

单词 presentment
释义 presentment|prɪˈzɛntmənt|
Also 5 (in sense 2 a) presentamente; 7 præsentment.
[a. OF. presentement (12th c. in Godef.): see present v. and -ment.]
The act of presenting or fact of being presented, presentation; an instance or embodiment of this: chiefly in technical or special uses.
1. The act of presenting a person to or for any office, esp. a clergyman for institution to a benefice: see present v. 3, presentation 2. Obs. exc. Hist.
darrein presentment: see darrein.
1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 10944 Þe order of þe bysshopes presentement.c1450Godstow Reg. 423 Henry the fyrst..Comandit the busshop of lincolne & hys archy⁓diacon that edwynus the sone of Godgose shold haue in pece & rest hys chyrche of seynt Gylys, and put hys clerke whom he wold by hys presentment.1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 351 The commons of the cytie of London chase vnto their maire..Thomas fiz Thomas..and made no presentement of hym vpon the morowe folowynge, nouther to the kynge nor yet to the barons of the kynges excheker, as they of right ought to haue donn.1531Dial. on Laws Eng. ii. xxvi. 58 b, In the lawes of the realme..the right of presentment to a church, is a temporall enheritaunce.1579Expos. Law Terms 159 Presentment is when a man which hath right to geeue a benefice spirituall nameth the person to whome he wil giue it, and maketh a writing to the Bishop for him, that is a presentation or presentment.1641Termes de la Ley s.v., If divers coheires may not agree in presentment, the presentee of the eldest shall be admitted. [1760,1833Darrein presentment [see darrein].1874Stubbs Const. Hist. I. xiii. 617 The great charter of John..retains the three recognitions of Novel disseisin, Mort d'ancester, and Darrein presentment.]
2. Law. The act of presenting or laying before a court or person in authority a formal statement of some matter to be legally dealt with (see present v. 8).
a. A statement on oath by a jury of a fact within their own knowledge. This includes:
(a) The statement by a grand jury at assizes or quarter sessions of an indictable offence, or of the existence of a nuisance. (b) The statement by the grand jury, or (later) of a presentment sessions (see d) in Ireland, of the amount due by a county or barony, and the method of its assessment (obs.). (c) The statement by the jury of a court baron or court leet of matters from which rights accrue to the lord, or in respect of which his jurisdiction is invoked.
[1308–9Rolls of Parlt. I. 279/1 Le Viscunte fet travayler les gentz des ditz Hundrez a fere presentemenz devant ly en sun turn, des articles avantdiz.c1340Modus tenendi Curias in Court Baron (Selden Soc. 1891) 100 Ore doit le seneschal feare lever un douszeyne de fraunk tenauntz qe ount oy ceaux presentementz e serrent chargeez de touz les articles. [trans. Then shall the steward cause to be constituted a dozen of free tenants who have heard the presentments, and they shall be charged with all the articles].]1439Rolls of Parlt. V. 29/2 Presentamentes, Writtes, and al other maner of Recordes.1447Shillingford Lett. (Camden) 134 No man shuld be putte to answere before the King or his Counseill wtout presentment before Justice.1588Fraunce Lawiers Logic i. xii. 53 b, I take a presentment to bee a meere denuntiation of the iurors themselues or of some other officer without any other information.1615Henley-in-Arden Rolls (1890), Presentments by the aletasters for vitlers: William Kerby shumaker faultie; John Knight Couper faultie; [and 10 others; each fined] xijd.1630Coke On Copyholds §57 (1668) 159 Of Acts which amount to Forfeiture, some are Forfeits eo instante that they are committed, some are not Forfeits till Presentment.a1715Burnet Own Time iii. (1823) II. 389 The grand juries made [1683] high presentments against all that were esteemed whigs and nonconformists.1755Irish Act 29 Geo. II, c. 14 §6 The power given to grand-juries at quarter-sessions, to raise money by presentment for the use of houses of correction hath been frequently abused, and the money so presented misapplied.1769Blackstone Comm. IV. xxiii. 298 Presentment..is a very comprehensive term; including not only presentments properly so called, but also inquisitions of office, and indictments by a grand jury. A presentment, properly speaking, is the notice taken by a grand jury of any offence from their own knowledge or observation, without any bill of indictment laid before them at the suit of the king.Ibid. 301 The presentment of a nuisance, a libel, or the like; upon which the officer of the Court must afterwards frame an indictment, before the party presented can be put to answer it.1798Dallas Amer. Law Rep. I. 237 The bills, or presentments, found by a grand jury are an official accusation, in order to put the party accused upon his trial.1863H. Cox Instit. ii. v. 457 The grand jury has also an important constitutional right of presentment of offences from their own knowlege.1882Scriven's Law of Copyholds (ed. 6) xii. §2. 352 If no presentment was made in the court leet of articles of which that court had cognizance, they were to be presented in the tourn.1889Maitland Sel. Pleas Manorial Courts Introd. 24 [In 16th c.] it is still theoretical law that the jury ought to make presentment concerning all who are not in frank-pledge.
b. A similar statement (formerly) made by a magistrate or justice of peace, or by a constable.
