

单词 preponderate
释义 I. preponderate, a. rare.|prɪˈpɒndərət|
[f. pa. pple. of L. præponderāre (see preponder) + -ate2. For sense cf. predominate a.]
= preponderant.
1802Bentham Princ. Judic. Procedure Wks. 1843 II. 8/2 What security can, without preponderate hardship, be provided against falsity uttered by an individual coming in the character of a pursuer.1818Gen. Hist. in Ann. Reg. 166/1 Unless the fate of mankind takes some preponderate determination, it will not be easy to pronounce whether good or evil will be the final result.1889Sexton Sp. in Daily News 11 Apr. 8/2 A preponderate majority of elected representatives.
Hence preˈponderately adv., predominantly.
1820Bentham Liberty of Press Wks. 1843 II. 290/1 Nothing will be done but what is bad,—absolutely bad, or at least,..preponderately bad.1882Society 11 Nov. 27/2 Whether the style..is not preponderately heavy.
II. preponderate, v.1|prɪˈpɒndəreɪt|
Also 7 præ-.
[f. ppl. stem of L. præponderāre: see preponder v. and -ate3.]
I. Intransitive senses.
1. To weigh more; to be heavier; to incline the balance; to turn the scale.
1623Cockeram, Preponderate, to weigh downe more.1660Boyle New Exp. Phys. Mech. xxxiv. 259 The Bladder appear'd to preponderate.1672Wilkins Nat. Relig. 37 Where neither side doth preponderate, the balance should hang even.1785J. Imison Sch. Art I. 125 The cork will preponderate, and show itself to be heavier than the lead.1800Vince Hydrostat. ii. (1806) 26 If two bodies of the same weight in air be put into a denser fluid, the smaller body will preponderate.
b. fig. To have the greater moral or intellectual weight.
1659Fuller App. Inj. Innoc. (1840) 288 These last reasons did preponderate with me.1690Locke Hum. Und. iv. xvi. §9 As the Arguments..shall to any one appear, upon the whole matter, in a greater or less degree, to preponderate on either side.1818Scott Hrt. Midl. iii, The verdict of the jury sufficiently shows how the evidence preponderated in their minds.1874Stubbs Const. Hist. I. i. 8 One influence preponderates in the language, the other in the policy.
c. To exceed or be superior in power, force, or influence; to exceed in amount, number, etc.; to predominate.
1799S. Turner Anglo-Sax. ii. vii. 298 Oswy is ranked by Bede the seventh..of the kings who preponderated in the Anglo-Saxon octarchy.1838Dickens Nich. Nick. vi, The good in this state of existence preponderates over the bad.1862Dana Man. Geol. ii. i. 481 But the relics of Ferns, Conifers and Cycads greatly preponderate.1867Pall Mall G. 19 July 16 In milk,..the heat-sustaining element preponderates largely over the nitrogenous or tissue-forming.
2. To descend or incline downwards, as one scale or end of a balance, or account of greater weight; to weigh or be weighed down; to show a preponderance. Also fig.
1678Hobbes Decam. viii. 92 In a pair of Scales equally charged with Quicksilver, the addition of a little Oyl to either Scale, will make it praeponderate.1725Jefferson in Athenæum 25 June (1892) 825/1 When these have been withdrawn from us..the balance of pain preponderates unequivocally.a1774Goldsm. Surv. Exp. Philos. (1776) I. 212 Suppose I take..a walking cane,..and attempt to balance it across my finger; I shall at last find some one particular part in it which being supported, neither of the ends will preponderate.1831Lardner Hydrostatics v. 83 By the weight of this quantity the dish [of a balance] will now preponderate.1844Ld. Brougham Brit. Const. iii. (1862) 45 It appears that the balance of probability preponderates in favour of the position.
b. To gravitate or incline more strongly. rare.
1692Bentley Boyle Lect. vii. 255 They cannot be evenly attracted on all sides, but must præponderate some way or other.1757Edwards Orig. Sin iii. (1837) 24 The question..is not whether he is not inclined to perform as many good deeds as bad ones; but which of these two he preponderates to.
II. Transitive senses.
3. To weigh more than, exceed in weight; to turn the scale when weighed against (something else); to outweigh. Obs.
1651H. More Second Lash in Enthus. Tri., etc. (1656) 268 The greater number of the lincks of a chain preponderating the lesse number.1661Glanvill Van Dogm. 137 An inconsiderable weight by vertue of its distance from the Centre of the Ballance, will preponderate much greater magnitudes.1755B. Martin Mag. Arts & Sc. iii. xii. 394 You see the Cork preponderate the Gold, as far as the Beam will admit.
b. fig. To outweigh in importance, value, or influence. Obs.
1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. vi. §10 All which and some other,..must not preponderate the handling of things more rare and considerable.a1652J. Smith Sel. Disc. vii. iii. (1821) 324 His merits preponderate his demerits.1699Burnet 39 Art. xxv. (1700) 280 The evil does so far preponderate the good.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) I. 607 That the good must greatly preponderate the evil.
4. To cause to descend, as one scale of a balance, by reason of greater weight; to weigh down. Also fig. To cause to incline more strongly.
1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. iv. xvi. 324 Desiring to spare Christian bloud, preponderates him for Peace.1658W. Gurnall Chr. in Arm. ii. 360 They need not, when cast into the scale of thy thoughts, preponderate thee either way.1660N. Ingelo Bentiv. & Ur. i. (1682) 117 Is not our Will..given us to preponderate our powers to such Actions as Reason pronounceth good?1796Jefferson Writ. (1859) IV. 150 The addition of my wish may have some effect to preponderate the scale.




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