

单词 retreating
释义 I. reˈtreating, vbl. n.
[f. retreat v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of the verb in various senses.
1589Reg. Privy Council Scot. IV. 388 Divers utheris personis..hes obtenit certane pretendit retreitingis of the saidis sentenceis.1664Butler Hud. ii. ii. 579 To secure, by swift retreating, Themselves from danger of worse beating.1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 19 He justifies himself for his retreating to his House.1805Wordsw. Waggoner iii. 141 Such retreating and advancing As..was never seen In bloodiest battle.1876Voyle & Stevenson Milit. Dict. 341/1 The increased range of ordnance and small-arms nowadays renders retreating still more precarious.
attrib.1659Clarke Papers (Camden) IV. 289 In case you showld reseave anie foyle, your retreating place is lost.1730–46Thomson Autumn 493 When the retreating horn Calls them to ghostly halls of grey renown.1820Byron Juan v. cvii, The lady..bade Baba retire, which he obey'd in style, As if well used to the retreating trade.1828–43Tytler Hist. Scot. (1864) I. 118 The minds of the Scottish commanders were not in a retreating mood.1876Voyle & Stevenson Milit. Dict. 341/1 To..overcome all obstacles incidental to a retreating march.
II. reˈtreating, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
1. That retreats; retiring.
1667Milton P.L. xi. 850 With clamor thence the rapid Currents drive Towards the retreating Sea thir furious tyde.1810Crabbe Borough xxiii. 284 Her trembling joy appears, Her forced reserve, and his retreating fears.1836Thirlwall Greece xxiii. III. 279 Who were all..unwilling to attack the retreating enemy.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xviii. IV. 239 The English..set them [sc. men-of-war] on fire, and..retreated at a late hour with the retreating tide.1961M. Levy Studio Dict. Art Terms 97 Retreating colour, a colour, such as blue, which in a painting appears to retreat into the distance.1962Punch 25 Apr. 655/2 ‘Retreating defence’—the rapid funnelling back and massing of defenders inside the penalty area.1977Daily Express 29 Mar. 32/4 The ‘reserves’ had an extra couple of players, in the form of the England coaching staff, to thicken a retreating defence still further.
2. Receding.
1840Dickens Old C. Shop xi, A protruding forehead, retreating eyes.1878R. B. Smith Carthage 230 Along these retreating hills Hannibal placed the main part of his army.1887Brit. Med. Jrnl. 8 Jan. 49/1 Typical examples of the negroid family, with..the puffy lips, and retreating chin.
Hence reˈtreatingness.
1897Sladen in Windsor Mag. Jan. 277/2 The boldness of these bow-windows and the retreatingness of the roof.




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