

单词 sabkha
释义 sabkha Geogr.|ˈsæbxə, ˈsæbkə|
Also sabquha, sebk(h)a. Pl. sabkha(s), sebakh.
[ad. Arab. sabḵah a saline infiltration, salt flat.]
A flat, salt-encrusted depression, usu. just above the water-table, that is subject to periodic flooding and evaporation, resulting in accumulation of alternating layers of æolian clays and salts, and is found esp. in N. Africa and Arabia. Cf. chott, kavir, playa 1, shott.
1878[see shott].1891[see chott].1909Groom & Balfour tr. E. Warming's Œcol. of Plants lviii. 233 Here also may be placed the shotts and sebakh of North Africa, depressions which contain salt water during the rainy season, but many of which are dry and covered with incrustations of salt in summer.1911G. Bell Let. 23 Feb. (1927) I. xii. 280 The ground here is what the Arabs called ‘sabkha’, soft, crumbly salt marsh, sandy when it is dry and ready at a moment's notice to turn into a world of glutinous paste.1937Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts & Sci. XXXIII. 110 In the smaller sebkas, comparable in dimensions to Carson Lake, the water is less salt, and supports a more varied fauna.1957R. J. H. Church W. Afr. xiv. 231 There is, in the north, a succession of salt encrusted mud-flats (sebkhas), marshy only after rare rains, which are remnants of former lagoons.1963[see kavir].1964Nature 23 May 759/1 The coast of the Sheikdom of Abu Dhabi, Trucial States,..is bordered for most of its length by low coastal flats which stand just above normal high-tide level. These flats are known locally as sabkha.1972Sci. Amer. Dec. 29/3 Sabkhas became an object of considerable interest to geologists soon after it was realized that certain types of ancient rock formation are practically identical with the sabkha sediments; both are characterized by the presence of nodular anhydrite and stromatolitic dolomite.1973Nature 20 July 145/1 The Triassic sabkhas were not all coastal sabkhas, or tidal flats, some may have been continental sabkhas, or playa flats.Ibid. 7 Sept. 29/2 The cores..show microalternations of organic matter and carbonate (sometimes replaced by chert) which closely resemble Recent supratidal deposits in the Persian Gulf (sabquha),..which are a product of a hot dry climate and hypersaline marine conditions with frequent drying out of the sediment.1977A. Hallam Planet Earth 157 Many modern desert coasts are bordered by salt marshes, usually known as sabkhas.1980D. Creed Scarab v. 39 The long flat distances of the sabkha..the time-worn cliffs, the unbroken blue of the sky.




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