

单词 pulk
释义 I. pulk1 Now local.|pʌlk|
Forms: α. 3–5 polk, 5 polke; β. 5–7 pulke, 7 pulck, 5– pulk.
[ME. polk, app. dim. of OE. pól, ME. pōl(e (in 15th c. also pull) pool n.1 Cf. chink.]
A small pool, especially of standing water; a small pond or water-pit; a shallow well or tank; a puddle, a plash; a small lake or ‘broad’.
c1300Havelok 2685 On þe feld was neuere a polk [rime folk] Þat it ne stod of blod so ful, Þat þe strem ran intil þe hul.c1320Sir Tristr. 2886 Mine hors þe water vp brouȝt, Of o polk in þe way.c1440Promp. Parv. 408/1 Polke..or pul yn a watur (H. pulk water, P. polke, or pulke water), vortex.1642Rogers Naaman 842 It is easie for a woman to goe to a pond or pulke standing neare to her doore.1674–91Ray N.C. Words 56 A Pulk, a Hole of standing Water, is used also for a Slough or Plash of some depth.1678Coll. Conn. Hist. Soc. VI. 186 The Highway..very chargeable to mayntayne by reason of swamps pulcks and Hoales that lye in the said Highway.a1825Forby Voc. E. Anglia, Pulk, a hole full of mud, or a small muddy pond. Otherwise a pulk-hole, a shallow place containing water.1883G. C. Davies Norfolk Broads i. (1884) 7 In the little ‘pulks’ or miniature Broads, which everywhere open off the river, are lilies..in dazzling abundance.
b. Comb. pulk-hole.
a1825[see above].1887Jessopp Arcady 55 The turf in the pulk hole or bog lands.
II. pulk2 north. dial. Obs.
A chest of drawers; a bureau.
1577Wills & Inv. N.C. (Surtees) I. 415 A pulke of mazer xxvjs viijd.1590Ibid. II. 197 Myne uncle Barker's debt book, lyeinge in..a dresser ther, the key whereof is in a pulke in the perlor.1596Ibid. 297 note, The standinge pulke in the hall.
III. pulk3, polk|pʌlk, pɒlk|
[a. F. pulk, a. Pol. polk, Russ. polku a regiment, an army.]
A regiment of Cossacks. Also transf.
1791St. Papers in Ann. Reg. 198/2 It is permitted to all citizens to serve in the army in any regiment or pulk.1796Morse Amer. Geog. II. 302 Two pulks of cossacks, each pulk consisting of 500 men.1848Thackeray Contrib. to Punch Wks. 1886 XXIV. 195 Now charging a pulk of Chartists.1861W. H. Russell in Times 22 Oct., A squadron of cavalry..whose saddlery accoutrements..and uniforms would not be tolerated in a polk of Cossacks of the Black Sea.




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