1523Fitzherb. Surv. 20 b, I shall true constable be..and true presentment make [etc.].1535Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) I. 437 (Let. to Mayor & Aldermen, etc., of Cambridge), Ye have also refused alonly this yere, to make a certain othe..for..the presentement to the vicechauncelor of vagabundes and others.1581Lambarde Eiren. ii. vi. 404 Of like strength also..is the Presentment of the Constables concerning sundrie poinctes contayned in the Statute of Winchester, 13 E. I.1607Cowell Interpr., Presentment, is a meere denuntiation of the Iurours themselues, or some other officer, as Iustice, Constable, searcher, surueiours &c...of an offence inquirable in the court wherevnto it is presented.1827Ld. Eldon in Barnewall & Cr. Reports VII. 516 The presentment of a justice on his own knowledge has, by statute, in some cases, the force of a presentment by a grand jury.1827Act 7 & 8 Geo. IV, c. 38 No petty constables shall be required at any petty session or elsewhere to make, nor shall any high constable be required at any gaol delivery, great session, or general or quarter session..to deliver any presentment respecting popish recusants [etc.].1828Barnewall & Cr. Reports VII. 514 R. Hooper, high constable of the hundred of Whitley..signed the following presentment in writing upon paper.1875T. S. Pritchard Pract. Quarter Sessions i. iv. §3. 173 It may fairly be assumed that presentments by constables will be discontinued, and that..indictments will be substituted in the necessary cases.
c. Eccl. A formal complaint or report of some offence or fault, made by the churchwardens or other parish authorities to the bishop or archdeacon at his visitation.
1576Grindal Articles Canterb. xliv. in Rem. (Parker Soc.) 170 Sums..forfeited..since the feast of Easter..until the day of giving up the presentment.c1583–4in Usher Presbyt. Movemt. in reign Eliz. (Camden) 86, 89. 1603 Constit. & Canons Eccl. cxiii, Every parson..may join in every presentment with the said church-wardens.1624Capt. Smith Virginia 195 The Church-wardens should meet twice a yeere, to haue all their presentments made perfect against the Assises.a1715Burnet Own Time (1766) II. 183 The Clergy of the City refused to make presentments.1720White Monit. Clergy Peterb. i. 28 The due Presentment of Defaults and Offences by the Church-Wardens upon their Oaths.1901Blunt's Bk. Ch. Law (ed. 9) iv. i, Such presentments are now usually made once a year, at the archdeacon's or the bishop's visitation.
d. presentment sessions, special sessions held in Ireland for the raising of public money for certain purposes, in which certain cess-payers were associated with the Grand Jury. Obs.
1836Act 6 & 7 Will. IV, c. 116 (title) An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Presentment of Public Money by Grand Juries in Ireland.Ibid. §4 Such justices are hereby required to assemble..with the cess payers associated with them..to hold a special or presentment sessions for the purposes of this Act.Ibid. §5 Grand juries..are hereby required, at each assizes, to appoint..certain places..(one in each barony or half barony) where..presentment sessions shall be..holden previous to the next assizes.1898Act 61 & 62 Vict. c. 37 §4 (1) The county council..shall..have the powers and duties of the grand jury and the said [county at large] presentment sessions.Ibid. §27 There shall be transferred..to the district council of every county district, the business of any baronial presentment sessions so far as respects that district.
3. The act of offering for acceptance or consideration; the dedication of a book; giving, bestowal; handing over, delivery; the presenting of a bill or an account for payment: = presentation 4, 1 a. Now rare.
1607Shakes. Timon i. i. 27 When comes your Booke forth? Poet. Vpon the heeles of my presentment sir.1608Heywood Sallust Ded., I haue aduentured rather to tempt your acceptance in this small presentment.a1627Middleton Mayor Quinborough iv. ii, Mark but the least presentment of occasion, As these times yield enough, and then mark me.1642Milton Apol. Smect. Wks. 1851 III. 259 To trick up the name of some Esquire..to be his book-patron with the appendant form of a ceremonious presentment.1646Earl of Monmouth tr. Biondi's Civil Warres vi. 48 Lord Howard and Lord Stanley..loaded him with the presentment of their services to the King.1659H. L'Estrange Alliance Div. Off. 244 The presentment of children at the Font, is most properly the Act of the Church.1665Collins in Rigaud Corr. Sci. Men (1841) II. 459 He desires the presentment of his most humble service.1690W. Walker Idiomat. Anglo-Lat. Pref. 1 To make presentment of a new book to you.1769Burke Corr. (1844) I. 216 To settle matters about the presentment of the petition.1776Adam Smith W.N. ii. ii. (1869) I. 327 They promised payment..six months after such presentment.1882Act 45 & 46 Vict. c. 61 §87 (2), Presentment for payment is necessary in order to render the indorser of a note liable.
