

单词 prepose
释义 preˈpose, v.
Also 6 præ-.
[a. F. préposer (15th c. in Godef. Compl.) after L. præpōnĕre to put before: see pre- A. and pose v.1]
1. trans. To set over; to appoint as chief or superior. (Cf. præpositus.) Obs.
1491Caxton Vitas Patr. (W. de W. 1495) i. xcii. 127 b, The holy man..ordeyned there relygyouses, to the whyche he preposed & gaaf for abbot the holy man Samuell.1655Fuller Waltham Abb. (1840) 258 A dean, in Latin, decanus, hath his name from δεκα, ‘ten’, over which number he is properly to be preposed.
2. To place before or in front of something else; to preface, prefix.
1541R. Copland Galyen's Terap. 2 D iv b, But yf any thynge be done presently thou shalt prepose two fynalytees of curacyon.1594W. Percy Sonn. To Rdr. A ij, I did deeme it most conuenient to præpose mine Epistle, onely to beseech you to account of them [poems] as of toyes.1662Hibbert Body Div. i. 218 It is either prefixed or preposed to a sentence.1669Gale Crt. Gentiles i. ii. iv. 37 To words beginning with a vowel, the æoles were wont to prepose a Digamma.1946O. Jespersen Mod. Eng. Gram. V. xv. 220 Well to do = ‘well off, living in easy circumstances’ is often preposed, generally written with hyphens: a well-to-do farmer.1951W. K. Matthews Languages U.S.S.R. iv. 53 Syntactically Altaic follows the rule of subordinating, in this case preposing, secondary to principal categories.1971Language XLVII. 276 The former [example] would result if the NSR preceded the postcyclic transformation which preposes away.1975Ibid. LI. 386 Truncated passives can be generated transformationally..by a rule which obligatorily preposes the underlying object..into underlying subject position.1978Studies in Eng. Lit.: Eng. Number (Tokyo) 106 It is obvious that there are similarities between the rule which preposes higher into the heavens in (46 a) and the one which preposes, for example, up into the clouds in (42 b).
b. To put forward. rare.
1607Markham Caval. ii. (1617) 27 So that I conclude, and dare..prepose myselfe against anie man of contrarie opinion.
3. To propose, purpose, or intend.
(Perh. in most cases an error for propose, purpose.) Obs.
1508Kennedie Flyting w. Dunbar 458 Foul brow in holl thow preposit for to pas.1513Bradshaw St. Werburge i. 3202 Tho mankynde prepose his mynde to fulfyll, Yet god dysposeth all thynge at his wyll.1597Warner Alb. Eng. xi. lxii. 271 And Prizes were preposde for such whose Champions bore them best At Tilts and Turnies.1635J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Banish'd Virg. 187, I then would..never have presumed to have preposed you your flight.
Hence preˈposed ppl. a., placed in front; also preˈposing vbl. n.
1608B. Jonson Masque Ld. Haddington's Marriage Wks. (1692) 340/1 With this preposed part of Judgment.1888Trans. & Proc. Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. 1887 III. 39 It is a characteristic of Anglo-Saxon poetry..to introduce an idea with a pronoun... This preposed pronoun is noticed by all writers upon A.-S. style as frequently standing at the head of the sentence.1928O. Jespersen Internat. Lang. ii. 153 Word-order with preposed subject (as in E[nglish] ‘Are you ill?’) cannot well be used in an I.A.L.1970B. M. H. Strang Hist. English v. 290 A strongly falling pattern overall, which has been less general in later English because of the increase in preposed weak particles.1975Language LI. 815 Passivization..may involve not one but two transformational operations—subject postposing and object preposing.1976J. S. Gruber Lexical Struct. Syntax & Semantics i. iii. 70 The preposing..seems to add emphasis to the phrase, changing the meaning slightly.1978Language LIV. 174 Bernard Mohan..presents some formulas and the results of a ‘grammaticality’ test..for various sentences with adverb-preposing or topicalization below and above a set of predicates.Ibid. 283 These failures are also significant facts about the speech of Achilles:..(d) Syntax: sentence length; clause length; preposed relative clauses.




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