

单词 roust
释义 I. roust, n.1 Now Sc.|raʊst|
Forms: 3 rowwst, 5 rowste, 6, 9 roust.
[a. ON. raust (Norw. raust, Fær. reyst, Sw. röst, Da. røst) voice.]
Voice, cry; shout, roar.
c1200Ormin 9197 Þe rowwst iss herrd off ænne mann Þatt epeþþ þuss i wesste.a1400–50Alexander 488 Anectanabus..drafe thurȝe þe sale With slike a rowste & rerid.1513Douglas æneis iv. Prol. 67 The feildis all doith of thar roustis resound.1808Jamieson, Roust, the act of roaring or bellowing.c1820G. Beattie John of Arnha (1882) 34 (E.D.D.), To ilk bellow, roust and roar.
II. roust, n.2 N. Amer. (orig. Criminals') slang.|raʊst|
[f. roust v.2]
The act of jostling (see quot. 1942); harassment, roughing up, esp. by the police; a police raid.
1942Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang §490/5 Roust, rousting, rowdy-dowdy, the act of causing a crush in a crowd or jostling the victim in order to pick his pockets.1961Rigney & Smith Real Bohemia p. xvi, Roust, a, a bust, an arrest, a raid.1978R. Thomas Chinaman's Chance xxiii. 234 ‘I'm..your friendly, conscientious chief of police.’ Wu nodded slowly. ‘And this is a roust, huh?’
III. roust, v.1 Sc.|raʊst|
[f. roust n. Cf. Norw. rausta, rousta, in the same sense.]
intr. To shout, bellow, roar, make a loud noise.
1513Douglas æneis x. vi. 79 As Pharon cryis and dois rowst Wyth haltand wordis.Ibid. xii. xii. 69 Of thar rowsting all the large plane And woddis rank rowtis and lowis agane.1813W. Beattie Poems (1871) 34, I hear the stirkies roustin'.1819Tennant Papistry Storm'd (1827) 119 He had a trumpet braw, Whairwi' he 'gan to roust and blaw.Mod. Dinna roust an' roar like that.
IV. roust, v.2 orig. dial. and U.S.|raʊst|
[? Alteration of rouse v.1]
1. a. trans. To rout out; to rouse or stir up, to raise or arouse (from one's bed, etc.).
1658D. Lupton Flanders 9 Who will..ere long roust them out of this Hole, and make them look out another kennel.1850W. Colton Deck & Port 299 We rousted our anchors this afternoon from the bed in which they have slumbered for the last six weeks.1858Beecher Life Thoughts (1859) 115 To roust out all the vermin and the nibbling mice and turn up the yellow dirt to the sun.1871J. Hay Little Breeches 12 But we rousted up some torches, And sarched for 'em far and near.1883Peterson Mag. June 469/2 Awhile ago you was all rousted-up about goin' to New York village to see Mrs. Larne.1890H. M. Stanley In Darkest Africa I. xiii. 333 They were thoroughly rousted out, and their camps were destroyed.1905J. C. Lincoln Partners of Tide xi. 221 ‘Now, then,’ he added, ‘while we're waitin' for the tide to turn we might's well roust out a little more of the cargo.’1939J. Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath 123 Don't roust your faith bird-high an' you won't do no crawlin' with the worms.1972E. Wigginton Foxfire Bk. 169 You get up and roust up your fire.1978R. Ludlum Holcroft Covenant xliii. 496 I've been rousted from my bed to take additional scrapings from the dead man's room.
b. intr. To get up, turn out; to rummage around.
1884J. C. Harris Mingo & Other Sk. 162 It twon't never do in the roun' worl' for to be a-makin' faces at 'im frum the groun'. Roust up, roust up.1900C. C. Munn Uncle Terry 172, I ginerally roust out by daylight.1912R. A. Wason Friar Tuck 67, I knew it was my duty to roust out an' keep Horace from gettin' more sleep'n my treatment for his nerves called for.1941J. Street In my Father's House i. 19 Suppose you were a dominecker rooster—I mean hen... And you were in a coop and just outside the coop was a heap of grass that you wanted to roust around in.1977‘O. Jacks’ Autumn Heroes v. 67 He made them go over the check lists with him... He rousted around.
2. To jostle (see quot. 1942); (esp. of police) to harass, rough up. N. Amer. (orig. Criminals') slang.
1904No. 1500’ Life in Sing Sing 252/1 Roust, to jostle.1942Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang §490/12 Roust,..to cause a crush in a crowd or jostle the victim in order to pick his pockets.1972J. Wambaugh Blue Knight (1973) v. 68, I can't take this kind of heat. I can't take being rousted and hurt.1976N. Thornburg Cutter & Bone viii. 193 He ran into Sergeant Verdugo, one of the detectives who had rousted him the night of the murder.1978Globe & Mail (Toronto) 11 Jan. 8/1 Like one afternoon last spring,..when plain-clothes cops are rousting us when we're trying to do business. At the same time the bank at Church and Carleton gets robbed and the robber got away on foot.
V. roust, v.3 Austral. colloq.|raʊst|
[var. of rouse v.4; cf. roust v.1]
intr. = rouse v.4 Also with quasi-obj. in phr. to roust hell out of. Hence ˈrousting vbl. n.1
1916C. J. Dennis Songs of Sentimental Bloke 124 Roust or rouse, to upbraid with many words.1918Digger Smith 82 All me roustin' leaves 'em both serene.1938X. Herbert Capricornia xviii. 250 ‘All dem sister proper humbug.’ ‘How's that?’ ‘All time roustin'. All time tink we go out wid boys. We no can talk boys. But dem sister proper mad long boys demself.’1941S. Campion Mo Burdekin 139 And 'avin 'im roust hell outa me for it.1970P. White Vivisector i. 11 He hung around Mumma, waiting for her to settle, and she didn't roust on him.
VI. roust
obs. form of roost, rust.




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