4. Ceremonial introduction (of a person): = presentation 1 b. Obs. rare.
1668Howe Bless. Righteous (1825) 54 An exceeding joy..that shall attend the presentment of saints there.1754C'tess Shaftesbury in Lett. Ld. Malmesbury (1870) I. 81 It was to attend my niece to the ceremony of presentment.
5. The act of presenting to sight (or hearing), or something so presented: = presentation 5.
a. A theatrical or dramatic representation; the performance of a play or the like. (In quot. 1881 the performance or ‘rendering’ of a musical work.)
c1605Rowley Birth Merl. iii. i, Earl Cador's marriage, and a masque to grace it, So, so, This night shall make me famous for presentments.1668Dryden Ess. Dram. Poesy Ess. (ed. Ker) I. 83 Three hours and a half, which is no more than is required for the presentment on the stage.1834Bancroft Hist. U.S. I. 116 (C.D.) She was an honored guest at the presentment of a burlesque masque.1841Longfellow Childr. Lord's Supp. 26 The Feast of the Leafy Pavilions Saw we in living presentment.1881Athenæum 10 Sept. 348/1 Works of Beethoven and Wagner present the greatest facilities for presentment in this way.
b. Representation of an object by a picture, image, or graphic description; delineation; usually quasi-concr. a picture, portrait, image, likeness.
1602Shakes. Ham. iii. iv. 54 The counterfet presentment of two Brothers.1855G. Brimley Ess., Tennyson 45 A poem which consists of a series of actions admitting of splendid pictorial presentment.1862T. A. Trollope Marietta I. iv. 62 Pleasing presentment of advanced old age.1871M. Collins Mrq. & Merch. II. i. 3 He could not recognise in his own daughter the feminine presentment of himself.1882Stubbs Med. & Mod. Hist. xiv. (1900) 368 Oxford dropped the canon law degree altogether; Cambridge, by adopting a more general form, retained a shadowy presentment of the double honour.1885E. Garrett At any Cost xvi, Landseer's touching presentment of the faithful dog resting its head on its dead master's coffin.
c. The appearance, aspect, form, or mode in which anything is presented; exhibition, display.
1634Milton Comus 156 To cheat the eye with blear illusion, And give it false presentments.1853–8Hawthorne Eng. Note-Bks. (1879) II. 247 We did not see Loch Katrine, perhaps, under its best presentment.1874Blackie Self-Cult. 65 In his presentment as a member of society he should take a sacred care to be more than he seems, not to seem more than he is.1905Academy 4 Feb. 99/2 The stories are naught, for they are a common fund, and, when stripped of the presentment, they are not very numerous.
6. The action of presenting to notice or mental perception; statement, setting forth, description; the form or mode of so presenting or stating.
1611Heywood Gold. Age i. i, The Gods of Greece..Haue giuen old Homer leaue to view the world And make his owne presentment.1828Southey Ess. (1832) II. 334 It is in a fair way of putting an end to that particular cause of complaint, which, in all latter presentments of the grievances of Ireland, had been made to hold the most prominent place.1873M. Arnold Lit. & Dogma (1876) 4 The feeling of the chief people in the religious world..seems to be just now..in favour of dogma, of a scientific and exact presentment of religious things, instead of a literary presentment of them.1875Whitney Life Lang. x. 206 Every point is too doubtful to allow of summary presentment.1881Athenæum 5 Feb. 195 Not less vivid are the presentments of character afforded us.
7. The act of presenting to consciousness, or to the imagination; suggestion; the conception thus given.
1633T. Adams Exp. 2 Peter ii. 14 That sin at the first presentment would affright a man, which he juggles on by degrees.1817Coleridge Biog. Lit. I. ix. 144 The writings of these mystics..gave me an indistinct, yet stirring and working presentment.1856Ruskin Mod. Paint. III. iv. iv. §9 The continual presentment to the mind of this beautiful and fully realized imagery more and more chilled its power of apprehending the real truth.1884H. D. Traill in Macm. Mag. Oct. 443/1 Vividness of presentment to the imagination is not all that language has to provide for.
b. Metaph. and Psychol. = presentation 7.
a1842Sir W. Hamilton Dissert. in Reid's Wks. App. 819 Which..supposes that the Idea is an original and absolute presentment, and..constitutes the doctrine of Ideal presentative perception.1856Ferrier Inst. Metaph. v. 144 The qualities of matter by themselves are, equally with matter itself, an objective presentment without a subject.1877E. R. Conder Bas. Faith iv. 153 Such is our knowledge of our own sensations, emotions, and all direct presentments of consciousness apart from memory.Ibid. 162 All those immediate judgments which the intellect passes on the presentments of sense, or the representments of memory and imagination.1882Farrar Early Chr. II. 382 the Nominalist who regards abstract terms as representing nothing but the generalisations of the mind out of concrete presentments.




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