

单词 ripening
释义 I. ˈripening, vbl. n.
[f. ripen v. + -ing1.]
1. The action of the verb in various senses.
1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. lxxxi. §6 No lesse expedient..then the verie Vniversities themselues are for the ripening of such as bee rawe.1613Purchas Pilgrimage v. xii. (1614) 507 Then the Mace flourisheth in a faire red colour, which in the ripening becommeth yellow.1646H. P. Medit. Seige 97 Patiently to awaite the ripening of our hopes, is the great rule of humane undertakings.1676Hale Contempl. ii. 106 The use of Deliberation, and the ripening of the Judgment.1728Chambers Cycl. s.v. Transmutation, The transmuting or ripening of other Metals into Gold or Silver.1786Abercrombie Gard. Assist. 177 The size, beauty, and timely ripening of the fruit.1805R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. I. 59 The warmth of such places being supposed to promote the ripening of the cheeses.1887Athenæum 15 Oct. 506/1 The few student⁓ships..give no earnest of a five years' additional ripening of scholarship.
2. Brewing. (See quot.)
1742Lond. & Country Brewer i. (ed. 4) 48 A clear Wort made from pale Malt, and fermented with what they call Ripening, which is a Composition, they say, of the Flour of Malt, Yeast, and Whites of Eggs.
3. In various industrial processes, applied to a stage in which a material is left to stand until desired properties are attained; spec. in rayon manufacture (see quot. 1957).
1919Jrnl. Soc. Chem. Industry 31 Oct. 373t/1 There result, upon application of partial hydration (‘ripening’), esters of high viscosity and great strength, suppleness, and wearing qualities.1932Discovery Sept. 289/1 After ripening has been completed the soluble salts are removed.1937Ibid. Aug. 247/1 The actual process is a long one.., the polymerisation process alone occupying from 90 to 120 hours, after which a ‘ripening’ process for the synthetic rubber of three to eight days is necessary.1950R. W. Moncrieff Man-Made Fibres viii. 96 Ripening is an essential part of the viscose process; ‘young’ viscose cannot be spun satisfactorily.1957Textile Terms & Definitions (Textile Inst.) (ed. 3) 82 Ripening,..(1) A process in the production of cellulose acetate consisting of the splitting off of some of the acetic acid and most of the combined catalyst present in the primary cellulose acetate. (2) A process in the manufacture of viscose rayon in which the viscose is matured prior to spinning. The rate of ripening is controlled by the time and temperature at which the spinning fluid is maintained. The process is sometimes called maturing or ageing.1973Materials & Technol. VI. iv. 307 This ‘ripening’..results in a solution which will later give easier coagulation, and it is allowed to proceed until a required amount of hydrolysis has taken place.
4. attrib., as ripening-time.
1910W. de la Mare Three Mulla-Mulgars i. 7 The great Ukka-tree, which he had climbed at ripening-time.
II. ˈripening, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
1. Bringing to ripeness or maturity.
1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. ii. ii. 121 This bud of Loue by Summers ripening breath, May proue a beautious Flower.a1602W. Perkins Cases Consc. (1619) 55 As Surgeons are wont..to apply drawing and ripening plaisters.1685Dryden Alb. & Albimes iii. ii, Already they are fix'd by Fate, And only ripening Ages wait.1725Fam. Dict. s.v. Glue, This Bookbinders Glue is of an emplastick and ripening Nature.1753J. Bartlet Gentl. Farriery (1754) 278 The best method then is to forward it by applying the ripening poultices.1881Proc. Berwick. Nat. Club IX. 567 This is to be attributed to the good ripening season of 1880.
2. Advancing towards, coming to, ripeness.
1651Davenant Gondibert ii. vi, Duke Gondibert Was brought, which now his rip'ning wounds allow.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. i. 478 Before the Sickles touch the ripening Wheat.1710Pope Windsor For. 396 Phœbus [shall] warm the ripening ore to gold.1794Mrs. Radcliffe Myst. Udolpho xxxii, These ripening clusters of grapes hung round her little casement.1838Lytton Alice 132 Her ripening understanding was better able..to appreciate his abilities.1876J. Saunders Lion in Path i, There was the eloquent murmur of a ripening harvest.
Hence ˈripeningly adv.
1894Temple Bar CII. 142 The sun..shone ripeningly upon the mellow clusters.




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