

单词 baboon
释义 baboon|bəˈbuːn|
Forms: 4 baboyne, babewyne, 5 babewyn, -ewin, -ewen, -wyn, -wen, baubyn, 6 babound, baboyn, babwyne, 6–7 baboune, baboone, 6– baboon.
[a. F. babuin (13th c.), mod. babouin, or ad. med.L. babewynus (used in England 1295, see Du Cange), found also in the forms babouinus, baboynus, babuynus (some, if not all, of which are merely latinized from F. or Eng.); = It. babbuino, Sp. babuino. French has also babion, treated by Littré as a distinct word, but in Eng. identified with baboon, and the source of LG. bavian, Du. baviaan, HG. pavian, baboon. The earlier history of the word is unknown.
Diez suggests connexion with F. babine the thick lip of a cow, dog, monkey, compared with dial. Ger. bäppe muzzle. Scheler, from its application also to children, refers it to same root as babe or It. babbolo, etc.; others compare med.L. papio (see papioun), a kind of wild dog mentioned by Jac. de Vitriaco, and Maundevile. Finally we may compare OF. babau, babou, baboue, babouye, baboy, a grimace, a ‘mouth,’ faire la baboue à, to make mouths at. According to Daunon (Hist. Lit. xvi. 39), in 13th c., med.L. babuinare meant ‘to paint marginal figures in MSS.,’ and F. babouin was equivalent to homuncio; in the earliest known F. quotation in Le Dit des xxiii manières de vilains (13th c.), li vilains babuins is a simpleton or ninny, who gapes at the statues in front of Notre Dame while his purse is cut from behind. The original meaning, and the order of the senses, thus remain quite uncertain.]
1. A grotesque figure (perhaps of a baboon in sense 2) used in architecture or decorative work.[Cf.1405Test. Ebor. I. 317 Ciphus deauratus, coopertus..de aquilis, leonibus, coronis, et aliis babonibus.] c1325E.E. Allit. P. B. 1409 Lyfte logges þer-ouer & on lofte coruen, Pared out of paper & poynted of golde, Broþe baboynes abof, besttes an vnder.1430Lydg. Chron. Troy ii. xi, The corue knottes by craft of masonry, The freshe enbowing wt verges ryght as lynes, And the housyng ful of babewines [printed backewines].c1440Promp. Parv. 20/1 Babewyn, or babewen [1499 babwyn, or babwen], detippus, ipos, figmentum, chimera.1592Greene Upst. Courtier (1871) 38 Like a half face baubyn in brass.1861Our Eng. Home 72 Among the jewels of Edward II was a spice-plate ‘enamelled with baboons.’
2. A member of one of the great divisions of the Simiadæ or Monkeys, distinguished by a long dog-like snout, large canine teeth or tusks, capacious cheek-pouches, and naked callosities on the buttocks; they are inhabitants of Africa, Southern Asia, and the adjacent islands.
c1400Mandeville xxii. 238 Babewynes, Apes, Marmesettes, and othere dyverse bestes.1481Caxton Reynard (Arb.) 98, I wende hit had be a mermoyse, a baubyn, or a mercatte.1530Palsgr. 196/1 Babwyne beest, baboyn.1605Shakes. Macb. iv. i. 37 Coole it with a Baboones blood.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. II. 354 The baboon..is from three to four feet high.1834[See ape 2.]1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. iv. I. 480 His forehead low as that of a baboon.
3. fig. as a term of abuse; cf. ape.
c1500Robin Hood (Ritson) xi. 238 He then began to storm, Cries Fool, fanatick, baboon!1592Nashe P. Penilesse E j b, Is it anie discredit for me, thou great babound..to be censured by thee?1628Wither Brit. Rememb. i. 977 Such Apes, and such Baboones, As Parasites, and impudent Buffoones.1678Wycherley Pl.-Dealer ii. i. 25 No chattering, Baboons, instantly be gone.
4. Comb. baboon-bird; (see quot.)
1883E. F. Im Thurn Indians of Guiana 116 The bird (Threnœdus Militaris) called in the colony baboon-bird from the resemblance of its deep note to the ‘baboon.’




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