

单词 psychic
释义 psychic, a. (n.)|ˈpsaɪkɪk, ˈsaɪkɪk|
[ad. Gr. ψῡχικ-ός of the soul or life: in mod.F. psychique, as in English.]
A. adj.
1. a. Of or pertaining to the human soul or mind; mental: = psychical a. 1. Also, having a psychical rather than a physical or physiological origin (cf. psychical a. 1 a).
psychic blindness = psychical blindness s.v. psychical a. 1 a; psychic determinism = psychical determinism s.v. psychical a. 1 a; psychic energizer, an antidepressant drug, esp. one effective against psychotic states; psychic unity, a supposed similarity of the mental make-up of all mankind.
1873Wagner tr. Teuffel's Hist. Rom. Lit. I. 422 In its refined descriptions of psychic events the poem recalls Virgil's manner.1883Brit. Q. Rev. July 14 The varied stimuli, psychic and physical.1890W. James Princ. Psychol. I. ii. 41 Munk..was the first to distinguish in these vivisections between sensorial and psychic blindness... Psychic blindness is inability to recognize the meaning of the optical impressions, as when we see a page of Chinese print but it suggests nothing to us.1896Alienist & Neurologist XVII. 520 Hysteria, is a constitutional psycho-neuropathy with morbid impulsions, caprices, delusions, hallucinations, and illusions, psychic and sensory. We see it displayed..in men with psychical impotency and in women after the menopause.1902Buchan Watcher by Threshold 131 Among women his psychic balance was so oddly upset that he grew nervous and returned unhappy.1910Jrnl. Abnormal Psychol. V. 68, I have successfully treated by Freud's psychoanalytic method cases of homosexuality, psychic impotence..and many other so-called perversions.1924E. & C. Paul tr. Wittels's S. Freud 267 By psychoanalysts the term ‘sexual’ is used with wide connotations, so that ‘libido’ becomes almost synonymous with ‘psychic energy’, with conation and also with what Bergson terms the ‘vital impetus’.1925J. Laird Our Minds & their Bodies ii. 32 ‘Psychic’ tumours or false pregnancies have deceived skilled observers.1931W. B. Gibson tr. Husserl's Ideas i. ii. 89 Blindness to ideas is a kind of psychic blindness.1943Jrnl. Nerv. & Mental Dis. XCVIII. 184 Freud's theory of psychic determinism does not ignore human values.1953G. Devereux Psychoanal. & Occult ii. 38 Due partly to the psychic unity of mankind..and partly to the limitation imposed upon the general direction of thought processes by the ethos of the culture area [etc.].1955Internat. Jrnl. Psycho-Anal. XXXVI. 355 Although the concept of psychic determinism is generally accepted without qualification as an aspect of scientific causality, it sometimes appears difficult to reconcile it with the feeling of free will.1957N. S. Kline in Congr. Rep. 2nd World Congr. Psychiatry i. 212 Psychic Energisers. We have found that iproniazid (Marsilid) may represent a new principle of drug action since it is capable of increasing psychic energy.1961Psychic energizer [see psychostimulant n. and adj. s.v. psycho-].1963Listener 7 Feb. 238/2 Such ‘psychic poisons’ as lysergic and diethylamide, LSD-25, which produces extreme mental confusion.1967J. J. Honigman Personality in Culture iv. 97/2 The assumption of psychic unity permits an investigator to apply the same principles of psychology to many people and to use his experience in his own culture (or with other cultures he has studied) as controls.1968New Scientist 2 May 226/1 The so-called ‘psychic poisons’, capable of inducing temporary or even permanent insanity.1970Aguilera & Messick Crisis Intervention i. 2 Psychic determinism is the theoretical foundation of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis.1974S. Arieti Amer. Handbk. Psychiatry I. iii. 67/1 Regardless of national boundaries, great rapidity has characterized the use of these new drugs, be these ‘tranquilizers’..or ‘psychic energizers’.1974M. Mendelson Psychoanalytic Concepts of Depression (ed. 2) vii. 254 Unlike the energy of science..psychic energy is directional.
b. Characterized by being susceptible to psychic or spiritual influence.
