

单词 atony
释义 atony Path.|ˈætənɪ|
[a. F. atonie (14th c.), ad. med.L. atonia, a. Gr. ἀτονία, n. of state f. ἄτονος: see atonic.]
Want of tone, relaxed condition: enervation, languor. Also fig.
1693Phil. Trans. XVII. 659 This Atony of the Glandules of the Brain.1751Chambers Cycl., Atony, in medicine, a want of tone or tension; or a relaxation of the solids of a human body; occasioning a loss of strength, faintings, &c.1847tr. Geo. Sand's Wks. VI. 141 Ennui is the languor of the soul, an intellectual atony.




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