

单词 protector
释义 I. protector, n.|prəʊˈtɛktə(r)|
[ME. a. OF. protectour (14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), mod.F. protecteur, ad. post-cl. L. prōtector, -ōrem, a protector, a body-guard, agent-n. f. prōteg-ĕre to protect.]
1. a. One who protects, defends, or shields from injury or harm; a defender; a guardian, a patron.
cardinal protector, a cardinal who has charge of the interests of a country, or a religious order or college, at Rome. Protector of the Poor, a term of respect formerly used in British India, as by Indian servants to their masters.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints vi. (Thomas) 21 To þa fel yndis hald þi way; for þi protectour sal I be.1484Caxton Fables of æsop iii. xiii, The wulues kyld the dogges whiche were capytayns and protectours of the sheep.a1586Sidney Ps. xliii. i, Judg me, And protector bee Of my cause.1670G. H. Hist. Cardinals i. ii. 62 The Cardinals Protectors of the several orders about Rome.1738Wesley Ps. iii. iii, By my kind Protector kept, Safe I laid me down and slept.1839Thirlwall Greece xlvi. VI. 61 He had indeed been a useful ally: but he was something more; he was a powerful protector.1890Kipling in Macmillan's Mag. June 149/2 The news does not come from my mouth, Protector of the Poor.1894Jungle Bk. 165 ‘Was it to help thee steal green corn?..‘Not green corn, Protector of the Poor—melons’, said Little Toomai.1901in Daily Chron. 23 Nov. 6/5 It will give him [the King] great satisfaction to assume and bear the honorary title of Protector of the University of Wales.1910Blackw. Mag. Feb. 167 They sent him to Lord Caerlaverock, for the ex-viceroy loved to be treated as a kind of consul-general for India. But this Protector of the Poor proved a broken reed.1911F. H. Burnett Secret Garden iv. 25 The native servants..in India..called them [sc. their masters] ‘protector of the poor’ and names of that sort.1952J. Masters Deceivers ix. 99 Protector of the Poor, at first cockcrow the villain called for a lotah for purposes of nature.
b. A thing that protects; a guard; esp. a device or contrivance serving to prevent injury to or from something, the object being often indicated by a prefixed word; e.g. chest-protector, cuff-protector, ear-protector, point-protector (for a pencil), etc.
1849Noad Electricity (ed. 3) 140 When the metallic protector was from 1/40 to 1/150, there was no corrosion or decay of the copper.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. viii. 265 Such a mass is..a protector of the ice beneath it.1867G. H. Selkirk Guide to Cricket Ground ii. 33 Pads, leg guards and protectors for the abdomen.1898Sci. Abstr. I. 240 (heading) Telephone line protectors.1902Westm. Gaz. 1 Dec. 8/3 The second item was a head protector.1904Daily Chron. 8 Dec. 5/4 Footprints showing the marks of boot-protectors were found in the garden.1906Westm. Gaz. 4 Jan. 5/2 The boots had been mended with English protectors.1922Lillywhites' Sports Requisites 7 Wicket-keeping Sundries. Palmer's Abdominal Protectors.1934Jrnl. Inst. Electr. Engineers LXXIV. 236/2 Protectors are connected to every open-wire Post Office line.
attrib.1901Daily News 3 Jan. 6/4 Venturing outside upon the framework between the protector arms.
c. Rom. Antiq. A member of the life-guard or body-guard. rare—1.
1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xvii. II. 57 From the seven schools two companies of horse and foot were selected, of the protectors, whose advantageous station was the hope and reward of the most deserving soldiers.
d. (a) A man who keeps a mistress; (b) a man who looks after a prostitute in return for her earnings, a pimp. Cf. protection 1 b.
1905[see man's woman s.v. man n. 21].1938F. D. Sharpe Sharpe of Flying Squad x. 116 Prostitutes and their protectors were roped into the stations by the dozen.1954Britannica Bk. of Year 637/2 A group of criminals making a living from organized prostitution was referred to as a Vice-Ring, the leader of such a group being a Vice-Chief..or—with reference to the prostitutes controlled by him—a Protector.
e. One by whom protection from harassment is assured or who collects protection money. Cf. protection 1 c.
