

单词 rioter
释义 rioter|ˈraɪətə(r)|
Forms: α. 4–7 riot(t)our, 4, 6–7 ryot-, 5–6 ryott-, 5 riatour, 6 ryatour, 5–7 ryator, 7 riotor. β. 5–6 ryotter, 6 ryoter, 6– rioter.
[a. AF. riotour (see riot v. and -our), with later change of suffix.]
1. One who leads a disorderly or licentious life, or who indulges in debauchery; a dissolute person; a reveller. Obs. exc. arch.
αc1386Chaucer Pard. T. 333 These riottoures..Were set hem in a tavern for to drynke.1389in Eng. Gilds (1870) 4 Ȝif þer be in bretherhede eny riotour, oþer contekour.1406Hoccleve La Male Regle 118 Seeknesse, y meene, riotoures whippe.a1513Fabyan Chron. vii. (1811) 577 This man..applyed hym vnto all vyce and insolency, and drewe vnto hym all ryottours & wylde dysposed persones.1526Tindale 2 Tim. iii. 3 The men shalbe..ryatours, fearce, despisers of them which are good.c1550R. Bieston Bayte Fortune B j, Riotours and rybaldes that haue no dread of shame.1607Hieron Wks. I. 234 It cutteth the ryotour and voluptuous liuer, that his course should..bee so egerly reprooued.1607Shakes. Timon iii. v. 68 He's a sworne Riotor, he has a sinne That often drownes him.
β1472Presentments of Juries in Surtees Misc. (1890) 24 [He] is a ryotter on nyghtes.1530Palsgr. 263/1 Ryotter a prodigall felowe, bobancier, prodigue.1597Bacon Coulers Good & Evill Ess. (Arb.) 149 Our Sauiour charged with neerenes of Publicanes and rioters said [etc.].1611Cotgr., Sacre, a..squanderer, extreame rioter (especially in respect of his bellie).1822Shelley Faust ii. 272 Old gentle⁓women,..You ought to be with the young rioters Right in the thickest of the revelry.
2. One who takes part in a riot or rising against constituted authority.
αc1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. (1885) 125 The kynge shall..sende his commissioners,..and also his juges, to represse and punysh riatours and risers.1495Act 11 Hen. VII, c. 7 Preamble, Greate penalties sette upon the seid riottours and offenders.1503–4Act 19 Hen. VII, c. 13 Statutes..concerning the punysshement of riottours.1529Rastell Pastyme (1811) 280 The kynge had pardoned all those ryottours..for the dethe of the lorde Ryuers.
β1591Lambarde Archeion (1635) 220 Rioters, attainted of great and hainous Riots, shall be imprisoned one whole yeare.1615W. Lawson Country Housew. Gard. (1626) 13 Iustice must restraine rioters.1683Wood Life (O.H.S.) App. vi, The rioters..attempted to break open the prison gate.1759Smollett Hist. Eng. (ed. 3) X. 178 An address..desiring that the laws might be vigorously executed against the rioters.1792Scott Let. in Lockhart (1837) I. vii. 193 Nine of the Dunse rioters were condemned to banishment, but the ferment continues violent.1802James Milit. Dict. s.v., Soldiers are not to fire on rioters until the riot act has been read.1853Newman Hist. Sk. (1873) II. i. iii. 138 The Emperor did not scruple to send his own troops to aid the rioters.1887Hunt Bristol 203 His men were pelted with brickbats, and in return shot a ringleader of the rioters.




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