

单词 scance
释义 I. scance, n. Sc.|skæns|
Also 7–9 skance.
[f. scance v.2]
a. A glance; a glimpse.
b. A gleam (of light).
a.1787J. Skinner Misc. Poetry (1809) III. 108 O happy hour..That..gae him..Sae braw a skance Of Ayrshire's dainty Poet.1871W. Alexander Johnny Gibb (1873) 66 Then they stumbled on a field of the laird's..and took a ‘skance’ of what was going on there.
b.1819–20‘Antiquary’ St. Patrick 168 (Jam.), I looket up amang the craigs an saw a red scance o' light beekin' on the taps o' the highest o' them.
II. scance, v.1 Chiefly Sc.|skɑːns, -æ-|
Also 6–7, 9 skance, 7–8 scanse.
[app. f. L. scans-, ppl. stem of scandĕre to climb, to scan.]
1. trans. To examine critically, to scrutinize; to turn over in one's mind, to reflect on; also (with indirect question as obj.), to debate with oneself, ‘wonder’. Cf. scan v. 2, 3. Obs.
1597Montgomerie Cherrie & Slae 1357 Give him ȝour gude advyce; And panse not, nor skance not, The perril nor the pryce.1603Philotus ci, Full oft this mater did I skance, Bot with my self befoir.1638H. Adamson Muses Threnodie (1774) 161 How that can be forgote I greatlie scance.
2. intr. To reflect, comment, descant. Const. of, on, upon. Cf. scan v. 2 b.
1606Rollock Lect. 2 Thess. 28 (Jam.) To scanse of these things ouer far it is but vaine curiositie.1739A. Nicol Nature without Art 69 Oh my Muse, I want Engine To scance upon the Ancient Name.Ibid. 80, I ne'er admire the Learned, tho' they Scance On Stile and Numbers.1806A. Douglas Poems 151 (Jam.) Now round the ingle in a ring On public news they're scancin'.
3. = scan v.1 Obs. rare—1.
1704T. Watt Gram. made easy (1742) 78 To know how to Scanse the 10 Ode of the first Book [of Horace].
4. trans. To climb. (Cf. scan v. 7.)
1714R. Smith Poems (1853) 112 His Pious Soul did Jacob's Ladder scanse.1861R. W. Dixon To Shadow viii, If ever thou didst scance In a wayward wistful dance Up and down..On the wall with giant scrawl.
III. scance, v.2 Chiefly Sc.|skɑːns, -æ-|
[Of obscure origin; cf. askance.]
1. intr. To glance, look with disdain.
1611Coryat's Crudities Panegyr. Verses h j b, The Country Boores dasht with the matter Beganne on him to skance awry.1883R. Cleland Inchbracken xiv. 113 Cockin' her neb at decent folk, an' scancin' at my tuscan bonnet.
2. To make a display or show.
1813Picken Poems I. 123 (Jam.) In silk an' sattin ilk ane scances, An' gawze beside.
Hence ˈscancing ppl. a.
a1774Fergusson Poems (1807) 344 Where now cou'd shine The scancin glories o' carmine?
IV. scance
obs. form of sconce (fort).




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