1933H. G. Wells Shape of Things to Come ii. 153 The man who wanted to be left alone in peace..was pressed to pay his tribute to the gang. Or he would not be left in peace. And even if his particular ‘protectors’ left him in peace, there might still be other gangs about for whom they disavowed responsibility and with whom he had to make a separate deal.1977J. Wainwright Nest of Rats iii. 15, I was wise enough to choose my own ‘protector’.
2. Eng. Hist.
a. One in charge of the kingdom during the minority, absence, or incapacity of the sovereign; a regent.
1427Rolls of Parlt. IV. 326/1 Yat ye be protectour and defendour of yis Lond, and so named and called.c1450Brut (E.E.T.S.) 431 The Duke of Gloucestre, to ben Protectour and deffendour of the Rewme.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 278 An honorable style [was] geuen him, that he should be called the Protectour of the kyng and his Realme.1593Shakes. 2 Hen. VI, i. ii. 56 My Lord Protector, 'tis his Highnes pleasure, You do prepare to ride vnto S. Albons.a1658Cleveland Definition of Protector Wks. (1687) 343 What's a Protector? He's a stately Thing, That Apes it in the Non-age of a King.1670Pettus Fodinæ Reg. 15 John Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, and Protector of England.a1771Gray Corr. (1843) 293 His great patron the protector, Humphry, Duke of Gloucester.1863H. Cox Instit. iii. iii. 623 The appointment of a protector, guardian, or regent, when the heir-apparent of the Crown has been very young.
b. The official title of the head of the executive during part of the period of the Commonwealth; in full Lord Protector of the Commonwealth: borne by Oliver Cromwell 1653–8, and by his son Richard 1658–9.
1653in Acts & Ordin. Parl. (1658) 275 From and after the six and twentieth day of December 1653 the Name, Style, Title and Teste of the Lord Protector..of the Commonwealth, of England, Scotland, and Ireland..shall be used.1653–4Weekly Intelligencer 14–21 Mar., The Privy Lodgings for his Highness the Lord Protector in Whitehall are now in readiness, as also the Lodgings for his Lady Protectoress.1658Evelyn Diary 22 Oct., Saw the superb funerall of the Protector.a1674Clarendon Hist. Reb. xiv. §23 The Declaration of the Council of Officers was read, whereby Cromwell was made Protector.1827Hallam Const. Hist. (1876) II. x. ii. 244 Cromwell's assumption, therefore, of the title of Protector was a necessary and wholesome usurpation.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. i. I. 135 The kingly prerogatives were intrusted to a lord high protector..called not His Majesty but His Highness.
3. Law. protector of the settlement: see quot. 1876.
1833Act 3 & 4 Will. IV, c. 74 §22 The Person who shall be the Owner of the prior Estate, or the first of such prior Estates if more than One,..shall be the Protector of the Settlement so far as regards the Lands in which such prior Estate shall be subsisting.1865Pall Mall G. 20 Oct. 1 The renewed collision which is certain to take place between the Liberal and Conservative parties, now that ‘the protector of the settlement’, as the lawyers say, is gone, will pretty certainly produce the desire for Reform, if it does not now exist.1876Digby Real Prop. v. §2. 219 The Protector of the settlement is usually the tenant for life in possession; but the settlor of the lands may appoint in his place any number of persons not exceeding three to be together Protector during the continuance of the estates preceding the estate tail.
4. A rendering of L. tutor in college use.
1886Willis & Clark Cambridge I. Introd. 90 The earliest statutable recognition of stranger-students at Oxford is at Magdalen College (1479)... Waynflete's statute is copied at Corpus Christi College (1517) where the number of such students is limited to four, or six at the outside, and a person is named who is to be responsible for them, termed protector (tutor) [cf. Statutes of C.C.C. 1517, c. 34, quamdiu sint sub tutoribus et honeste se gerant].
Hence proˈtectordom Obs., a state under the rule of a Protector.
1660Fuller Mixt Contempl. (1841) 227 We have been in twelve years a kingdom, commonwealth, protectordom, afterwards under an army, parliament, &c.
II. proˈtector, v. nonce-wd.
[f. prec.]
trans. a. To treat or deal with as Protector. b. To make or proclaim Protector.
1658–9Burton's Diary (1828) III. 180 When the army see they are yours, they will be protectored by you.1670Penn Truth Rescued fr. Impost. 25 The then English Army was the remainder of those Souldiers, that not only subverted the Kings Forces, but Protector'd Oliver Crumwell.




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