

单词 rosmarine
释义 I. rosmarine1 Obs.
Forms: (1 rosmarim,) 4–8 rosmarine (4 -yne), 5 ros maryn, rosemaryn(e, 4, 6, 8 rosemarine.
[A more original form of rosemary.]
1. Rosemary.[c1000Sax. Leechd. I. 184 Ðeos wyrt þe man rosmarim, & oðrum naman boþen nemneþ.] 13..in Reliq. Antiq. I. 195 The rote of rosmaryne Man may set welle and fyne Betwene Aprile and the May.1390Gower Conf. III. 132 His herbe propre is Rosmarine, Which schapen is for his covine.14..Med. MS. in Anglia XIX. 79 Rosmarine.c1450M.E. Med. Bk. (Heinrich) 182 Tak þe rote of..rosmaryn, lauender, prymmerole.1481Botoner Tulle on Old Age (Caxton) f 5 Violettys, rosemarynes, maiorons, gylofres.1591Spenser Muiopot. 200 Colde Lettuce, and refreshing Rosmarine.1598Bp. Hall Sat. iv. iv. 118 Byting on Annis-seede, and Rose-marine.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I (1655) 200 Mr. Prynne and Mr. Burton were brought into London in great pomp and state, being conducted with many thousands of horse and foot, having sprigs of Rosmarine in their hands.1742Shenstone Schoolmistr. 109 Trim rosemarine, that whilom crown'd The daintiest garden of the proudest peer.
2. Sea-dew. rare—1.
1616B. Jonson Queenes Masques Wks. 902 You shall..steep Your bodies in that purer brine, And wholsome dew call'd Ros-marine.
II. rosmarine2 Obs.—1
[f. mod.L. rosmar-us (16th cent., ad. Da. rosmar), or It. and Sp. rosmaro, Pg. rosmar; the ending may have been suggested by morse marine.]
The walrus.
1590Spenser F.Q. ii. xii. 24 The horrible Sea-satyre,..And greedy Rosmarines with visages deforme.




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