

单词 rivulet
释义 rivulet|ˈrɪvjʊlɪt|
Forms: α. 6–7 riuelet, rivlet, 7 riulet, riuilet, rivelet. β. 6–7 riuolet, 7 rivolet, reu-, revolet, rivalet. γ. 7 riuulet, 7– rivulet.
[Perh. ad. It. rivoletto, dim. of rivolo, dim. of rivo:—L. rīvus stream: cf. prec. and -et1.]
1. A small stream or river; a streamlet.
α1587Harrison England i. xi. I. 52 Meeting with sundrie other riuelets by the waie.Ibid. 55 A pretie riuelet rising about Michelneie.1590Warner Alb. Eng. xii. lxxv, Of that huge Sea let's through a Riblet [1612 Riulet] waide.1624Capt. Smith Virginia iv. 108 Two new Forts..vpon a pleasant plaine, and neare a little Riuilet.1641J. Jackson True Evang. T. i. 8 As naturall a fluxe..as the water in the rivelet hath from the fount.1671New York Cal. Doc. (1853) III. 196 They past this day several brave brookes and small Rivelets.
β1615G. Sandys Trav. 22 There being sundry riuolets that descend from the mountains.1660Stanley Hist. Philos. ix. iv. ix, A tender Olive set In a lone place, near a smooth Rivolet.1700J. A. Astry tr. Saavedra-Faxardo I. 123 The most noted Rivers take their rise and beginning from the smallest Rivolets.
γ1613–6W. Browne Brit. Past. i. ii, Triton..call'd the neighb'ring Nymphs each in her turne To poure their pretty Rivulets from their Urne.1667Milton P.L. ix. 420 By Fountain or by shadie Rivulet He sought them both.1726Swift Gulliver iii. iii, The Dews and Rains..are conveyed in small Rivulets towards the Middle.1779Forrest Voy. N. Guinea 320 These clouds feed the rivulets which run from the hills.1815Elphinstone Acc. Caubul (1842) I. 157 The water of the lake is salt, as is that of some of the rivulets which join it.1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 364 He discovered one of the sources of the Ogowé at a point where it formed a mere rivulet of water.
b. transf. and fig.
α1660Winstanley Eng. Worthies Ep. Ded. 4 A Nobler confluence of so many Loyal Purple Rivelets of Honour.
β1589Greene Menaphon Wks. (Grosart) VI. 42 The woman ceased not from streaming foorth riuolets of teares.1600Look about You L, Looke how the furrowes of his aged cheeke Fild with the reuolets of wet eyde mone.1670W. Penn Truth Rescued fr. Imposture 60 England's Fountain of Iustice was clear and wholesom, although the Rivolets or lesser Streams might be troubled.
γ1639Ld. Digby Lett. conc. Relig. (1651) 86 There can⁓not be admitted..unto the avowed channell of the Church, any corrupt Rivulet of erroneous Doctrine.1710T. Fuller Pharm. Extemp. 37 Steel..causes the Blood to run..through all the minutest Canals and Rivulets of the Body.1758Johnson Idler No. 7 ⁋4 The rivulets of intelligence which are continually trickling among us.1860C. Sangster Hesperus 44 A rivulet of song..Welled free and sparkling.
2. attrib. and Comb., as rivulet-bed, rivulet-side; also in specific names, as rivulet carp, rivulet dipper, rivulet salmon (see quots.).
1744J. Wilson Synop. Brit. Plants 10 By the rivulet side.1804Shaw Gen. Zool. V. i. 65 Rivulet Salmon [Salmo Rivalis].Ibid. 245 Rivulet Carp [Cyprinus Rivularis].1811Cooke Thames I. 1* b, From its source it flows on in a rivulet character, till it reaches Cricklade.1819W. Turton Conchol. Dict. 27 Bulla fluviatilis. Rivulet Dipper.1896Sunday Mag. Nov. 621 The rivulet-bed in which you walk is dry.
3. A name of several geometrid moths of the genus Emmelesia.
1832J. Rennie Conspect. Butterfl. & M. 137 The Rivulet..appears in June on shrubs.Ibid., The Small Rivulet..appears the end of June.Ibid. 138 The Grass Rivulet.




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