1905Daily News 16 Feb. 12 The Welsh are what is termed a ‘psychic’ race—that is, their senses are very highly strung, which gives them a tendency to second sight, or clairvoyance, also clairaudience and telepathy.
c. Physically delicate or frail; ‘spirituelle’.
1891H. Herman His Angel 14 The girl was a frail and delicate creature..with tiny, pointed, psychic, rosy-tipped hands.
d. psychic income (Econ.): the non-monetary or non-material satisfactions that accompany an occupation or economic activity.
1904F. A. Feller Princ. Econ. xlii. 402 It is well to recall also the distinction between wealth income, money income, and psychic income... The money expression of psychic income can be only approximately attained.1937Gemmill & Blodgett Economics I. iii. 56 Psychic income means the actual enjoyment or gratification which comes to a person through the consumption of commodities and services.1948M. H. Umbreit et al. Fund. Econ. xxii. 346 The fact that individuals desire to work in..pleasant occupations has led to the concept of psychic income.1975New Society 3 July 3/2 Views of metal rooftops have been replaced by grass and flowers or attractive paving, giving office workers an inflation-proof bonus in what economists call psychic income.
2. Pertaining to, or characterized by, the ‘lower soul’ or animal principle, as distinguished from the spirit or ‘higher soul’; natural, animal; = psychical 2.
After St. Paul's use of ψυχικός, 1 Cor. ii. 14, etc.
1858J. Martineau Stud. Chr. 259 It was necessary that the Logos..should..by preoccupation have neutralized the action of the natural (or psychic) element throughout all the years of his continuance among men.1868Gladstone Juv. Mundi ix. 376 What St. Paul calls the flesh and the mind, the psychic and the bodily life.1889Bibliotheca Sacra July 399 The psychic, or animal, man, is the natural man of this present age.
3. a. = psychical a. 3.
psychic research = psychical research s.v. psychical a. 3; so psychic researcher; psychic surgery, surgery that is ostensibly performed by psychic or paranormal means; so psychic surgeon.
1836Discovery June 185/1 A curious outbreak of what the African calls kupagawa na pepo, i.e., to be ‘ridden by demons’ has occurred recently in Mombasa..and other East African towns, almost in the form of a psychic epidemic.1880Spiritualist XVI. 18/2 (heading) Psychic action from a distance. [1881Dr. Gheist, an Autobiogr. 39 When the ‘psychic figure’ disappears, or is sucked back into the body of the medium.]1887F. Johnson New Psychic Stud. i. 7 These studies are termed psychic in a modified sense; they pertain not to the ordinary operations of the mind, but to the unusual, such as thought-transference, somnambulism, mesmerism, clairvoyance, spiritualism, apparitions of the living, haunted houses, ghosts [etc.].1895Mrs. Besant in Daily Chron. 15 Jan. 5/5 A man..possessing some psychic gifts.1939‘N. Blake’ Smiler with Knife iii. 54 He'll write up the Yarnold Cross ghost, and that'll bring a horde of sightseers and psychic researchers up to the farm.1968S. Hynes Edwardian Turn of Mind v. 145 His spectrum of interests—biology, psychic research, and socialism—make him an Edwardian radical in spirit.Ibid., The psychic researchers' arguments against scientific scepticism.1975Milner & Smart Loom of Creation iv. 250 The greatest problem I have experienced in describing and substantiating psychic surgery is that previously most authors have reported something akin to conventional surgery in hospitals.1975W. & M. Uphoff New Psychic Frontiers iii. 165 (caption) [He] witnessed eleven and filmed ten ‘psychic surgeons’ in the Philippines.1977Time 12 Dec. 46/2 One part reported on ‘psychic surgery’, in which Filipino healers supposedly diagnose tumors and other problems, and then use psychic forces—not scalpels—to make incisions and treat them.
b. psychic force, a supposed force, power, or influence, not physical or mechanical, exhibiting intelligence or volition, and assumed as the cause of certain so-called spiritualistic phenomena.
