

单词 publication
释义 publication|pʌblɪˈkeɪʃən|
Also 5 pupplicacion.
[ME. publicacion, a. OF. publicacion (14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), in mod.F. publication, or ad. L. pūblicātiōn-em, n. of action f. pūblicāre to publish.]
The action of publishing, or that which is published.
1. a. The action of making publicly known; public notification or announcement; promulgation.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VII. 433 Anselme..demede þat Sodomytes schulde be accorsed every Sonday. But afterward he undede þat doynge, for publicacioun [Higden publicatio] of vice.1451J. Capgrave Life St. Gilbert (E.E.T.S.) 107, xj ȝer aftir his deth was no gret pupplicacion mad.1553Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 140 To mak publicatioun and intimatioun heirof at the marcatt crossis.1655Providence (R.I.) Rec. (1893) II. 89 Ordred yt ye Publication of mariage shall be vnder ye hand of a Magistrate set upon some eminent Tree in ye Towne streete.1748Hartley Observ. Man ii. iv. 375 The Publication of the Gospel to us Gentiles.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. II. 577 Who could be allowed to speak of secret publication?
b. spec. in Law. Notification or communication to those concerned, or to a limited number regarded as representing the public. Cf. publish v. 1 b.
1590Swinburne Testaments vi. xiii. 223 The Iudge may not..proceede to the publication of the testament, vnlesse there be lawfull proofe, or sufficient prescription for the testators death.1656Blount Glossogr. s.v., In Chancery..we say a cause is come to Publication, when the Plaintiff hath exhibited his Bill, the Defendant answered, and witnesses are examined.1769Blackstone Comm. IV. xi. 150 The communication of a libel to any one person is a publication in the eye of the law.1837Act 1 Vict. c. 26 §13 Every will executed in manner hereinbefore required shall be valid without any other publication thereof.1897Daily News 21 Oct. 8/3 The Law of Libel... A man may tell his wife a thing, and that is not publication; or he may tell his next door neighbour, and that is.
2. a. The issuing, or offering to the public, of a book, map, engraving, photograph, piece of music, or other work of which copies are multiplied by writing, printing, or any other process; also, the work or business of producing and issuing copies of such works.
1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 216 My bookes,..with the publication of which you charge me as blameable.1665Boyle Occas. Refl. Pref. (1848) 29, I should not be destituted of a very just Excuse for the Publication of it [this Treatise].1786Cowper Let. to W. Churchey 13 Dec. in Sotheby's Catal. 29 Apr. (1897) 21 I know well that publication is necessary to give an edge to the poetical turn.1870Dickens E. Drood iv, With an author's anxiety to rush into publication.1902Daily Chron. 3 Sept. 3/2 Some publishers think that to deposit the usual copies required by law at the Public Libraries constitutes publication.
b. A work published; a book or the like printed or otherwise produced and issued for public sale.
The first quotation may belong to 2.
1656Cowley Poems Pref., I have lost the Copy,..which makes me omit it in this publication.1780Johnson in Boswell (1848) 656/2 One instance..of a foreign publication in which mention is made of l'illustre Lockman.1790Paley Horæ Paul. i. 7 They were originally separate publications.1831D. E. Williams Life & Corr. Sir T. Lawrence I. 141 Writers in the periodical publications of the day.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire (1854) I. 751 The diffusion of books and periodical publications.
c. attrib., as publication date, publication day.
1931H. Crane Let. 13 June (1965) 373 Will you tell me something about its publication date, etc.1976M. Hinxman End of Good Woman xiii. 168 Sometimes I think it's a plot on the part of the publishers to make sure no one can salvage the books from the packing to review them in time for the publication date.
1888‘Mark Twain’ Lett. to Publishers (1967) 250 No notice should appear before publication-day.1979M. Russell Touchdown i. 6, I felt an urge to demand how many previous stacks had melted away since publication day.
3. The making of a thing public or common property; confiscation. (A Latinism.) Obs. rare.
1611B. Jonson Catiline i. i, The rich men..proscrib'd And publication made of all their goods.1650Jer. Taylor Holy Living iv. viii. 304 To redeem maydens from prostitution and publication of their bodies.




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