

单词 sauntering
释义 I. sauntering, vbl. n.|ˈsɔːntərɪŋ|
1. (Sense uncertain; possibly not from the existing verb.) Obs.
The interpretation ‘loitering, vagrancy’ does not well suit the context, and the corresponding sense of the vb. has not been found before the middle of the 17th c. If sauntrell means ‘pretended saint’, sauntering may be a back formation from it, with the sense ‘a pretending to holiness’.
c1440York Myst. xxxv. 70 Thoo sawes schall rewe hym sore For all his saunteryng sone.Ibid. 150 Nowe all his gaudis no thyng hym gaynes, His sauntering schall with bale be bought.
2. The action of the vb. saunter; strolling about; dawdling, trifling.
1678Dryden Kind Kpr. v. i, When the Cuckold finds no Company, he will certainly go a santring again.c1685Villiers (Dk. Buckhm.) Char. Chas. II in Coll. of Poems 156 A bewitching kind of Pleasure, called Santring, and Talking, without any Constraint, was the true Sultana Queen he delighted in.1693Locke Educ. §120. 148 When his sauntring at his Book is cured.1813L. Hunt in Examiner 22 Mar. 178/1 His saunterings and his drinking parties with Tom, Dick, and Harry.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. ii. I. 168 Charles came forth from that school with social habits,..fond of sauntering and of frivolous amusements.1885M. E. Braddon Wyllard's Weird I. i. 42 Bothwell was fond of late saunterings in the grounds.
attrib.1796G. M. Woodward Eccentric Excurs. (1807) 20 This is a general sauntering place for men and cattle.
II. sauntering, ppl. a.|ˈsɔːntərɪŋ|
1. a. Of a person, his habits or dispositions: That saunters; given to strolling about carelessly; given to dawdling over one's work.
1673O. Walker Educ. (1677) 99 Others are to all purposes slow and sawntring.1693Locke Educ. §116. 141 This Sauntring Humour I look on as one of the worst Qualities can appear in a Child.Ibid., Upon the first suspicion a Father has, that his Son is of a Sauntring Temper, he must [etc.].1703Rowe Fair Penit. Epil., We'd teach the Saunt'ring Squire, who loves to roam, Forgetful of his own dear Spouse and Home.1740Richardson Pamela (1824) I. xii. 250 Jackey..was the most thoughtless, whistling, sauntering fellow you ever knew.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xiii. III. 307 The idle sauntering habits of an aristocracy.
b. transf. Of time: Occupied in leisurely pursuits, not strenuous.
1818Byron Ch. Har. iv. xxxiii, The brawling brook, where-by, Clear as its current, glide the sauntering hours With a calm languor.1849Robertson Serm. Ser. i. ii. (1866) 24 In our inattentive, sauntering, wayside hours.1854S. Dobell Balder iii. Poet. Wks. 1875 II. 20 Taskless thro' the round of sauntering day.
2. Of a story: Trumpery, foolish. Obs.
Perh. a different word; cf. north. dial. saunter in auld wife saunter (= ‘auld wife's aunter’), an old woman's tale.
1726C. Threlkeld Synopsis Stirp. Hib. D 5 b, A great Sputter has been made about Fern-Seed, and several sauntring Stories feigned concerning its Collection on St. John's-eve.
Hence ˈsaunteringly adv.
1842Blackw. Mag. LI. 249 A gay good-looking young man rode saunteringly up the main street.1881D. C. Murray Joseph's Coat I. vii. 140 You come saunteringly to a little rise.




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