

单词 psychism
释义 psychism|ps-, ˈsaɪkɪz(ə)m|
[f. Gr. ψῡχή psyche + -ism; in sense 1, ad. F. psychisme.]
1. See quot.
1857W. Fleming Vocab. Philos. 407 Psychism..is the word chosen by Mons. Quesne (Lettres sur le Psychisme, Paris, 1852) to denote the doctrine that there is a fluid, diffused throughout all nature, animating equally all living and organized beings, and that the difference which appears in their actions comes of their particular organization.
2. The attribution of a living soul to the universe, or to inanimate objects and natural phenomena; = animism.
1890Hatch Influence Grk. Ideas ix. 246 A survival of the primitive psychism which peopled the whole universe with life and animation.
3. The doctrine or theory of the existence of forces unexplainable by physical science in connexion with so-called spiritualistic phenomena.
1871[see psychic B. 1].1872Geo. Eliot Let. 4 Mar. (1956) V. 253 Ideas of spirit-intercourse, ‘psychism’ and so on, have come before me in the painful form of the lowest charlatanerie.1895Folk-Lore VI. 79 Analysed under the dry light of anthropology, its psychism [sc. that of psychical research] is seen to be only the ‘other self’ of barbaric spiritual philosophy ‘writ large’.1899Gibier (title) Psychism: Analysis of Things Existing.1974Christian I. 322 They want to know more about apparently unusual goings-on, and this interest is not far removed from the curiosity about psychism and the occult.
4. The character of being psychic or mental.
1890in Cent. Dict.1895in Syd. Soc. Lex.1962Times 4 May 9/6 Psychism is, of course, a function of the brain and..when psychism is disturbed the brain function is affected.1970G. Ordish tr. Chauvin's World of Ants vii. 171 Myrmica..is an ant relatively low on the ladder of ant psychism.
So ˈpsychist, (a) a psychologist; (b) one who believes in psychic force, or who engages in psychical research (Cassell's Encycl. Dict. 1886); (c) a bridge-player who practises psychic bidding.
1895Syd. Soc. Lex., Psychist, one who makes a special study of Psychics [= psychology].1900W. W. Peyton in Contemp. Rev. Apr. 493 The healing of a leper may be done by suggestion, as the psychists tell us.1952I. Macleod Bridge vii. 95 The stupid psychist..would perhaps bid Three No Trumps.




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