

单词 presence
释义 presence|ˈprɛzəns|
Also 4–6 presens, -ense, 5 -ance, 6 -enss, præsence, 7 præsens.
[a. OF. presence (12th c. in Littré) (mod.F. présence after new formations in pré-):—L. præsentia presence, f. præsens present a.: see -ence.]
1. a. The fact or condition of being present; the state of being before, in front of, or in the same place with a person or thing; being there; attendance, company, society, association. Usually with of or possessive indicating the person or thing that is present.
a1340Hampole Psalter xvii. 47 Þe folke þat i visited noght with bodily presens.1340Ayenb. 161 Of blisse of þe presense of Iesu crist, and of þe uelinge of þe holy gost.c1400Destr. Troy 7936 Þou partid our presens with þi prise wepyn, Þat with faith and affynité were festinyt togedur.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lxi. 211 Ye shall se Huon, whose presence ye so sore desyre.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 231 Hys presence and persone is to them ryghte acceptable.1651Hobbes Leviath. i. vi. 24 By Aversion, we signifie the Absence; and by Hate, the Presence of the Object.1671Milton Samson 1321 Our Law forbids at thir Religious Rites My presence; for that cause I cannot come.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xvii. II. 2 They were seldom honoured with the presence of their new sovereign.1836E. Osler Hymn, O God, unseen, yet ever near, Thy presence may we feel.1839H. T. De la Beche Rep. Geol. Cornwall, etc. ii. 31 The junction of the..rocks..is marked by the presence of a conglomerate with a calcareo⁓magnesian cement.1893Liddon, etc. Life Pusey I. xii. 288 Pusey..delighted in the presence of God manifested in nature.
b. With pl. An instance of being present. rare.
a1635Sibbes Emanuell ii. (1638) 10 There were divers presences of Christ, before Hee came.
c. In reference to the manner in which Christ is held to be present in the Eucharist. (See also real a.2 2 b.)
[c1420Lydg. Assembly of Gods 1438 When they sy the bodyly presence Of that hooly Eukaryst, lowly gan they lowte.]1552Bk. Com. Prayer, Communion ad fin., It is not ment thereby [kneeling], that any adoracion is doone..unto anye reall and essencial presence there beeyng [1662 any Corporal Presence] of Christs naturall fleshe and bloude.a1555? Latimer in Foxe A. & M. (1563) 979/1 This same presence may be called moste fitly, a reall presence, that is a presence not fained, but a true and faythfull presence.15591882 [see real a.2 2 b].1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 369 b, The doctrine of the corporall presence of Christ in the Sacrament.c1683Burnet Orig. Mem. (1902) 52 He [Jas. Dk. of York] was bred to believe a mysterious sort of real presence in the sacrament.1851S. Wilberforce in R. G. Wilberforce Life (1881) II. iii. 105 This seems to me wholly different from speaking of the ‘Presence’ as the result of the faith of the receiver.1866R. W. Dale Disc. Spec. Occas. iv. 93 The presence of Christ is not in consecrated bread but in regenerated souls.1875Tennyson Q. Mary i. ii, You do not own The bodily presence in the Eucharist, Their wafer and perpetual sacrifice.1901B. J. Kidd 39 Articles II. xxviii. §3 The presence, as being thus a spiritual presence, is at once a real presence and not a ‘gross or sensible’ one.1901Bp. Gore Body of Christ iv. §2 (1907) 232 The doctrine of the objective presence in, under, or with, the consecrated elements.1903J. P. Whitney in Cambr. Mod. Hist. II. x. 332 In spite of varying views as to the exact nature of the Presence, its reality had always been admitted.
d. The quality in reproduced sound that gives a listener the impression that the recorded activity is occurring in his presence (see also quot. 1950).
