

单词 pured
释义 pured, ppl. a. (n.) Obs.
Also 5 purid, -yd.
[f. pure v. + -ed1.]
1. Purified, cleansed; refined.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 633 Gawan was for gode knawen, & as golde pured.c1400Mandeville (1839) xx. 217 Bordured alle aboute with pured Gold.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 173 Wedyde the cokkelle frome the puryd corne.1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xvii. K j b, Mercury..About the ayre castinge his pured lyght.1513Bradshaw's St. Werburge, Balade to Auctour (E.E.T.S.) 200 This delicious werke Thus surely sette by pured science.
2. Of fur: Trimmed or cut down so as to show one colour only. (Cf. pure a. 1 a.)
pured gris or pured grey, the grey fur of the back of the squirrel in winter, without any of the white of the belly. pured calabre, pured miniver, the white belly part of these furs, with the dark or grey sides trimmed off. (Cf. also b, and puree n.1)
Beside pured miniver (minutus varius puratus, menever puree), the 14–16th c. records have also m. v. dimidio puratus, half-pured miniver, in which a narrow strip of the grey colour was left at the edges. (John Hodgkin.)
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 154 With pelure pured apert þe pane ful clene.Ibid. 1738 In a mery mantyle..furred ful fyne with fellez, wel pured. [1363Rolls of Parlt. II. 279 Et q'ils ne usent..Cloche, Mantel, ne Goune, fururez de menevoir purez.]c1420Chron. Vilod. cccxxxi, Þe mantyl þt was furuyd wt puryd gray.c1450Brut 434 Thanne was don on the Bisshop an abbite..of fyne Scarlet furrid with purid werke.1463–4Rolls of Parlt. V. 505 Their wyfes, may use and were the forseid Furres of Mattrones, Funes, Letyce, pured Grey, or pured Menyver.1503Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. II. 221 Payit to Pyeris Mainiryng, Maister of the Quenis wardrob, for vj tymir of pured calabar to the samyn, ilk tymir xxxiiijs.1505Ibid. III. 43 For xvj bakkis of pured gray; ilk pece xvjd.
b. ellipt. as n. ‘Pured’ miniver: cf. puree n.1
c1435Chron. London (1905) 95 Ther was putte vpon the bisshop a cardynall habyte off Skarlette furred with puredd.c1450Ibid. 131 A ffrerys coope of ffyne scarlett ffurred with puryd.c1450Lovelich Merlin 4460 Jn the kynges tyme..that aftyr the schal regnen in pured & palle.




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