1871W. Crookes in Q. Jrnl. Sci. July 17 Respecting the cause of these phenomena, the nature of the force to which..I have ventured to give the name of Psychic [etc.].1874Carpenter Ment. Phys. ii. xvi. (1879) 632 The table was actually raised, either by his own ‘psychic force’, or by the agency of disembodied spirits.1900tr. Flammarion's Unknown vi. 228 We are compelled to admit the existence of an unknown psychic force, emanating from the human being, and capable of making itself felt at great distances.1908Sir W. Crookes Let. to Editor, It is not improbable that Sergeant Cox might have suggested the term psychic force to me in conversation before June 1871.
4. Bridge. Of a bid, bidder, or bidding: deliberately misrepresenting the player's hand so as to deceive the opponents.
1932D. R. Sims Psychic Bidding ii. 18, I shall attempt to outline a few types of psychic bids.Ibid. 22 A clever psychic bidder will now employ the barricade bid of two or even three No Trumps.1936E. Culbertson Contract Bridge Complete i. iii. 55 How do the experts distinguish a bona fide bid from a psychic one?1952I. Macleod Bridge i. 13 In the years 1932–5 two notable teams were pre-eminent in duplicate Bridge in this country. One captained by Harry Ingram..devastated their opponents with their psychic bidding.1975Times 20 Dec. 10/8 A player has made a psychic opening bid and does not hold a possible trick.1977Washington Post 7 Sept. e. 9 In the early 1930s, just after the birth of psychic bidding, many players indulged in this mania of fabricating bids.
B. n.
1. a. One who is particularly susceptible to ‘psychic’ influence (see psychical 3); a ‘medium’.
1871E. W. Cox Let. to W. Crookes in Q. Jrnl. Sci. July 19, I venture to suggest that the force be termed the Psychic Force; the persons in whom it is manifested in extraordinary power Psychics; and the science relating to it Psychism, as being a branch of Psychology.1874What am I? II. ii. xxiii. 289 He had previously exhibited considerable power as a Psychic.1890Sat. Rev. 1 Nov. 507/2 Hypnotisms, mesmerisms, spiritualisms, and spiritisms, the two latter kept rigidly separate by the orthodox psychic.
b. The realm of perceptual, mental, or physical phenomena that seem to transcend known physical laws (see psychical a. 3).
1909[see oil v. 1 b].1960R. F. C. Hull tr. Jung's Nature of Psyche in Coll. Wks. (1969) VIII. 181 It appears the psychic is an emancipation of function from its instinctual form and so from the compulsiveness which..causes it to harden into a mechanism.
2. Ch. Hist. See quot., and cf. 2 above.
1874J. H. Blunt Dict. Sects (1886), Psychics, a party name given to the orthodox by the Tertullianists, who called themselves ‘Spirituals’... The distinction was drawn from St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians, where he writes of the ψυχικός..and the πνευµατικός.
3. Bridge. A psychic bid (see sense A. 4 above); controlled psychic: (see quots. 1959, 1962).
1932D. R. Sims Psychic Bidding i. 15 The strategical bids which, under the name of ‘psychics’, are being extensively misused.1936Punch 2 Dec. 639/3 Unless North's last bid was a pure psychic, he should certainly hold the King of Spades himself.1959T. Reese Bridge Player's Dict. 40 A controlled psychic, as opposed to an ordinary psychic, is one made in accordance with a prearranged system.1962Listener 8 Nov. 786/1 The British pair in the open room were playing what are known as ‘controlled psychics’. That is to say, a player would sometimes open the bidding on very slight values without taking a great risk, for there would be a built-in mechanism to prevent the partnership going too high.




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