

单词 sacrary
释义 sacrary Obs.
Also 4–7 sacrarie, 5 sacraire, -ayre, sacrear, sacrarye.
[a. OF. sacraire, -eire, sacrarie, ad. L. sacrārium (see sacrarium1); cf. Sp. sagrário, It. sacrario.]
1. gen. A place where sacred objects are kept; a sacred building or apartment; a temple, shrine, sanctuary.
1382Wyclif 1 Cor. ix. 13 Thei that wirchen in the sacrarie, that is, a place where hooly thingis ben kept, eten tho thingis that ben of the sacrarie.1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy ii. 3823 Þei token al þat cam to her honde,..Reliques sacrid, þe holy eke vessels,..oute of þe sacrarie.1490Caxton Eneydos xv. 59 This Yarbas..had..made an hondred temples wythin his royalme, wyth an hondred othre sacraryes, in whiche he had consecrated the fyre brennyng without ceasse.c1557Abp. Parker Ps. lxxviii. 226 Hys sacrary, which once in Sylo stoode.1620J. King Serm. 24 Mar. 27 The dilapidation of any of Gods Oratories and Sacraries, his Heauens vpon earth, goeth to his heart like swords.1652Gaule Magastrom. 256 The sacrary of Serapis, in Alexandria, was burnt.
b. fig.
13..Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. xxiii. 425 Heil þou holy sacrarie, Vr askynges euer heryng [Aue secretarium exaudicionis].14..Lydg. Life Our Lady lxxvii. (1484) l v b, God chase thy wombe for his tabernacle And halowed it so clene in euery coost To make hit sacrarye for his owen ghoost.1615T. Adams Myst. Bedlam i. (1634) 12 The purified heart is Gods Sacrary, his Sanctuary, his House, his Heauen.1668M. Casaubon Credulity (1670) 135 A more venerable..man..who would open all sacraries and fountains of Truth, should appear upon earth.1676Needham Pacquet Adv. 50 That draws a Reverence to the Throne itself; which should be religiously fenced about, not only as the Sacrary of Royalty, but as the Sanctuary also of other Princes.
2. spec. In a Christian church: = sacrarium 2 a.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VI. 155 By schewynge of God he fonge [read fonde] a greet deel of þe cros in Seynt Peter his sacrarie.14..Nom. in Wr.-Wülcker 721/1 Hoc sacrarium, a sacrear.1482Monk of Evesham xiii. (Arb.) 35 Abowte the sacrarye of the same auter y knowe wele y left my selfe.1560Becon Catech. v. Wks. I. 455 b, The ashes to be reposed in the sacrary among the other reliques.1727Acc. Ceremonies in Coronations 22 The Bishops to their Seats on the North side of the Area or Sacrary.




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