

单词 preparative
释义 preparative, a. and n.|prɪˈpærətɪv|
[ME. preparatif, a. F. préparatif, -ive adj. and n. (14–15th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. med.L. præparātīvus (in Albertus Magnus (a 1255) and Aquinas): see prepare v. and -ative.]
A. adj.
1. Having the function or quality of preparing; serving as a preparation; preliminary, introductory; preparatory.
1530Palsgr. 321/1 Preparatyfe, preparatif.1607R. C[arew] tr. Estienne's World of Wonders Title-p., A Preparatiue Treatise to the Apologie for Herodotvs.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. (1650) 206 After he had washed the Disciples feet, and performed the preparative civilities of suppers.1806Med. Jrnl. XV. 355 A subsequent statute is so particular as to prescribe the preparative qualification of the physician.1872Bushnell Serm. Living Subj. 58 Having a certain relationship and preparative concern.
b. spec. Of medicine, etc.: Serving to prepare the system for a course of treatment. Also applied to drink taken before a meal. ? Obs.
1612Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653) 385 It were also fitting that there were prescribed..some preparative medicaments.1747tr. Astruc's Fevers 323 The preparative remedies of both are the same.
c. preparative meeting (in the Society of Friends): a local ‘meeting’ acting in matters of business or discipline, which is preparatory and subordinate to the ‘monthly meeting’. (Cf. meeting vbl. n. 3 b.)
1711in T. W. Marsh Early Friends in Surrey & Sussex i. (1886) 9 A Preparitive Meeting Recommended by a former meeting for preserving the Reputation of our proffession blameles is Practised at Reigate.1831Weeks's Southern Quakers & Slavery 300 Not a school..that is under the care of a committee of either monthly or preparative meeting.
d. quasi-adv. In preparation, by way of preparation: = preparatory A. 1 b.
1632Tatham Love Crowns the End Prol., Our wit's the meat, Preparative to which we bid you eat.1651Evelyn Diary 31 Dec., The Holy Communion, which I received also, preparative of my journey.1771Goldsm. Hist. Eng. III. 120 Such notes as she had taken preparative to her trial.
2. Used in or for preparing. rare.
1745in 6th Rep. Dep. Kpr. App. ii. 122 Furnaces and preparative pans for boiling sea-water.1785Hist. & Antiq. York II. 376 [In the Assembly Rooms] To the Right and Left Hand are Preparative Rooms.
3. Gram. = desiderative a. 2. Obs. rare—1.
1552Huloet A a j, All verbes endynge in Turio, as Amaturio..and suche other, be as verbes preparatyues, hauynge desyre and entente to do that theyr..significations meane.
B. n.
1. A preparative act, proceeding, or circumstance; something that prepares the way for something else; a preliminary; a preparation.
In first two quots., Something that inclines or disposes one to a course of action, an incentive.
c1440Alphabet of Tales 440 Hym had lyffer be deformyd..þan daylie be a preparatyfe to oþer folk luste & syn.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 76 b, These examples or preparatyues to vertues, put before.1553[see preparer 1 b].c1580J. Jeffere Bugbears iii. ii. in Archiv Stud. Neu. Spr. (1897), The grene sicknes, a preparatyve to the dropsie.1624Capt. Smith Virginia 193 Those are but as daies of hearing, and as preparatiues against their Courts.1707Freind Peterborow's Cond. Sp. 183 The preparatives against France are so terrible in Italy.1820W. Irving Sketch Bk., Voyage §1 To an American visiting Europe, the long voyage he has to make is an excellent preparative.1865Carlyle Fredk. Gt. xx. x. (1872) IX. 179 Levying the severe contributions; speeding all he can the manifold preparatives.
b. Med. Something administered before medicine, or before a course of treatment, to prepare the system for it. Often in fig. or allusive use. Also, a draught of liquor taken before a meal. ? Obs.
a1500H. Medwall Nature (Brandl) ii. 1086 Lo, thys be preparatyfys most souerayn Agaynst thy sores.a1591H. Smith Lord's Supper (1611) 82 Preparatiues are ministred alwaies before physicke.a1656Bp. Hall Rem. Wks. (1660) 179 He that takes the preparative but refuses the medicine.1744Berkeley Siris §2 Cold infusion of tar hath been used..as a preservative or preparative against the smallpox.1778R. James Diss. Fevers (ed. 8) 121, I have advised the Powder by way of alterative, or preparative.
2. ? An omen, prognostic; a warning. Obs.
c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 168 A preparatif that they shul never the.1588J. Harvey Disc. Probl. 130 Some apparant significations, or preparatives, of a Tragedy insuing.
3. An act or circumstance serving as an example for subsequent cases: = precedent n. 2. Sc. Obs.
1565–6Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 432 Gif the King and Quenis Majesteis..sall permit this preparative of removing of kyndlie tenentis to cum in the Bordouris, it salbe far aganis the commounweill.1571–2Ibid. II. 115 This salbe na preparative to uther the lyke thingis heiraftir.1637–50Row Hist. Kirk (Wodrow) 237 Bidding them take heed that they made not a preparative of poore Andro Melvill.
4. A military or nautical signal sounded on a drum, bugle, etc., as an order to make ready.
1635W. Barriffe Mil. Discip. xv. (1643) 376 The Drum begins to beat a preparative.1688R. Holme Armoury iii. xix. (Roxb.) 153/2 The drumer is to beat all maner of beats, as a Call,..a Preparative, a Battalia.1847Infantry Man. (1854) 40 At the close of the preparative, the first file will begin.1875Bedford Sailor's Pocket Bk. vii. (ed. 2) 268 When the preparative is made with this signal, the bowmen are to lay their oars in.




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