

单词 scorse
释义 I. scorse, n. Obs. rare—1.
[f. scorse v.1]
Barter, exchange.
1590Spenser F.Q. ii. ix. 55 Yet liuely vigour rested in his mind, And recompenst him with a better scorse: Weake body well is chang'd for minds redoubled forse.
II. scorse, v.1 Obs. exc. dial.|skɔːs|
Also 6 scorss, skose, skoase, 6–8 scorce, 6–7, 9 scose, 7 scoarse, scoorse, skorce, 7–8 scourse, 8 scoss, dial. scoase (see also Eng. Dial. Dict.).
[Early 16th c. scose, scorse, related to the synonymous coss, corse vbs.
Prof. Skeat suggests that the vb. is a back-formation from scorser, and that this arose from horse-scorser, corrupt form of horse-corser.]
1. trans. To barter, exchange.
1509Barclay Shyp of Folys (1874) I. 159 And for one god scosyth gladly twayne.1548Forrest Pleas. Poesye 481 Pryuate Commodye withe Commone wealthe to scorse: as Rentis to come downe from owterage so hye too Price indifferent to helpe manye bye.1565Jewel Replie Harding's Answ. viii. §5. 382 These partes bicause they are ioined in one Mysterie, therfore oftentimes thei scorce names, the one enterchangeably with the other.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. ix. 16 But Paridell sore brused with the blow, Could not arise, the counterchaunge to scorse.1598T. Bastard Chrestoleros vi. xxii. (1880) 76 He that will loue through water and through fire,..Which will not scorse me for a better friend.1612Drayton Poly-olb. xii. 45 Their fortune will'd that after they should scorse Blowes with the big⁓boan'd Dane, exchanging force for force.1618Ainsworth Annot. Lev. xxvi. 10 Not alter or, not scourse it, nor change it.1623Middleton More Dissemblers v. i. 84, I know the barber will scourse it [a fiddle] away for some old cittern.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), To Scoss or Scourse, (old word) to change.1853W. D. Cooper Sussex Gloss. (ed. 2), Scorse, or Scose, to exchange.
2. intr. To make or effect a barter or exchange,
1589Warner Alb. Eng. vi. xxxi. 139 Pollitians knowe to cheapen, what to offer, when to skoase [rime cloase].1591Harington Orl. Fur. xx. lxxviii. (1634) 159 One was on foote the tother on a horse You thinke perhaps the hors⁓man vantage had No sure, no whit; he would have wished to skorce For why, at last to light he must be glad.1600Heywood 1st Pt. Edw. IV, iii. i. (1613) F 1, K. Ed... Wilt thou take my courser for thy mare? Ho... If I were so mad to scorce, what boote wouldst thou giue me?1614B. Jonson Barth. Fair iii. iv, Will you scourse with him? you are in Smithfield, you may fit your selfe with a fine easy-going street-nag.1662Rump Songs I. 209 Did'st thou not scourse, as if enchanted For Articles Sir Thomas granted?
Hence ˈscorsing vbl. n.
1509Barclay Ship of Fools (1874) II. 141 Of folysshe exchanges scorsynges and permutacions.1611Cotgr., Compermutant, changing, scoorsing, bartering, interchanging.Ibid., Courratage, brokage; scoursing, horse-scoursing.1674S. Jeake Arith. (1696) 479 Barter (vulgarly called Truck and Scosing) and the Concerns thereof..may be comprised under the 10 following Cases.
III. scorse, v.2 Obs. (? nonce-wd.)
[f. It. scorsa a run, f. scorrere:—L. excurrĕre: see excur.]
trans. To chase.
1596Spenser F.Q. vi. ix. 3 Him..From the country back to priuate farmes he scorsed [rimes coursed, forsed].




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