

单词 bushy
释义 I. bushy, a.|ˈbʊʃɪ|
[f. bush n.1 + -y.]
1. Abounding in bushes; overgrown with shrubs or underwood.
1382Wyclif Isa. vii. 19 In alle busshi places.1552Huloet, Busshy places, Vespices.1575Turberv. Bk. Venerie Pref. Seruants such as beat the bushie woods To make their masters sport.1641Milton Ch. Discip. i. (1851) 32 They seek the dark, the bushie, the tangled Forrest.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 305 The country being..something more bushy, and here and there a few trees.1885Manch. Examiner 15 May 5/2 The enemy still occupied the bushy ravine running down to the river.
2. Growing like a bush; shrub-like.
1567J. Maplet Gr. Forest 44 Fumitorie..is a bushie or shrublike Herbe, like to Coreander.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Dec. 2 All in the shadowe of a bushye brere.1667Milton P.L. iv. 696 Each odorous bushie shrub.1719De Foe Crusoe (1840) I. iii. 54 A thick bushy tree like a fir.1814Wordsw. White Doe of Ryl. i. 96 The spread Of the elder's bushy head.1861Pratt Flower. Pl. IV. 111.
3. a. Of hair: Growing thick like a bush.
1611Bible Song of Sol. v. 11 His locks are bushy.a1613J. Dennys in Arb. Garner I. 150 Some lusty horse..Whose bushy tail upon the ground doth track.1652Gaule Magastrom. 305 A bushy head of haire.1843Carlyle Past. & Pr. ii. x. (1872) 78 A man with eminent nose, bushy brows and clear-flashing eyes.1873Black Pr. Thule i. 1 The gusts of wind that blew about his bushy grey beard.
b. Of persons: With long thick hair; also quasi-n. Obs.
1615P. Small Man's May in Farr S.P. (1848) 331 Time still describ'd in poets thus we finde, Bushy before, but very bald behinde.1650Bulwer Anthropomet. ii. 56 He does that which is ridiculous..who is..a Bushie among those who are Poled.
c. Ent. Of antennæ: covered with long, erect hairs (Cent. Dict. 1889).
4. Puffed out like a bush.
1756Nugent Gr. Tour, Germany II. 298 They wear pointed hats, and monstrous bushy ruffs.1832Fraser's Mag. VI. 386 All..had taken more stuff than necessary for their clothes..It is as if the women could not be bushy enough, the men not puffy enough, to please themselves.
5. Dwelling among the bushes. rare.
1563T. Howell Arb. Amitie (1879) 83 The Nightingal..gettes the peerlesse prayse, The bushie birdes among.
6. Comb., as bushy-browed, bushy-tailed, bushy-whiskered, bushy-wigged, adjs. bushy stunt, a virus disease of tomato plants (see quot. 1956).
1912W. Owen Let. 2 July (1967) 148 A bushy-browed and horny-fisted blacksmith's assistant.1965G. McInnes Road to Gundagai x. 176 The crinkly lines round his bushy browed eyes were thoughtful.
1812J. H. Vaux Flash Dict., A man who is poor is said to be ‘at Bushy park’, or ‘in the park’. [Cf. bushed.].
1936G. C. Ainsworth in Jrnl. Min. Agric. XLIII. 266 It is proposed to call this disease of tomato, ‘Bushy Stunt’.1939Ann. Reg. 1938 376 The virus of bushy stunt of tomato was obtained in a fully crystalline state.1956Dict. Gardening (R.H.S.) IV. 2124/1 Another virus disease [of tomato plants] is Bushy Stunt, in which there is enormous production of secondary shoots with a resulting bushy appearance in the plant.
1868Amer. Naturalist II. 535 It seems widely separated..in habits from its nearest relative Nycteris occidentalis, or bushy-tailed Bat.1947J. Stevenson-Hamilton Wild Life S. Afr. xxv. 207 The bushy-tailed meercat (Bdeogale crassicaude).
1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. (1871) II. i. ix. 40 Impassioned bushy-whiskered youth threatening suicide.
1832― in Fraser's Mag. V. 402 Old sedentary bushy-wigged Cave.
7. Concerned with the (Australian) bush.
1900H. Lawson On Track 37 The foreman was a bushman; his sympathies were bushy.1904Daily Chron. 19 Apr. 3/5 Her stories are of the bush bushy.
II. bushy, n. Austral. and N.Z.|ˈbʊʃɪ|
Also bushie.
[f. bush n.1 + -y6.]
A dweller in the bush; a bushman as distinguished from a townsman.
1896H. Lawson While Billy Boils 144 Bushies don't generally carry their swags out of pubs in their sleep.1899Bulletin (Sydney) 7 Jan. 14/1 The usual summer query—Why won't the bushy wear straw hats?1924H. T. Gibson That Gibbie Galoot xvii. 66 The unlucky ‘bushie’ whose mannerisms or objectionable traits attract overmuch attention from his mates.1934Bulletin (Sydney) 19 Dec. 20/1 The sweet test of a bushie! He looks round for a rail to lean his elbows on, while the townie negligently leans up against a post.1968K. Weatherly Roo Shooter 21 The bushie spoke for the first time.




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