1950Audio Engin. Sept. 33 In motion picture work presence refers to the lack of localization of the reproduced sound, so that the eye is beguiled into believing that the sound issues from the location the eye follows... A second use of the term presence indicates the degree of intimacy achieved... A third type of presence is detail presence, in which an auditor is able to pick out an individual instrument or soloist, and more or less easily follow its melodic line throughout the changing mass of sound.1952H. F. Olson Musical Engin. vii. 262 The reverberation-frequency characteristic has a marked effect upon presence. Excessive reverberation in the low-frequency range reduces presence. A uniform directional pattern in the directivity characteristic of a loudspeaker enhances the presence.1957IRE Trans. Audio V. 106/2 If the need for great ‘presence’ calls for a very close microphone position, the reproduction may cause a solo instrument to sound much too large, and this can be corrected by attenuating the difference channel relative to the sum.1958Proc. Inst. Electr. Engin. CV. b. 609/1 The second observation concerns the critical nature of the frequency band in the region 2–4 kc/s... Deficiency in this band gives a distant impression; slight excess gives a forward quality, sometimes referred to as ‘presence’.1974Harvey & Bohlman Stereo F.M. Radio Handbk. v. 127 (caption) Curves showing prominence given to mid-range and bass frequencies by the presence control.1976G. Alkin in J. Borwick Sound Recording Pract. xxiv. 364 Some types of Lavalier microphone have a non-linear frequency response which peaks in the ‘presence’ region (between about 4 and 6 kHz) to restore clarity of diction.
e. Politics. The maintenance by a nation of political interests and influence in another country or region; spec. the maintenance of personnel, esp. armed forces, on the soil of an allied or friendly state; concr., armed forces stationed in this way. Also transf., denoting the representation of a nation's interests at an event.
Cf. Fr. présence, in same sense as in quot. 1955.
[1955Times 4 Aug. 5/3 Times had changed, he said, and there was no longer any need for outmoded oriflamme to guarantee the présence française, or rather the permanence française, which could only exist ‘if we respond to the wishes of the peoples oversea’.]1958Spectator 7 Feb. 176/2 The ‘presence of France’ must be maintained.1961Listener 21 Dec. 1058/1 As Britain and France step back on to the side-lines [in Africa], the United States steps forward to join them there. This new presence..was not at first easy for Britain to accept.1963Ann. Reg. 1962 319 An effective United Nations ‘presence’ in South West Africa.1966Punch 22 June 898/1 How small can a ‘presence’ be, of the sort we are going to maintain East of Suez?.. The Americans have a presence of 380,000 men in Vietnam alone, and regard that as barely enough.1972Times 18 Mar. 12/4 Setbacks in the Arab world that followed his liquidation of the guerrilla presence in Jordan.1975Listener 25 Sept. 390/1 They were known as the Trucial States. When the British presence was withdrawn in 1971, they became a federation called the United Arab Emirates.1977Time 10 Oct. 11/3 Working out a formula that would allow some Palestinian presence at Geneva was the focus all week long of intense bargaining.
2. a. In certain connexions, used with a vague sense of the place or space in front of a person, or which immediately surrounds him. With of or possessive; usually preceded by a prep. (in, before (arch.), into, to, from, out of, etc.); also as obj. of certain verbs, as forsake.
in his presence = before or with him, where he is, in his company; from his presence = from being with him, from where he is, out of his company, etc.; also poet. and rhet. with demonstrative and other adjs. which in effect qualify the person or persons implied: e.g. in this (august) presence = in the presence of this (august) personage.
13..Seuyn Sag. (W.) 329 That emperour het,..that thai brinngge him sket, To Rome toun, to his presens.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 5441 First sal þair awen conscience, Accuse þam þan in Cristes presence.1390Gower Conf. III. 288 He..goth to aproche The kinges Court and his presence.c1420Lydg. Assembly of Gods 174 That he myght come vnto hys presence.1493Petronilla 92 This proude knight Made him redy to come to hir presence.c1500Melusine 322 Thenne came tofore the presence of Raymondyn the barons of the land.1526Tindale Luke xv. 10 Ioye shalbe in the presence off the angels off God over one synner that repenteth.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lxx. 240 The duke caused them to appere before the kynges presence.c1600J. Leach in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 74 Peregrination from the præsens of your Worship.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xxviii. III. 92 note, A man, who even in his presence would swear by Jupiter.1809W. Irving Knickerb. i. v. (1849) 71 The five..monsters, which we have brought into this august presence.1845M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 22 Being admitted to his presence they saluted him in the queen's name.1878Browning Poets Croisic xlii, René..palely found Way of retreat from the pale presence.Mod. He was always very collected in the presence of danger.
b. Without of or possessive; usually preceded by prep., as in (the) presence ( often = present), to (the) presence, etc.; spec. (now only) in reference to ceremonial attendance upon a person of superior, esp. royal, rank; formerly also = ‘company’, (polite) society.
