

单词 rim-bursten
释义 rim-burst(en, a. and n. Sc. (and north.).
Also 6 rymbirst; rum-bursin, -burssan, 6, 9 rimbursin.
[f. rim n.2 + pa. pple. of burst v.]
a. adj. Ruptured; (cf. burst ppl. a. 2).
b. n. Rupture, hernia.
c1500Rowlis Cursing 58 in Laing Anc. Poet. Scotl. 212 Rim bursin, rippillis, or belly thra.1505Accs. Ld. High Treas. Scot. III. 156 The lech that helit frer Johne Litstair of rymbirst.1558in Pitcairn Crim. Trials I. 404 Allegis that he is nocht able of his body, and is rumbursin.1597Lowe Chirurg. (1634) 246 Portraiture of a man Rim-burst.1673Wedderburn Voc. 19 (Jam.), Hernia, a rim-burst.1808Jamieson, Rimbursin, a rupture of the abdominal muscles; in consequence of which the belly sometimes bursts.1829in Brockett N.C. Gloss. (ed. 2) 248.
Hence rim-burstenness. Obs.
a1575Diurn. Occurr. (Bann. Cl.) 321 James erle of Mortoun regent lay deidlie seik of rumburssanes.1673Wedderburn Voc. 47 (Jam.), Ramex, rimburstenness.




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