

单词 savourly
释义 I. ˈsavourly, a. Obs.
Also 4 saverly.
[f. savour n. + -ly1.]
= savoury a.
13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 226, I hope no tong moȝt endure No sauerly saghe say of þat syȝt.1583Golding Calvin on Deut. lxiii. 383/2 Manna..was a good & sauorly nourishment.1608Willet Hexapla Exod. 669 The burning of flesh of it selfe is not so pleasant and sauourly.
II. ˈsavourly, adv. Obs.
Forms: 4–6 saverly, 5 saverely, 6 savor-, saverlie, 6–7 savourely, savorly, 5–7 savourly.
[f. savour n. + -ly2.]
1. With enjoyment; with relish; pleasantly; agreeably; keenly.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 1937 Þen acoles he (þe) knyȝt, & kysses hym þryes, As sauerly & sadly as he hem sette couþe.c1440York Myst. xxix. 80 Wherfore we counsaile you This cuppe sauerly for to kisse.1495[see savourily 1, quot. 1398].1560Pilkington Expos. Aggeus H ij, The labouryng man..feedes sauerly on brown bread, thin drynke, and a poore supper.1637Brief Relat. Passages Star Chamber 25 A Bee came and pitched on the Nosegay, and began to suck the flowers very savourly.1683Tryon Way to Health 350 The Cannibals feed on Humane Flesh, and will most savourly gnaw a Shoulder of Man.1690Dryden Amphitryon i. i, He..snuffs up Incense so savourly, when 'tis offer'd him by a fair Hand.
b. Of weeping: Passionately, bitterly.
1662H. More Antid. Ath. iii. iv. §4 Other sometimes bearing the Image of Christ in her arms, weeping savourly.1722De Foe Col. Jack ii, Then I fell a-crying as savourly as I did before, when I thought I had lost it.
2. With understanding; with appreciation; wisely; effectively.
c1450tr. De Imitatione i. i. 2 For who euere wol under⁓stonde þe wordes of crist pleinly and sauerely, he must studie to conforme all his lif to his lyf.1529More Supplic. Soulys Wks. 301/1 But than he speaketh so sauorlie hereof, that it well appereth of hys wyse wordes he neyther canneth anye skill therof, nor neuer came in the house.1619M. Fotherby Atheom. ii. vi. §1 (1622) 246 Which folly that wise King derided very sauorly.1663Bunyan Chr. Behav. Wks. 1692 I. 595/2 For Christians to commune savourly of God's Matters one with another, it is as if they opened to each other Nostrils Boxes of Perfume.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. vi. 119 Which life I conceive S. Paul describes very savourly, when he saith, That the Kingdom of Heaven is..righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.




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