1375Barbour Bruce i. 20 For aulde storys..Representis..the dedys Of stalwart folk þat lywyt ar, Rycht as þai þan in presence war.1390Gower Conf. III. 154 When the court was plein, When Julius was in presence.a1400–50Alexander 3328 Þe maistirs of Persy þan put þam in-to presens, as þeprose tellis.1514Barclay Cyt. & Uplondyshm. (Percy Soc.) 13 Thus all the chyldren than beynge in presence He set in honour, & rowme of excellence.c1560A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) iii. 14 And preiss ȝow ay in presenss to repair.1593Shakes. Rich. II, iv. i. 62 'Tis very true: You were in presence then, And you can witnesse with me, this is true.1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 20 The King of China gives not presence, but rarely at the great suit of his people.a1655Vines Lord's Supp. (1677) 379 His fathers corpse lying in presence in a coffin or bier.c1730Burt Lett. N. Scotl. (1818) I. 176 They would not have done it in the presence at St. James's.1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) III. 134 The master of the ceremonies..led Harry up to the presence.1823Scott Quentin D. xxii, A flock of sheep which, when a stranger dog is in presence may be..seen to assemble in the rear of an old belwether.1889Daily News 28 June 5/8 Eight-and-twenty gentlemen,..bent low to receive them, and backed out of the Presence as best they could with their prizes.
c. Hence, A place prepared for ceremonial presence or attendance; a presence-chamber. Obs.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 86 Shortly after was made in Westmynster hall a scaffolde for the lordes and a presence for a Iudge railed and counter railed about, and barred with degrees.1613Shakes. Hen. VIII, iii. i. 17 And 't please your Grace, the two great Cardinals Wait in the presence.1735Pope Donne Sat. iv. 238 The Presence seems, with things so richly odd, The mosque of Mahound, or some queer Pagod.
d. In same sense, chamber of presence. Obs.
1565Earl of Bedford in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. i. II. 210 David [Rizzio] was thruste owte of the Cabinet thorowe the bede chamber into the Chamber of Presens.1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1582/1 Hir Maiesties most gratious answer, deliuered by hir selfe..in hir chamber of presence at Richmond.1643Evelyn Diary 5 Dec., He had audience of the French King..in the golden chamber of presence.
3. concr. Those who are present; a number of persons assembled; an assembly, a company. Obs. (See also note to 2.)
c1400Destr. Troy 4560 When all the pepull were pesit, þe presens full still, Calcas to the kynges carpes thies wordes.1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 216 Suche persones..forgetten theimselfes..& maken all the presence to laughe at theim.1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii 536 Here is like to be a good presence of Worthies.1624Bp. R. Montagu Immed. Addr. A ij b, I preached in English, vnto an English Auditorie, though composed then of Royall and Noble presence.1674Grew Anat. Trunks ii. iv. §13 In this Honourable and Learned Presence, I have formerly had occasion to shew the Experiment.1705Stanhope Paraphr. I. 192 Choosing to..have his first Presence composed, of a few humble Shepherds.1788Jefferson Writ. (1859) II. 462 The presence was so numerous, that little could be caught of what they said to the King.
4. a. With possessive, denoting the actual person (or thing) that is present (his presence = his present self, himself being present); hence sometimes nearly = embodied self, objective personality. Chiefly poet.
c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 7 Where that ever [she] schewithe her presence, Sche bryngithe gladnes to citees and tounnes.1595Shakes. John i. i. 377 Your Royall presences be rul'd by mee.1671Milton Samson 28 As in a fiery column charioting His Godlike presence.1728Pope Dunc. i. 261 Her ample presence fills up all the place.1821Shelley Epipsychidion 325 And from her presence life was radiated Through the grey earth and branches bare and dead.1844Mrs. Browning Lost Bower xviii, And the blue-bell's purple presence signed it worthily across.
b. Hence, A person who is corporally present; usually with implication of impressive appearance or bearing (see 5); sometimes merely, a person of good ‘presence’ or aspect.
1826Disraeli Viv. Grey ii. xii, In an awkward retreat to make way for the approaching presence.1847Wordsw. Ode Install. Pr. Albert ad. fin., That Presence fair and bright,..The pride of the Islands, Victoria the Queen.1871Browning Balaustion 1814 And over him, who stood but Herakles? There smiled the mighty presence, all one smile.1896‘M. Field’ Attila ii. 37 Our envoy owns the Hun, When mounted on his wiry steed, a presence To pause before admiring.
5. a. Demeanour, carriage, or aspect of a person, esp. when stately or impressive; nobleness, majesty, or handsomeness of bearing or appearance. Also transf.
