

单词 scout-watch
释义 ˈscout-watch Obs.
Forms: 4 scowte-, skowtte-, 4–6 skowte-, 4–7 skoute-, 5 scote-, (erron. skoulk-), 7 skowt-, 5–8 scout(e-, 4 -wach, 4–5 wacche, 5–6 -wache, watche, 6–8 -watch.
[f. scout n.4 + watch n.]
1. A sentinel, spy; one that keeps guard.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 838 In grete flokkez of folk, þay fallen to his ȝatez, As a scowte-wach scarred, so þe asscry rysed.a1400Morte Arth. 2468 Skayres thaire skottefers, and theire skowtte-waches.1442Beckington's Jrnl. (1828) 97 Whan they were approched nigh the same towne there comme upon theym the skoulk wache, and there a showte was made of St. George d'Angleterre.1470–85Malory Arthur i. xiii, But the scoute watche by her hoost cryed lordes att armes for here be your enemyes at your hand.1562? Pilkington Burn. Paules Ch. (1563) B v, The word Episcopus is Greke, and signifies a Scoutwatche, an ouer⁓loker or Spie.1609Bible (Douay) 2 Kings xiii. 34 And the servant that was the scoutewatch, lifted up his eies, and looked: and behold much people came by a byway.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Scouts or Scout-Watches, Sentinels that keep Guard in the advanced Posts.
2. The action of keeping watch and guard.
1464Mann. Househ. Exp. (Roxb.) 161 Item, my mastyre payd the same day to ix. men that made scotewache on horse bakke, vj. s. viij. d.1532G. Hervet Xenophon's Treat. Househ. (1768) 75 It is best to kepe watches and scoutwatches both by nyght and by daye.1556J. Heywood Spider & F. lxiv. 2 Being in scoutwatch: a spider spiyng me, In the head spiders name: wild me speedilie, To tell this to you all.1616J. Lane Contn. Sqr.'s T. v. 357 Make skowt-watch, inrodes, gett intelligence.
3. A body of men told off for the purposes of watching and keeping guard.
1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. xvi. 17 If theyr Scoutwatche hard any noyse, or mouyng of people drawyng to the cite warde, than incontynent they shulde gyue them knowledge.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. xix. §50. 723 Neither durst he for the Kings Scout-watch demand direction to Tamworth.




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