

单词 presentative
释义 presentative, a.|prɪˈzɛntətɪv|
[ad. med.L. type *præsentātīvus: see present v. and -ative. Cf. representative.]
1. Eccl. Of a benefice: To or for which a patron has the right of presentation: see quot. 1766. Also said of the advowson, the tithes, etc. connected with such a benefice. Opp. to appropriate, collative, donative, impropriate.
1559in Strype Ann. Ref. (1709) I. App. viii. 22 Foundations of free-chappels..to be donatyve and not presentatyve.1612W. Travers Supplic. in Hooker's Wks. (1888) III. 555 The place of ministry whereunto I was called was not presentative.1628Coke On Litt. 300 b, Parson Impersonee is the Rector that is in possession of the Church Parochiall, be it presentatiue, or impropriate.1646Spelman's De non Temer. Eccl. b j, The same remedy both for the presentative and impropriate Tithe.1648Heylin Undeceiv. People 30 The Churches will no longer be presentative at the choice of the Patron; but either made Elective at the will of the People, or else Collated by the Trustees of the severall Counties (succeeding..in the power of Bishops).1766Blackstone Comm. II. iii. 22 An advowson presentative is where the patron hath a right of presentation to the bishop or ordinary, and moreover to demand of him to institute his clerk, if he find him canonically qualified: and this is the most usual advowson.1872O. Shipley Gloss. Eccl. Terms s.v. Dean, [This] deanery is not presentative, but donative.
2. Of or pertaining to presentation or bestowal.
1594Mirr. Policy (1599) 189 The manlike hand of the Poet Claudian that hath so well and eloquently set downe the presentatiue Epigram of the said gift.
3. = representative a. 1, 2. Obs.
c1430[implied in presentatively].1642Lett. fr. Gentl. to Friend in Lond. 4 If the Parliament without the King make the presentative body, the King is the reall head to that body of the kingdome.1653H. Whistler Upshot Inf. Baptism 22 Christ being God the Son, spake in the glory, the Majesty presentative of Christ.Ibid. 86 The Angell visionally, presentative Christ our Redeemer.
4. Having the function or power of presenting an idea or notion to the mind.
1855G. Brimley Ess., Tennyson 37 That phrase, ‘a great water’,..is an instance of the intense presentative power of Mr. Tennyson's genius.1885Stevenson in Contemp. Rev. Apr. 550 Those arts..like architecture, music, and the dance, which are self-sufficient and merely presentative.
5. Metaph. and Psychol. Of, pertaining or relating to, or of the nature of presentation (sense 7); by some authors (e.g. Hamilton and Herbert Spencer) distinguished from representative, but now more usually employed as the wider term including this.
a1842Sir W. Hamilton in Reid's Wks. (1846) 804 The distinction of Presentative, Intuitive or Immediate, and of Representative or Mediate cognition.Ibid. 805/1 An immediate cognition, in as much as the thing known is itself presented to observation, may be called a presentative; and in as much as the thing presented, is, as it were, viewed by the mind face to face, may be called an intuitive, cognition. A mediate cognition, in as much as the thing known is held up or mirrored to the mind in a vicarious representation, may be called a representative cognition... In a presentative or immediate cognition there is one sole object.Ibid. 823/1 If then he declare that his own opinion coincides with that of the vulgar, he will, consequently, declare himself a Presentative Realist.1855H. Spencer Princ. Psychol. (1872) I. ii. iv. 5 Sensations are sometimes called presentative feelings.1871Fraser Life Berkeley ii. 43 In his account of sense perception, he anticipates the spirit of the presentative psychology of Reid and Hamilton.a1881A. Barratt Phys. Metempiric (1883) 176 This division of outer and inner seems to correspond with those between impressions and ideas, sensations and thoughts, and primary or presentative or vivid, and secondary or representative or faint states of consciousness.
Hence preˈsentatively adv. (in quot. c 1430, representatively, by representation).
c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode i. lxxxvii. (1869) 49 With inne this bred al the souereyn good is put,..nouht ymaginatyfliche, nouht presentatyfliche, nouht vertualliche,..but..bodiliche and rialliche, presentliche and verreyliche.1878S. H. Hodgson Philos. of Reflection I. 172, I represent to myself what I imagine you to be feeling presentatively.




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