1579Puttenham Partheniades viii, Affable grace, speeche eloquent, and wise; Stately præsence, suche as becometh one Whoe seemes to rule realmes by her lookes alone.1590Shakes. Com. Err. iii. ii. 166 Her faire sister..Of such inchanting presence and discourse.1660Pepys Diary 22 Nov., The Queene a very little plain old woman, and nothing more in her presence..than any ordinary woman.1762–71H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1786) I. 210 More was a man of a stately and handsome presence.1861J. Brown Horæ Subs. (1863) 120 He must have what is called a ‘presence’..his outward man must communicate..at once and without fail, something of indwelling power.1899J. G. Millais Life Sir J. E. Millais I. i. 1 He was a man of fine presence and undeniable talent.1959Sunday Times 18 Jan. 16/8 For a painter to have a presence is already an achievement. By ‘presence’ I mean the variously-definable something that bids a visitor pause and is one of the signs of greatness.1977‘E. Anthony’ Silver Falcon vii. 135 The chestnut..had that indefinable quality known in the horse world as presence.
b. Carriage (of the body) in dancing. Obs.
1706J. Weaver Art Dancing 3 The Posture or Presence of the Body, is to have respect to that part of the Room, to which the Face or Fore-part of the Body is directed.
6. Something present, a present being (see also 4 b); a divine, spiritual, or incorporeal being or influence felt or conceived as present.
1667Milton P.L. x. 144 To whom the sovran Presence thus repli'd. Was shee thy God, that her thou didst obey Before his voice?1718Prior Knowledge 589 How can good angels be in Heaven confin'd, Or view that Presence which no space can bind?1798Wordsw. Lines Tintern Abbey 44 And I have felt A presence that disturbs me with the joy Of elevated thoughts.1857–8Sears Athan. vi. 48 Divine and celestial presences.1876J. Parker Paracl. i. ii. 17 He caused Himself to be succeeded by an eternal Presence, ‘even the Spirit of Truth, which abideth for ever’.
7. presence of mind (= L. præsentia animi): the state or quality of having one's wits about one, or of having full control over oneself, esp. in peril or emergency; calmness and self-command in trying or dangerous circumstances; freedom from embarrassment, agitation, or panic. Cf. present mind, present a. 4.
1665J. Spencer Vulg. Proph. 38 Great courage and presence of mind.1704N. N. tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. III. 96 The Commander..never wanted Presence of Mind in the most immergent Dangers.1754Richardson Grandison III. xix. 168, I had besides been led into a presence of mind, by being made a person of some consequence.1837Disraeli Venetia iv. i, I lost my presence of mind.1883J. G. McKendrick in Encycl. Brit. XV. 281/2 What is called ‘presence of mind’ really means that power of self-control which prevents the bodily energies being paralysed by strong sensory impressions.
8. Catachr. this presence: the present writing or document (corruption of these presents: see present n.1 2 b). Obs.
1464Rolls of Parlt. V. 544/1 Expresse mencyon of the verey yerly valure..in this presence is not made.1617in Bury Wills (Camden) 165 The..writinge before in this presence conteyned.
9. attrib. and Comb., as presence-affirming adj., presence-list, presence-token; presence-lobby, the lobby or anteroom of a presence-chamber; presence-room = presence-chamber.
1633Ford Broken H. ii. ii, She sits i'th presence-lobby fast asleep, sir.1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. iii. §1 To convey them..to their Audience in the Brain, the mind's Presence room.1829Jas. Mill Hum. Mind (1869) II. xiv. 104 Presence-affirming terms.1836Keble in Lyra Apost. (1849) 178 Since holy Gabriel to meek Mary bore The presence-token of th' Incarnate Son.1847Tennyson Princ. i. 50 That morning in the presence room I stood With Cyril and with Florian, my two friends.1904H. Hecht Herd's Songs 47 The presence-lists show that Fergusson seldom missed the meetings of the Cape.
Hence ˈpresenced |-ənst| a., (in comb.) having (such and such) a ‘presence’, personality, or aspect; ˈpresenceless a., not accompanied by the presence of any one; ˈpresencing vbl. n. (as if from a vb. presence), causing to be present.
a1638Mede Wks. (1672) 392 Temples..Places whereunto the Gods..were confined and limited, and for the presencing of whom a Statue was necessary.1877I. D. Hardy Glencairn vi. xx, It chilled him as if a presenceless voice had spoken.1886Ruskin Præterita I. xi. 375 One of the rarest types of nobly-presenced Englishmen.




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