur in designations of Italians or Frenchmen. Obs.
a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) II. 187 Seinȝeour Dauid the Italian secriter.1588Rot. Scacc. Reg. Scot. XXI. 410 For chalmer maill and bedding to Senyeour Du Barras, Francheman.1718Free-thinker No. 15. 101 Seignior Camillo and Seignior Alessandro..entered.
II. seignior
obs. form of senior.




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